Transcode (character encoding)

Transcode, or Transmission Code, is a no longer used 6-bit plus parity BCD character set which was used by IBM for a short time for Binary Synchronous communications. The IBM 2780 data transmission terminal was announced with Transcode support in 1967. The IBM 3780 data communication terminal, the 2780 successor announced in 1972, dropped Transcode support.

Transcode was a 64 character set including twenty-six upper case alphabetic characters, ten numerics, thirteen special characters, and sixteen control characters. Characters were transmitted with odd parity.[1]

Punched card
SOH12-9-1             P00
A12-1           5  01
B12-2         4    02
C12-3         4 5 P03
D12-4       3      04
E12-5       3   5 P05
F12-6       3 4   P06
G12-7       3 4 5  07
H12-8     2        08
I12-9     2     5 P09
STX12-0-2     2   4   P0A
.12-9-3     2   4 5  0B
12-9-4     2 3     P0C
BEL0-9-8-7     2 3   5  0D
Sub9-8-7     2 3 4    0E
ETB9-8-6     2 3 4 5 P0F
&12   1          10
J11-1   1       5 P11
K11-2   1     4   P12
L11-3   1     4 5  13
M11-4   1   3     P14
N11-5   1   3   5  15
O11-6   1   3 4    16
P11-7   1   3 4 5 P17
Q11-8   1 2       P18
R11-9   1 2     5  19
Spaceno punch   1 2   4    1A
$11-8-3   1 2   4 5 P1B
*11-8-4   1 2 3      1C
US11-9-8-7   1 2 3   5 P1D
EOT9-7   1 2 3 4   P1E
DLE12-11-9-8-1   1 2 3 4 5  1F
-11 0            20
/0-1 0         5 P21
S0-2 0       4   P22
T0-3 0       4 5  23
U0-4 0     3     P24
V0-5 0     3   5  25
W0-6 0     3 4    26
X0-7 0     3 4 5 P27
Y0-8 0   2       P28
Z0-9 0   2     5  29
ESC9-8-7 0   2   4    2A
'0-8-3 0   2   4 5 P2B
%0-8-4 0   2 3      2C
ENQ0-9-8-5 0   2 3   5 P2D
ETX12-9-3 0   2 3 4   P2E
HT12-9-5 0   2 3 4 5  2F
00 0 1         P30
11 0 1       5  31
22 0 1     4    32
33 0 1     4 5 P33
44 0 1   3      34
55 0 1   3   5 P35
66 0 1   3 4   P36
77 0 1   3 4 5  37
88 0 1 2        38
99 0 1 2     5 P39
SYN9-2 0 1 2   4   P3A
#8-3 0 1 2   4 5  3B
@8-4 0 1 2 3     P3C
NAK9-8-5 0 1 2 3   5  3D
EM11-9-8-1 0 1 2 3 4    3E
DEL12-9-7 0 1 2 3 4 5 P3F

Devices using Transcode


  1. IBM Corporation (1971). Component Description: IBM 2780 Communications Terminal (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-09-29.
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