Ranks and insignia of Royal Danish Air Force

The Royal Danish Air Force ranks follow the NATO system of ranks and insignia, as does the rest of the Danish Defence. The ranks used are based on the Royal Air Force, with some minor changes. For example, three strips in the RAF is an OF-4, while only an OF-3 in Denmark.[1]

Current ranks


The highest officer's rank is OF-9 (General) which is reserved for the Chief of Defence (only when this seat is occupied by an Air Force officer). Similarly, OF-8 (Lieutenant general) is reserved for the Vice Chief of Defence. OF-7 (Major general) is used by the chief of the Air Staff and OF-6 (Brigadegeneral) by the chief of a brigade as well as keepers of high-office positions.

NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1OF(D)Student officer
 Royal Danish Air Force
No equivalent No equivalent
General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Lieutenant Second Lieutenant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
Danish Pay Grade[2]M406M405M404M403M402M401M332


The Danish OR's also follow the NATO system, though there are no OR-6's. OR-4 (Korporal) is the highest of the M100-level ranks and is not considered a NCO-rank.

 Royal Danish Air Force
No equivalent
Flyvevåbnets Chefsergent Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Værnepligtig Sergent Korporal Flyverspecialist Flyveroverkonstabel Flyverkonstabel
Danish Pay Grade[2]M232M231M221M212M211M113M112
Other rank insignia
Shoulder board
Danish Sergentelev Flyverkonstabelelev Værnepligtig menig
English NCO trainee Aircraftman, trainee Conscript
Colour structure for OR-1–3
Technical Administrations Operations
Shoulder board

Clerical personnel


  1. Marrup, Karsten (1 May 2017). "Stop galskaben med midlertidige tillagte grader!". OLFI (in Danish). Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  2. "Historik". forpers.dk (in Danish). Ministry of Defence. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
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