Federation of Young European Greens
The Federation of Young European Greens is an umbrella organisation that gathers young green movements and organisations across Europe. FYEG's aim is to defend climate and social justice on the European level. Since 2007, FYEG is the European Green Party's youth wing.
Formation | 1988 |
Type | Green political youth organisation |
Headquarters | 31 Rue Wiertz, Brussels B-1050, Belgium |
Spokespersons | Mina Tolu and Antoine Tifine |
Secretary General | Özgecan Kara |
Parent organisation | European Green Party |
Affiliations | Global Young Greens |
Website | www |
Part of a series on |
Green politics |
FYEG brings together 34 member organisations (MO), two partner organisations and three partners (GEF, CDN, GYG, Green Academy). It also holds a full membership to the European Youth Forum (EYF) which operates within the Council of Europe and European Union areas and works closely with both these bodies.
The Federation of Young European Greens was created in 1988. Gerard Onesta was one of the founding members. The idea of a European federation was brought up in Strasbourg in 1988 by French, Belgian, Luxemburgish and German young members from Green parties.
In 2002, during a FYEG General Assembly in Belgrade, Cooperation and Development network (CDN) was founded. Its goal is to develop and support green youth organisations in Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
From then on, FYEG became more political and strengthened its links with the European Green Party (EGP) and European Youth Fourm (EYF). In 2007, it became EGP's official youth wing and therefore has voting rights in EGP's organs.
In 2009, FYEG launched its first internal European campaign in order to promote young candidates at the European elections. Three MEPs (among the youngest at the EP) were elected: Ska Keller, Jan Philipp Albrecht and Karima Delli.
During the 2014 elections, they also promoted young candidates especially Ska Keller who became FYEG's nominee for the Green Primary. Among the candidates they promoted, Terry Reintke and Linnéa Engström and Ernest Urtasun (former FYEG co-spokesperson) were elected in 2014 as MEPs.
General Assembly (GA)
The General Assembly (GA) is the highest decision-making body of FYEG. All full member organisations have two votes in the GA, candidate member organisations have one vote and observer (partner) organisations can send observers.
The General Assembly is held yearly in a different country. It is during the General Assembly that members of the different structures are elected.
Executive Committee (EC)
The executive committee is the second highest decision-making body in FYEG. It handles the management of the federation on a day-to-day basis. The EC is composed of 8 members. Within the EC, there are two co-spokespersons and a treasurer. The EC members are elected for one year and can renew their mandates three times.
Female Co-Spokespersons
In the General Assembly taking place between May 9&12 2018, the FYEG celebrated 30 years of the organisation. During this GA, there were elected for the first time two female co-spokesperson on behalf of FYEG: Zuzana Pavelková coming from Mladí zelení and Katri Ylinen, coming from ViNO.
Finance Control Committee (FCC)
The FCC's tasks include a yearly meeting, dedicated to checking FYEG's finances. A written report of this meeting must be submitted to the EC, thereby providing an internal audit and the presentation of this yearly report to the delegates at the GA.
Members of the FCC are elected for two years by the GA.
Advisory Committee (AC)
The advisory Committee follows the functioning of the EC and personnel and they assist in conflict resolution between EC members and/or personnel. These are usually former EC members or people who were involved in FYEG. The Advisory Committee ensures the transfer of knowledge within FYEG and acts as a conflict resolution body. It is elected for two years at the GA and is composed of 5 members. Action by the AC is taken only upon request by EC members of other bodies of FYEG. They are elected for two years by the GA.
Working groups
The Working groups are a place for our activists to meet, debate topics and develop campaigns and ideas. They are in charge of building and communicating positions internally and externally with the approval of the EC. Each working group consist of at least 5 people from 5 different MOs.
Office staff
The office staff has at least one Secretary General (elected for two years by the General Assembly) and a Project Assistant. The Sec Gen is responsible of the daily management of FYEG regarding finances, co-ordination of the office, fund-raising, representation, reporting, networking and legal representation. The Project Assistant is in charge of project management, organisation of FYEG events and giving and administrative support to the SecGen.
Country or Region | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Status |
Albania | Rinia e Gjelbër e Shqipërisë | Young Greens of Albania | Member |
Belgium (Flanders) | Jong Groen | Young Green | Member |
Belgium (Francophone) | EcoloJ | Member | |
Bulgaria | Зелена партия Младежки клуб | Green Party Youth Club | Member |
Cyprus | Νεολαία Οικολόγων | Cyprus Young Greens | Member |
Czech Republic | Mladí zelení | Young Greens | Member |
England Wales |
Young Greens of England and Wales | Member | |
Finland | Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto | Green Youth and Students League | Member |
France | Jeunes Écologistes | Young Ecologists | Member |
Germany | Grüne Jugend | Green Youth | Member |
Hungary | ZöFi (Zöld Fiatalok) | Hungarian Young Greens | Member |
Hungary | Jövő (Lehet Más a Jövő) | Future Can be Different | Observer |
Ireland | Óige Ghlas | Young Greens | Member |
Latvia | Protests | Protest | Candidate member |
Luxembourg | Déi Jonk Gréng | Young Greens | Member |
North Macedonia | The Ecologists' Movement of Macedonia - Youth | Member | |
Malta | Alternattiva Demokratika Zghazagh | Youth of the Democratic Alternative | Member |
Netherlands | DWARS | Contrary | Member |
Norway | Grønn Ungdom | Green Youth | Member |
Poland | Ostra Zieleń | Polish Young Greens | Member |
Portugal | Ecolojovem | Ecolo youth | Member |
Scotland | Young Greens | Member | |
Serbia | Zelena Omladina | Young Greens | Member |
Switzerland | Junge Grüne Schweiz Jeunes Vert-e-s Suisses Giovani Verdi Svizzera |
Young Greens Switzerland | Member |
Ukraine | Zelena Molod Ukrainy | Green Youth of Ukraine | Member |
Andorra | Joventut d'Esquerra Verda | Youth of the Green Left | Candidate |
Greece | Νέοι Πράσινοι | Young Greens | Member |
Italy | Giovani Verdi | Young Greens | Member |
Romania | Asociatia VERZII | Association of Greens | Member |
Spain | Red EQUO Joven | Network EQUO Young | Member |
Spain (Catalonia) | Joves d'Esquerra Verda | Youth of the Green Left | Member |
Turkey | Genç Yeşiller | Young Greens | Member |
Sweden | Grön Ungdom | Green Youth | Member |
Georgia | საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა მწვანეები (Sakartvelos Akhalgazrda Mtsvaneebi) | Georgian Young Greens | Member |
Eastern Europe | Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe | Observer | |
Spain (Valencian Community) | Joves amb Iniciativa | Youth with Initiative | Observer |
- "Member Organizations". Federation of Young European Greens. Retrieved 2013-04-18.