Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic
Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (Latvian: Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Valsts drošības komiteja) (Russian:Комитет государственной безопасности Латвийской ССР) or KGB of LSSR (Latvian: VDK) was the secret police and state security organization of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic.[1] It was controlled by the Soviet KGB and was established on April 10, 1954 and dissolved on August 24, 1991.

Corner House, the headquarters of the organization.
The chairmen of the KGB of LSSR were:
- Jānis Vēvers (April 10, 1954 - January 30, 1963);[2][3]
- Longīns Avdjukēvičs (January 30, 1963 - November 21, 1981);[4][5][6]
- Boriss Pugo (November 21, 1981 - May 24, 1984);[7][8][9]
- Staņislavs Zukulis (May 24, 1984 - March 15, 1990)[10][11][12]
- Edmunds Johansons (March 15, 1990 - August 24, 1991).[13][14]
- Decree on the Committee for State Security of USSR in the Republic of Latvia. Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Latvia
- Cīņa. 1954.g. 2.jūnijs, Nr.129, 2.lpp.
- "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
- Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs. Ведомости Верховного Совета И Правительства Латвийской Советской Социалистической Республики (Turpmāk: Ziņotājs). 1963.g. 7.februāris, Nr.6, 552., 559.lpp.
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1980.g. 4.decembris, Nr.49, 1821., 1834.lpp.
- "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1980.g. 4.decembris, Nr.49, 1821., 1834.lpp.
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1984.g. 31.maijs, Nr.22, 783., 793.lpp.
- "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1984.g. 31.maijs, Nr.22, 783., 793.lpp.
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1990.g. 15.marts, Nr.11, 652., 687.lpp.
- "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
- Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1990.g. 15.marts, Nr.11, 652., 687.lpp.
- "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
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