Xue Er
Xue Er(學而) is the first book of the Analects of Confucius. According to Zhu Xi, a Confucian philosopher in the 12th century, the book Xue Er is the base of moral improvement because it touches upon the basic principles of being a "gentleman" (junzi, 君子). [1]

Xué(學) Ér(而) consist of two separate Chinese characters. The first character Xué denotes "to learn" as a verb or "the research of something" as a noun. The following character Ér signifies a conjunction between two actions.
The titles of the Analects of Confucius are usually related to the first phrase of a given book. Likewise, the book Xue Er's initial sentence in Classical Chinese starts with "Xue Er":
The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?[2]
Note that although the English translation used only one verb "to learn", In the Classical Chinese text, there are two verbs: 學(Xué, to learn) and 習(Xí, to practice).[3]
Xing Bing's commentary of the Analects Lunyu Zhengyi(論語正義) listed several key words of the book Xue Er. The key words include: Gentleman(君子), filial piety(孝弟), humaneness(仁人), doing one's best(忠), trust(信), the foundation of a nation(道國之法) and the principles of an appropriate friendship(主友之規).[4]
In the book, Confucius opted for hospitality towards strangers and tolerance of ignorance. Confucius also emphasized on the importance of self introspection(through examples from his disciple Zengzi and his own sayings).
- Zhu, Xi (2016). 四書章句集注. Taipei: 國立臺灣大學出版中心. ISBN 9789863501626.
- James, Legge (2013). The Analects (The Revised James Legge Translation). e-artnow. ISBN 9788074848605.
- Chin, Annping (2014). The Analects. Penguin. ISBN 9780698153516.
- Lunyu Zhushu (論語注疏). Peking University Publishing house. 2000. ISBN 9787301047248.