Time in North Dakota

About 75% of North Dakota is in the Central Time Zone, while the southwest quarter is in the Mountain Time Zone.

Mountain Time is observed in:

Central Time is observed throughout the rest of the state.

IANA time zone database

In the IANA time zone database, North Dakota is covered by five time zones, columns marked "*" contain the data from the file zone.tab:

c.c.* coordinates* TZ* comments* UTC offset UTC offset DST Note
US+415100−0873900America/ChicagoCentral (most areas)
US+433649−1161209America/BoiseMountain - ID (south); OR (east)
US+471551−1014640America/North_Dakota/BeulahCentral - ND (Mercer)
US+470659−1011757America/North_Dakota/CenterCentral - ND (Oliver)
US+465042−1012439America/North_Dakota/New_SalemCentral - ND (Morton rural)


    See also

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