South India Reformed Churches
The South India Reformed Churches is a conservative Reformed denomination in south India. This denomination is located in Andhra Pradesh and is a Christian Reformed Church mission of the United States. It has 8 congregations with many children's homes.[1]
The denomination was formed in 1993 by a former Baptist pastor Rev Abraham wo become more and more convinced of the Reformed faith, including paedobaptism. Meanwhile, 3 small congregations were established in Bagalur, Salem and Bangalore. It places high priority of evangelization among Hindu people. It has Christian schools. The Presbyterian Theological Seminary in India provides the theological training. Sister church relations with the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated) was established.[2]
In Tamil Nadu state of India there are 3 congregations. In 2011 6 independent congregations joined the small federation. In 2012 another 6 congregations and pastors joined the church. Most of the churches growing visible. In six cities there are church planting projects.[3]
It is a member of the World Reformed Fellowship.[4]