September 1953

The following events occurred in September 1953: Ernie Banks was introduced as the first black player for the Chicago Cubs


September 4, 1953 (Friday)

  • The discovery of REM sleep is first published by researchers Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman.

September 5, 1953 (Saturday)

  • The United Nations rejects the Soviet Union's suggestion to accept China as a member.

September 7, 1953 (Monday)

September 12, 1953 (Saturday)

September 23, 1953 (Wednesday)

September 25, 1953 (Friday)

  • A hurricane in South-East Asia kills over 1,000 people.
  • The first German prisoners of war return from the Soviet Union to West Germany.

September 26, 1953 (Saturday)


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