Public holidays in Germany

By law, "the Sundays and the public holidays remain protected as days of rest from work and of spiritual elevation" (Art. 139 WRV, part of the German constitution via Art. 140 GG). Thus all Sundays are, in a manner, public holidays – but usually not understood by the term "holiday" (except for, normally, Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday).

Public holidays apart from the Sundays (there must be some of them constitutionally) can be declared by law by either the Federation or the Länder for their respective jurisdictions. By federal law, only the German Unity Day is made a holiday at present (Unity Treaty, Art. 2 sect. 2); the others, even the ones celebrated all over Germany, are made holidays by state legislation.

List by state

Holiday Local name (in German) Date
New Year's Day Neujahrstag 1 January YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Epiphany Heilige Drei Könige 6 January YYY
Women's Day[1] Frauentag 8 March Y
Good Friday Karfreitag Easter Sunday – 2d YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Easter Monday Ostermontag Easter Sunday + 1d YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Labour Day Tag der Arbeit 1 May YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Ascension Day Christi Himmelfahrt Easter Sunday + 39d YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Whit Monday Pfingstmontag Easter Sunday + 50d YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Corpus Christi Fronleichnam Easter Sunday + 60d YYYYYY(1)(2)
Assumption Day Mariä Himmelfahrt 15 August (4)(5)Y
World Children's Day Weltkindertag 20 September Y (10)[2]
German Unity Day Tag der Deutschen Einheit 3 October YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Reformation Day (6) Reformationstag 31 October YY(9)Y(9)YY(9)YYY(9)Y
All Saints' Day Allerheiligen 1 November YYYYY
Repentance and Prayer Day (7) Buß- und Bettag Second Wednesday before the First Advent (5)Y
Christmas Day Weihnachtstag 25 December YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Boxing Day Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag 26 December YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Total number of holidays per state (8) 12131010101010101011111211111011(10)


Y – public holiday is celebrated in that state.
(1) Public holiday only in few Sorbian communities.
(2) Public holiday only in the Catholic district of Eichsfeld.
(3) Public holiday only in the city of Augsburg.
(4) Public holiday only in approx. 1700 communities with predominantly Catholic population and in the cities of Augsburg and Munich.
(5) Schools are closed all over the state on that day.
(6) One-time public holiday in all states, including those not normally observing Reformation Day, to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
(7) Public holiday in all states until 1994. The holiday was discontinued with introduction of nursing care insurance. Saxony is the only state where employers do not have to pay for nursing care insurance (paid by employees in that state) and where the holiday is still kept.
(8) For states where some holidays are not observed uniformly all over the state, such holidays are included in state's total number of holidays if celebration of those holidays is predominant and widespread in that state:
  • Bavaria: with Assumption Day, without Peace Festival.
  • Saxony and Thuringia: without Corpus Christi.
(9) Four states decided to permanently adopt the Reformation Day as permanent holiday starting in 2018 (Bremen,[3] Hamburg,[4] Lower Saxony[5] and Schleswig-Holstein[6]).
(10) From 2019 onwards.

In addition, the state of Brandenburg has formally declared Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday as public holidays. As these are Sundays anyway, they have been left away by the other states, nor counted in the table above (the state of Hesse even declared all Sundays public holidays).

Quiet days

A couple of days are designated stille Tage (quiet days) by state legislation, which regularly means that public dancing events, music at inns (if live or if not much quieter than usual) etc. are prohibited.

Some public holidays are quiet days:

  • Good Friday
  • Prayer and Repentance Day (where it is a public holiday and in a couple of other states)
  • All Saints (where it is a public holiday)

One de facto public holiday (not determined by law, because it is always on a Sunday, but with officially organized celebrations) is a quiet day:

One other Sunday is a quiet day:

  • Totensonntag (the German-Protestant equivalent of All Souls Day), on the last Sunday of the ecclesiastical year

Some days may be quiet days without being public holidays:

  • Christmas Eve (beginning in the afternoon, in some states)
  • Ash Wednesday (in Bavaria)
  • Holy Thursday (in some states; in some of them beginning in the evening)
  • Holy Saturday (in some states)
  • All Souls' Day (in Lower Saxony and the Saarland)

In a limited number of cases – apart from All Saints which, however, has long been associated in popular understanding with remembrance of the dead. The status of quiet days is also given to festivities joyous in nature: in Hesse, the highest Christian holidays are half-quiet days (until midday) and in Rhineland-Palatinate, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day are two-thirds-quiet days (until 16 o'clock). For details see the German article on the dancing ban.

Flag days

A yet third category that may, sometimes, be called "holidays" in a sense are the "flag days" (Beflaggungstage). Only the very highest institutions, and the military, use the national flags at every day, so the directives when flags are to be displayed mark the days in question as special.

Flags are to be shown by Federal Decree on

and by state decrees on other days, such as election days for state parliaments, state constitution days, anniversary of the election of the Federal President (in Berlin) and so forth.

Frequently flags are ordered ad hoc to be shown at half-mast in cases of national mourning.

Unofficial holidays

Either Carnival Monday ("Rosenmontag") or Mardi Gras is a de facto holiday in some towns and cities in Catholic western and southern Germany which have a strong Carnival tradition.

Also, Christmas-Eve is developing into a sort of semi-holiday: from the middle of the afternoon, it is practically treated as a holiday, and while in the morning shops are still open, working for other businesses (apart from those that work even on holidays) is becoming more and more unusual; schools are closed in any case.

Customs about holidays

Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt) and Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam) are both always on Thursdays. By taking only one day's leave, employees can have a four-day weekend.

The Three Kings Day, better known as Epiphany, is 6 January, the day after the 12 days of Christmas. In parts of Germany, it has its own local customs.

Public holidays in the former German Democratic Republic

HolidayLocal nameDateRemarks
New YearNeujahr1 January
Good FridayKarfreitagEaster Sunday – 2d
Easter MondayOstermontagEaster Sunday + 1duntil 1967 and in 1990
Labour DayInternationaler Kampf- und Feiertag
der Werktätigen für Frieden und Sozialismus
1 May
Liberation DayTag der Befreiung8 Mayuntil 1967 and in 1985
Victory DayTag des Sieges9 Mayonly in 1975
Ascension DayChristi HimmelfahrtEaster Sunday + 39duntil 1967 and in 1990
Whit MondayPfingstmontagEaster Sunday + 50d
Day of the RepublicTag der Republik7 October
Reformation DayReformationstag31 Octoberuntil 1966
Day of Repentance and PrayerBuß- und BettagWed. before 23 Novemberuntil 1966
Christmas Day1. Weihnachtsfeiertag25 December
St Stephen's Day / Boxing Day2. Weihnachtsfeiertag26 December

See also


  1. "Frauentag wird gesetzlicher Feiertag". (in German). 22 January 2019. Retrieved 24 January 2019.
  3. Weser-Kurier. "Reformationstag wird Feiertag in Bremen" (in German). Retrieved 20 June 2018.
  4. NDR. "Hamburg hat einen neuen Feiertag" (in German). Retrieved 28 February 2018.
  5. NDR. "Beschlossen: Reformationstag wird neuer Feiertag" (in German). Retrieved 19 June 2018.
  6. "Schleswig-Holstein hat einen neuen Feiertag" (in German). NDR. 22 February 2018. Retrieved 24 February 2018.
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