List of stars in Lyra

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Lyra, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
Vegaα31721679126218h 36m 56.19s+38° 46, Fidis, Harp Star, Al Nesr al Waki, Vulture Cadens;[1] 5th brightest star, has a dust disk; δ Sct variable, Vmax = -0.02m, Vmin = 0.07m, P = 0.19 d
γ Lyrγ141764379319418h 58m 56.62s+32° 41 22.43.25−3.20634B9IIISulafat, Sulaphat; suspected variable, Vmax = 3.23m, Vmin = 3.26m
β Lyr Aβ101746389242018h 50m 04.79s+33° 21 45.63.52−3.64881A8:V comp SBSheliak, Shelyak, Shiliak; prototype β Lyr variable, Vmax = 3.30m, Vmin = 4.35m, P = 12.94061713 d
R Lyr13R1758659286218h 55m 20.09s+43° 56 45.24.08−1.07349M5IIIvarsemiregular variable, Vmax = 3.81m, Vmin = 4.44m, P = 46 d
δ2 Lyrδ2121755889279118h 54m 30.29s+36° 53 55.04.22−2.98898M4IIvarsemiregular variable, Vmax = 4.22m, Vmin = 4.33m
κ Lyrκ11687758982618h 19m 51.72s+36° 03 52.04.330.02238K2IIIvarsuspected variable, Vmax = 4.31m, Vmin = 4.35m
ζ1 Lyrζ161736489197118h 44m 46.34s+37° 36 18.24.340.97154Amvariable star, ΔV = 0.003m, P = 1.53243 d
θ Lyrθ211808099471319h 16m 22.10s+38° 08 01.44.35−2.51769K0IIsuspected variable, Vmax = 4.32m, Vmin = 4.37m
η Lyrη201801639448119h 13m 45.49s+39° 08 45.54.43−3.091042B2.5IVAladfar; variable star, ΔV = 0.005m, P = 19.73944 d
ε2 Lyr Aε251736079192618h 44m 22.78s+39° 36 45.34.601.13160A8Vncomponent of the ε Lyr system; binary star; suspected variable, ΔV = 0.02m
ε1 Lyr Aε141735829191918h 44m 20.34s+39° 40 11.94.671.19162F1Vcomponent of the ε Lyr system; binary star
HD 1737801737809208818h 46m 04.47s+26° 39 43.54.830.39252K3III
λ Lyrλ151766709327919h 00m 00.82s+32° 08 43.84.94−3.431538K3IIIsuspected variable
16 Lyr161771969340819h 01m 26.36s+46° 56 variable, Vmax = 5.00m, Vmin = 5.09m
μ Lyrμ21697029019118h 24m 13.80s+39° 30 26.15.11−0.55441A3IVnAlathfar, Al Athfar
HD 1760511760519301718h 57m 01.47s+32° 54 a planet (b)
17 Lyr171784499391719h 07m 25.50s+32° 30
ν Lyrν, ν291746029240518h 49m 52.92s+32° 33
ι Lyrι181784759390319h 07m 18.13s+36° 06 00.65.25−1.78832B6IVBe star
HD 1765271765279325618h 59m 45.43s+26° 13 RS CVn variable
ε2 Lyr Bε2517360818h 44m 22.90s+39° 36 46.05.37component of the ε Lyr system
HD 1720441720449123518h 36m 37.35s+33° 28 08.55.41−0.61522B8II-IIIp..suspected α2 CVn variable, Vmax = 5.40m, Vmin = 5.45m
HD 1757401757409283118h 54m 52.18s+41° 36 09.85.460.89267G8III
HD 1713011713019092318h 32m 49.95s+30° 33 15.15.470.22365B8IV
HD 1782331782339384319h 06m 37.68s+28° 37 42.25.532.48133F0III
HD 1679651679658948218h 15m 38.78s+42° 09 33.65.56−0.53540B7IVvariable star, ΔV = 0.008m, P = 0.57460 d
δ1 Lyrδ1111754269272818h 53m 43.56s+36° 58 18.25.58−2.021079B2.5Vsuspected variable, Vmax = 5.56m, Vmin = 5.62m
HD 1778081778089371819h 04m 57.82s+31° 44 39.35.63−0.72606M0III
HD 1754431754439276818h 54m 13.25s+27° 54 34.95.640.17405K4III
HD 1734171734179188318h 43m 51.61s+31° 55 36.95.682.10169F1III-IV
HD 1768711768719339319h 01m 17.36s+26° 17 29.25.69−0.96697B5V
ζ2 Lyrζ271736499197318h 44m 48.19s+37° 35 40.45.732.41150F0IVvarsuspected variable, Vmax = 5.68m, Vmin = 5.74m
HD 1826941826949535219h 23m 56.49s+43° 23 17.75.850.38404G6.5IIIa
HD 1804501804509463019h 15m 24.84s+30° 31 35.25.88−2.251376M0IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.014m, P = 2.63213 d
V542 LyrV5421763189310418h 58m 01.90s+38° 15 58.35.89−0.11516B7IVAlgol variable
ν1 Lyrν181745859239818h 49m 45.91s+32° 48 46.25.93−1.521009B3IVsuspected variable, Vmax = 5.89m, Vmin = 5.96m
19 Lyr19V4711795279431119h 11m 46.01s+31° 17 00.55.93−1.46979B9p Siα2 CVn variable, Vmax = 5.91m, Vmin = 5.98m, P = 1.160898 d
HD 1756351756359283318h 54m 52.52s+33° 58 06.95.99−2.061331G8III+...
XY LyrXY1723809137318h 38m 06.47s+39° 40 05.96.02−1.811199M4.5IIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 5.6m, Vmin = 6.6m, P = 120 d
ε1 Lyr Bε1417358318h 44m 20.30s+39° 40 16.06.02component of the ε Lyr system
HD 1768961768969335419h 00m 55.20s+33° 48
HD 1734161734169185218h 43m 36.11s+36° 33; has a planet (b)
HD 1739361739369209818h 46m 13.01s+41° 26 30.56.06−1.811221B6V
HD 1741791741799224318h 47m 57.37s+31° 45 24.66.06−1.501062B3IVp
HD 1778091778099372019h 04m 58.27s+30° 44 00.46.07−0.72743M2IIIsuspected variable
HD 1822721822729523519h 22m 33.35s+33° 31
HD 1717801717809111918h 35m 13.50s+34° 27 28.86.10−1.421038B5Vnsuspected variable
HD 1749591749599255118h 51m 36.52s+36° 32 20.86.10−1.581120B6IV
HD 1683221683228960418h 17m 06.95s+40° 56
V473 LyrV4731805839468519h 15m 59.49s+27° 55 34.76.18−2.381680F6Ib-IIclassical Cepheid, Vmax = 5.99m, Vmin = 6.35m, P = 1.49078 d
V543 LyrV5431765029317718h 58m 46.59s+40° 40 45.16.20−1.12948B3Vβ Cep variable
HD 1795831795839428019h 11m 23.16s+40° 25
V533 LyrV5331721879125018h 36m 45.53s+43° 13β Lyr variable
HD 1748811748819255018h 51m 35.89s+28° 47 01.26.22−2.231598K1II-III
HD 1726711726719149118h 39m 33.03s+40° 56 06.26.25−0.72807B9V
HD 1814701814709493219h 19m 01.15s+37° 26 43.16.25−0.29663A0III
HD 1751321751329259918h 52m 07.25s+41° 22 59.76.28−1.591221B9p Sivariable star, ΔV = 0.009m, P = 8.03084 d
HD 1816551816559498119h 19m 39.04s+37° 19 binary
HD 1680091680098947418h 15m 32.53s+45° 12 34.56.304.5274G2V
HD 1818281818289506719h 20m 33.05s+35° 11 09.46.30−0.44726B9V
HR 7403V5581833629567319h 27m 36.40s+37° 56 28.36.30−2.712063B3VeBe star
HD 1780031780039377019h 05m 47.13s+29° 55 18.16.32−1.701309M0IIIsuspected variable
HD 1794221794229429019h 11m 30.96s+26° 44 09.46.353.18141F5V
Gliese 7581824889531919h 23m 34.01s+33° 13 19.16.375.4251G8Vhas a brown dwarf companion
HD 1771091771099343719h 01m 48.37s+33° 37 16.56.39−1.271109B5IV
HD 1696461696469016318h 23m 57.27s+38° 44 21.06.41−0.69858K2
HD 1729581729589167518h 41m 41.31s+31° 37 03.36.41−1.241105B8V
HD 1726311726319153318h 40m 01.93s+30° 50 57.86.430.18580K0
HD 176582V5451765829321018h 59m 12.29s+39° 13 02.46.43−0.58821B5IV53 Per variable
HD 1826351826359537019h 24m 06.05s+36° 27 06.96.441.22360K1III
HD 1727411727419155218h 40m 12.19s+38° 22 01.86.450.52501A6m
HD 1733831733839182018h 43m 16.57s+39° 18 00.36.45−1.651358K5
V550 LyrV5501783299380819h 06m 17.00s+41° 24 50.06.492038B3V53 Per variable
HD 1730871730879170718h 42m 08.09s+34° 44 46.76.49−1.551320B5V
HD 1803141803149457619h 14m 50.21s+31° 51 37.36.61430K0has an unconfirmed planet (b)
HD 1789111789119407619h 09m 04.38s+34° 36 01.66.743.29160G1Vbinary star; component B has a planet (b)
HD 1810681810689478019h 17m 08.98s+41° 15 53.37.09811G5triply eclipsing binary
RR LyrRR1829899549719h 25m 27.91s+42° 47 RR Lyr variable, Vmax = 7.06m, Vmin = 8.12m, P = 0.56686776 d
HD 1778301778309374619h 05m 20.77s+25° 55 two planets (b & c)
HD 1753701753709266818h 53m 00.0s+43° 42 497.19887K2 IIIhas a planet (b)
β Lyr Bβ1017466418h 50m 06.60s+33° 21 05.07.20component of the β Lyr system
W LyrW1677408941918h 14m 55.88s+36° 40 13.27.30M3.5-7eMira variable, Vmax = 7.3m, Vmin = 13m, P = 197.88 d
V478 LyrV4781784509392619h 07m 32.39s+30° 15 16.27.6391.16G8VSBRS CVn variable, ΔV = 0.032m, P = 2.185 d
HK LyrHK1732919177418h 42m 50.00s+36° 57 30.97.65Csemiregular variable, Vmax = 7.5m, Vmin = 8.4m, P = 186 d
T LyrT9088318h 32m 20.10s+39° 59 55.67.842350Cslow irregular variable, Vmax = 7.5m, Vmin = 9.2m
V LyrV17887619h 09m 04.55s+29° 39 29.38.2M7eMira variable, Vmax = 8.2m, Vmin = 15.7m, P = 373.53 d
Kepler-44419h 19m 01s+41° 38 059has five transiting planets (b, c, d, e & f)
FL LyrFL1798909433519h 12m 04.86s+46° 19 26.99.36424G0VAlgol variable, Vmax = 9.27m, Vmin = 9.89m, P = 2.178152 d, has a planet (b)
Kepler-3718h 58m 23.1s+44° 31 059.77215G8Vhas three planets (b, c and d)
S LyrS19h 13m 11.80s+26° 00 27.89.8SCMira variable, Vmax = 9.3m, Vmin = 16.0m, P = 438.4 d
EP LyrEP19h 18m 19.55s+27° 51 03.29.96G2IIRV Tau variable, Vmax = 9.96m, Vmin = 10.90m, P = 83.34 d
Kepler-13 A19h 07m 53.0s+46° 52 0610.0has a transiting planet (b)
KX LyrKX18h 33m 15.23s+40° 10 22.710.38F0RR Lyr variable, Vmax = 10.38m, Vmin = 11.47m, P = 0.44090446 d
UZ LyrUZ19h 21m 08.91s+37° 56 11.510.40A2Algol variable, Vmax = 9.9m, Vmin = 11m, P = 1.89127025 d
HP LyrHP19h 21m 39.07s+39° 56 08.110.43A6semiregular variable, Vmax = 10.18m, Vmin = 10.80m, P = 68.88 d
WASP-318h 34m 31.62s+35° 39 41.510.493.75727F7Vhas the transiting planet (b)
TT LyrTT19h 27m 36.30s+41° 42 05.410.88B2VAlgol variable, Vmax = 9.34m, Vmin = 11.43m, P = 5.243727 d
Kepler-2519h 06m 33.0s+39° 29 1611has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Kepler-16019h 11m 05.6526s+42° 52 09.472511.053140has a three transiting planets and more planets suspected
Kepler-165519h 06m 45.4s+39° 12 4313.1751G0Vhas a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-6519h 14m 45.3s+41° 09 04.211.018Bhas four transiting planets (b, c, d and e)
TZ LyrTZ8949818h 15m 49.67s+41° 06 37.911.16736F5Vβ Lyr variable, Vmax = 1.087m, Vmin = 11.85m, P = 0.5288269 d
EZ LyrEZ9222118h 47m 40.32s+35° 59 34.211.34265.7A9.7RR Lyr variable, Vmax = 10.8m, Vmin = 11.8m, P = 0.52526769 d
CN LyrCN9163418h 41m 15.95s+28° 43 21.111.38F5RR Lyr variable, Vmax = 11.07m, Vmin = 11.76m, P = 0.41138232 d
Kepler-12818h 49m 58.0s+43° 58 4911.4has two transiting planets (b & c)
RV LyrRV19h 16m 17.97s+32° 25 15.011.47A5Algol variable
Kepler-10218h 45m 55.9s+47° 12 2911.49has five transiting planets (b, c, d, e & f)
RZ LyrRZ18h 43m 37.88s+32° 47 54.011.57A2RR Lyr variable, Vmax = 10.6m, Vmin = 12.03m, P = 0.5112423 d
Kepler-13119h 14m 07.4s+40° 56 3211.53has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-45419h 09m 55.0s+38° 13 4411.57has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-165618h 57m 53.0s+39° 54 4311.6has a transiting planets (b)
Kepler-9219h 16m 21.0s+41° 33 4711.61463has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
WASP-5818h 18m 48.0s+45° 10 1911.66978G2Vhas a transiting planet (b)
V404 LyrV40419h 19m 05.95s+38° 22 00.511.77Algol variable
GSC 02652-0132419h 04m 09.84s+36° 37 57.511.795.81512K0Vhas the transiting planet TrES-1
HAT-P-518h 17m 37.30s+36° 37 16.911.954.291110GChason; has the transiting planet HAT-P-5b
Kepler-1919h 21m 41.0s+37° 51 0612.00has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-10319h 15m 26.3s+40° 03 5212.291545has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-9518h 57m 55.8s+44° 23 5312.35has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-10919h 21m 34.2s+40° 17 0612.371516has two transiting planets (b & c)
CC LyrCC9101518h 33m 57.41s+31° 38 24.212.46F0p...W Vir variable, Vmax = 11.65m, Vmin = 12.45m, P = 24.16 d
Kepler-2019h 10m 48.0s+42° 20 1912.5946G8has six transiting planets (b, c, d, e, f & g)
WASP-15318h 37m 03.0s+40° 01 0712.81402has a transiting planets (b)
Kepler-9418h 44m 46.7s+47° 29 5012.9has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-9119h 02m 41.0s+44° 07 0012.93359has a transiting planets (b)
Kepler-719h 14m 19.56s+41° 05 23.313.33.91200G1has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-27719h 06m 20.0s+39° 04 3813.4has two transiting planets (b & c)
β Lyr Cβ1017463918h 50m 01.20s+33° 21 26.013.40component of the β Lyr system
Kepler-13819h 21m 32.0s+43° 17 3513.50M1Vhas three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-8819h 24m 36.0s+40° 40 1013.501256Bhas three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-42218h 50m 31.1s+46° 19 2413.64has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-27919h 09m 34.0s+42° 11 4213.7has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-41219h 04m 26.0s+43° 40 5113.733444G3Vhas a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-6218h 52m 51.0s+45° 20 6013.75~1200K2Vhas five transiting planets (b, c, d, e and f)
Kepler-35019h 01m 41.0s+39° 42 2213.8has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-818h 45m 09.15s+42° 27 03.913.93.34338F9has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-919h 02m 18s+38° 24 0313.92300G2Vhas three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-4319h 00m 58.0s+46° 40 0614.06360G0V/G0IVhas a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-46019h 13m 54.0s+40° 39 0514.2has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-3819h 07m 19.0s+42° 16 4514.3The star A has transiting planet (b)
Kepler-6019h 15m 51.0s+42° 15 5414.5has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Kepler-42319h 31m 25.4s+46° 23 2814.5has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-5919h 08m 09.0s+46° 38 2414.8has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-43818h 46m 35.0s+41° 57 0415473has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-43918h 43m 12.0s+44° 02 02152260has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-7519h 24m 33.0s+36° 34 39153718G8Vhas a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-17719h 04m 11.0s+45° 03 1215has two transiting planets (b & c)
V477 LyrV47718h 31m 18.29s+26° 56 12.915.07O9kAlgol variabl; central star of planetary nebula Abell 46
Kepler-28218h 58m 43.0s+44° 47 5115.2has four transiting planets (b, c, d & e)
Kepler-44219h 01m 28.0s+39° 16 4815.31115has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-44019h 01m 24.0s+41° 27 0815.5851has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-2419h 21m 39s+38° 20 3815.5has two transiting planets (b and c) and two unconfirmed planet (d and e)
Kepler-3019h 01m 08.0s+38° 56 5015.5has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Kepler-42819h 22m 20.0s+40° 34 3915.52381has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-2618h 59m 46s+46° 34 0016has four transiting planets (b, c, d & e)
Kepler-5319h 21m 51.0s+40° 33 4516has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Kepler-5519h 00m 40.0s+44° 01 3516.3has five transiting planets (b, c, d, e and f)
Kepler-44618h 49m 00.0s+44° 55 1616.5has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
Kepler-8318h 48m 55.8s+43° 39 5616.51has three transiting planets (b, c & d)
HR LyrHR17526818h 53m 25.05s+29° 13 37.716.6nova, Vmax = 6.5m, Vmin = 16.6m
CY LyrCY18h 52m 41.38s+26° 45 31.518.0SS Cyg variable, Vmax = 12.9m, Vmin = 18.0m, P = 0.1951 d
DM LyrDM18h 58m 44.43s+30° 15 33.018SU UMa variable, Vmax = 13m, Vmin = 18m, P = 0.065409 d
2MASS 1835+325918h 35m 39.90s+32° 59 54.618.2718.48M8.5Vbrown dwarf
V344 LyrV34418h 44m 39.18s+43° 22 28.119SU UMa variable, Vmax = 13.8m, Vmin = 19m, P = 0.087904 d
V361 LyrV36119h 02m 28.12s+46° 58 57.8F9VAlgol variable
AY LyrAY18h 44m 26.73s+37° 59 51.8G...SU UMa variable
MV LyrMV19h 07m 16.29s+44° 01 07.8Op+...nova
WISE 1828+265018h 28m 31.08s+26° 50 37.847Y0brown dwarf
WISEP J190648.47+401106.819h 06m 48.47s+40° 11 06.853.3L1brown dwarf
Table legend:

See also

  • List of stars by constellation


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • "SIMBAD Astronomical Database". Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Retrieved 2007-01-04.
  • "AAVSO Website". American Association of Variable Star Observers. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
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