List of newspapers in Hungary
The number of national daily newspapers in Hungary was 21 in 1950 and it increased to 40 in 1965.[1] In 1986 the Press Act became effective, regulating the newspaper market in the country.[2] Following the collapse of the communist regime the act was revised in January 1990.[2]
This is a list of Hungarian newspapers and other papers, online newspapers and portals as well.
Title Language Print / Online Est. Owner Orientation Link Hungarian Online 1996 Central Media Group Left, liberalism 24 .hu 444 Hungarian Online 2013 Magyar Jeti Zrt. Left, liberalism 444 .hu 888 Hungarian Online 2015 KESMA Right, conservatism 888 .hu About Hungary English
GermanOnline 2013 International Communications Office
Cabinet Office of the Prime MinisterOfficial blog of the Prime Minister abouthungary .hu Alfahír Hungarian Online 2009 Kiegyensúlyozott Médiáért Alapítvány Right, nationational radicalism alfahir .hu Átlátszó.hu Hungarian Online 2011 Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. Left, liberalism, investigative journalism atlatszo .hu Azonnali Hungarian Online 2017 Péter Ungár[3] Centrist, liberalism azonnali .hu Blikk Hungarian Both 1994 Ringier-Axel Springer[4] Left, sensationalism, tabloid www .blikk .hu Bors Hungarian Both 1989 KESMA Right, sensationalism, tabloid www .borsonline .hu Budapester Zeitung German Online 1999 ? Left, liberalism www .budapester .hu Daily News Hungary English Online 2013 Márta Kató Cultural dailynewshungary .com Ez a Lényeg Hungarian Online 2019 Oraculum 2020 Kft. Left, socialism Hungary Today English Online ? Friends of Hungary Foundation Pro-government hungarytoday .hu Index Hungarian Online 1995 Indamedia Network Zrt. Left, liberalism index .hu Mérce Hungarian Online 2008 Kettős Mérce Blog Egyesület Left, social democratic merce .hu Kitekintő Hungarian Online 2007 Flux Communications Foreign policy kitekinto .hu Kontra Hungarian Online 2020 Ctrl-T Creative Zrt. Right, conservatism Hungarian Online 2006 WBY Ltd. Far-right, national radicalism kuruc .info Le Journal Francophone de Budapest French Online ? ? Cultural www .jfb .hu Magyar Hírlap Hungarian Both 1968 Gábor Széles Right, conservatism magyarhirlap .hu Magyar Kurír Hungarian Online 1911 Catholic Bishops' Conference of Hungary Catholic journalism www .magyarkurir .hu Magyar Nemzet Hungarian Both 1938 KESMA Right, conservatism magyarnemzet .hu Media1 Hungarian Online 2019 Vipcast Media Bt. Media news Metropol Hungarian Both 2020 KESMA Right, conservatism Hungarian Online 1999 Indamedia Network Zrt. Left, business and finance www .napi .hu Nemzeti Sport Hungarian Both 1903 KESMA Sports www .nemzetisport .hu Neokohn Hungarian Online 2019 Brit Media Group Centre, Jewish journalism Népszava Hungarian Both 1877 Tamás Leisztinger Left, social-democratic nepszava .hu Nyugati Fény Hungarian Online 2012 ? Left, social liberalism nyugatifeny .hu Origo Hungarian Online 1998 KESMA Right, conservatism www .origo .hu /index .html Pesti Bulvár Hungarian Online ? Médiacom Left, liberalism, investigative journalism pestibulvar .hu Pesti Hírlap Hungarian Both 2020 Brit Media Group Centre, liberalism PestiSrácok Hungarian Online 2012 Gerilla Press Kft. Right, conservatism, investigative journalism www .pestisracok .hu Hungarian
EnglishOnline 1999 NET Média Left, liberalism, business and economics www .portfolio .hu Rossijskij Kurier Russian Online ? ? Cultural www .kurier .hu Színes Ász Hungarian Print 2004 Színesászmédia Kft. Tabloid - Szeretlek Magyarország Hungarian Online ? Szeretlek Magyarország Médiacsoport Cultural www .szeretlekmagyarorszag .hu Telex Hungarian Online 2020 Van Másik Kft. Centre, liberalism Ungarn Heute German Online ? Friends of Hungary Foundation Cultural ungarnheute .hu Vasárnap Hungarian Online ? Kovács K. Zoltán Alapítvány Right, conservatism, Catholic journalism Válasz Online Hungarian Online 2018 Válasz Online Kiadó Kft. Centre, investigative journalism Világgazdaság Hungarian Both 1969 KESMA Right, business and economics www .vg .hu Velvet Hungarian Online 2002 Indamedia Network Zrt. Tabloid Zsúrpubi Hungarian Online ? HUNGÁRIA MÉDIA[5] Right, national radicalism zsurpubi .hu /jogi-dolgok /
Title Language Print / Online Est. Owner Orientation Link 168 Óra Hungarian Both 1989 Brit Media Group Left, liberalism 168ora .hu A Szabadság Hungarian Both 1989 Hungarian Workers' Party Far-left, communism www .aszabadsag .hu Csók és Könny Hungarian Print 1992 Ringier-Axel Springer Love stories, mysteries of mind and body - Evangélikus Élet Hungarian Both 1933 Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary Lutheran journalism www .evelet .hu Élet és Irodalom Hungarian Both 1923 Élet és Irodalom Baráti Társaság
Élet és Irodalom AlapítványLeft, liberalism, literary and political life www .es .hu Élet és Tudomány Hungarian Both 1946 Society for Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge
(Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társulat, TIT)Scientific, educational www .eletestudomany .hu Fanny Hungarian Print ? ? Women's magazine - Figyelő Hungarian Both 1957 KESMA Right, conservatism, society, business and economics figyelo .hu // Füles Hungarian Print 1957 Central Media Group Puzzle magazine - Hetek Hungarian Both 1997 Faith Church, Hungary Pentecostal journalism, yellow journalism www .hetek .hu Heti Világgazdaság (HVG) Hungarian Both 1979 HVG Kiadó Left, liberalism, business and economics hvg .hu HOT! Hungarian Print 2006 Mediaworks Tabloid - Hrvatski glasnik Croatian language Both 1991 Croatica Cultural journalism of minorities www .glasnik .hu Jelen Hungarian Both 2020 Liberty Press Bt. Left, liberalism Kiskegyed Hungarian Both 2000 Ringier-Axel Springer Tabloid, women's magazine kiskegyed .blikk .hu Ľudové noviny Slovak language Both 1957 SlovakUm Cultural journalism of minorities www .luno .hu Mandiner Hungarian Both 1999 KESMA Right, conservatism Magyar Demokrata Hungarian Both 1989 Artamondo Kft. Right, conservatism www .demokrata .hu Magyar Fórum Hungarian Both 1989 Hungarian Justice and Life Party Radical nationalism magyarforum .hu Magyar Hang Hungarian Both 2018 Alhambra Press Bt. Centre, conservative liberalism Magyar Narancs Hungarian Both 1989 Left, liberalism magyarnarancs .hu Munkások Újsága Hungarian Both 2011 Yes Solidarity for Hungary Movement Left, democratic socialism Neue Zeitung German language Both 1957 Neue Zeitung Stiftung Cultural journalism of minorities neue-zeitung .hu Nők Lapja Hungarian Both 1949 Central Media Group Women's magazine noklapja .nlcafe .hu Országút Hungarian Both 2020 Magyar Szemle Alapítvány Right, conservatism, literary and political life Orvosi Hetilap Hungarian Print 1857 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Medical journalism - Pester Lloyd German Online 1853 Pester Lloyd Left, liberalism www .pesterlloyd .net Reformátusok Lapja Hungarian Both 1957 Reformed Church in Hungary Calvinist journalism reformatus .hu Ripost7 Hungarian Both 2015 KESMA Right, sensationalism, tabloid ripost .hu Sport plusz Hungarian Print ? ? Sports www .sportplusz .hu Srpske narodne novine Serbian language Print ? ? Cultural journalism of minorities ? Story Hungarian Both ? ? Tabloid www .storyonline .hu Szabad Föld Hungarian Both 1944 KESMA Right, rural magazine www .szabadfold .hu Tvr-hét Hungarian Both ? Ringier-Axel Springer TV Guide tvrhet .blikk .hu Új Ember Hungarian Both 1945 Catholic Church in Hungary Catholic journalism ujember .hu Új Egyenlőség Hungarian Online 2016 Új Egyenlőség Alapítvány Left, social democracy, Nordic model ujegyenloseg .hu Vasárnap Reggel Hungarian Print ? KESMA Tabloid -
- Autó-Motor (classic, car magazine)
- Hócipő (satirical political magazine)
- 4x4 (automobile magazine)
- A Mi Otthonunk (interior design magazine)
- A Szív (spiritual, cultural and self-awareness magazine)
- Alfissimo! (Italian sport automobile magazine)
- AMS (automobile magazine)
- Auto Bild (automobile magazine)
- Bravo (teen magazine)
- Budapest (cultural life, buildings, history)
- The Budapest Times (English, est. 1999, owned by BZT Media, right, conservatism - www
.budapesttimes ).hu - Cosmopolitan (women's magazine)
- Elle (fashion magazine)
- EuroXtrade (engineering and technology magazine)
- Ezermester (general technology magazine)
- Filmvilág (art magazine)
- FourFourTwo (football magazine)
- GEO (geography, science, history, nature)
- Glamour (women's magazine)
- InStyle (women’s fashion magazine)
- Indóház (rail magazine, rail systems)
- Joy (women's magazine)
- Kaliber (magazine for guns)
- Kockás (comics magazine)
- Lakáskultúra (premium home furnishings and lifestyle magazine)
- Magyar Építéstechnika (magazine of ÉVOSZ)
- Marie Claire (women's magazine)
- Men's Health (men's magazine)
- National Geographic (scientific journal)
- PC Guru (computer games)
- PC World (computer magazine)
- Playboy (men's magazine)
- Rádiótechnika (radio-electronic journal)
- Zsaru (criminal magazine)
- TermészetBÚVÁR (scientific journal, especially geographical and biological topics)
- by County
- 24 Óra; KESMA - Komárom-Esztergom County (daily)
- Békés Megyei Hírlap; KESMA - Békés County (daily)
- Délmagyarország; KESMA - Csongrád County (daily)
- Dunaújvárosi Hírlap; KESMA - Dunaújváros (daily)
- Dunántúi Napló; KESMA - Baranya County (daily)
- Észak-Magyarország; KESMA - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County (daily)
- Fejér Megyei Hírlap; KESMA - Fejér County (daily)
- Hajdú-bihari Napló; KESMA - Hajdú-Bihar County (daily)
- Heves Megyei Hírlap; KESMA - Heves County (daily)
- Kelet-Magyarország; KESMA - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (daily)
- Kisalföld; KESMA - Győr-Moson-Sopron County (daily)
- Napló; KESMA - Veszprém County (daily)
- Nógrád Megyei Hírlap; KESMA - Nógrád County (daily)
- Palócföld (biweekly, literary, artistic, public journal)
- Petőfi Népe; KESMA - Bács-Kiskun County (daily)
- Somogyi Hírlap; KESMA - Somogy County (daily)
- Tolnai Népújság; KESMA - Tolna County (daily)
- Új Néplap; KESMA - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County (daily)
- Vas Népe; KESMA - Vas County (daily)
- Zalai Hírlap; KESMA - Zala County (daily)
- by Municipality
Other papers
- 3.évezred
- Exit
- IgenHír
- Pesti Est
- Pesti Műsor
Defunct newspapers
- Pippa Norris (Fall 2000). "Chapter 4 The Decline of Newspapers?". A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Post-Industrial Societies (PDF). New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
- Peter Bajomi-Lazar (2005). "The Business of Ethics, the Ethics of Business. Hungary". Sajtószabadság Központ. Retrieved 26 November 2014.
- Ungár Péteré az - Sándor Czinkóczi - May 26, 2018
- Zsúrpubi
Media monitoring
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