List of environmental journals
This is a list of scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journals focused on the biophysical environment and/or humans' relations with it. Inclusion of journals focused on the built environment is appropriate. Included in this list are journals from a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields including from the environmental sciences, environmental social sciences, environmental humanities, etc.
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Environmental law |
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Pollution control law |
Natural resources law |
Reference materials |
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- A\J: Alternatives Journal—published by the Environmental Studies Association of Canada
- Annual Review of Environment and Resources—published by Annual Reviews, Inc.
- eco.mont (Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management)—established by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Innsbruck, and other organizations—covering mountain research in protected area
- Environmental Conservation—an international journal of interdisciplinary environmental research, founded by the Foundation for Environmental Conservation with the collaboration of the IUCN, World Wide Fund for Nature and WERC, published by Cambridge University Press
- Environmental Sciences Europe—published by Springer Science+Business Media
- International Journal of Environmental Research—published by University of Tehran
- Journal of Environmental Engineering—published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
Climate change
- Climatic Change—published by Springer Science+Business Media
- Global Change Biology—published by Wiley-Blackwell
- Nature Climate Change—published by Nature Publishing Group
Energy and renewable energy
- See also: Environmental and energy law, below
- Advanced Energy Materials—published by Wiley-VCH
- Energies—published by MDPI
- Energy & Environment – edited by Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen; published by Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, Essex
- Energy and Environmental Science—published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Energy Economics—published by Elsevier
- Energy Procedia—published by Elsevier
- Energy Research & Social Science—published by Elsevier
- Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy—published by the American Institute of Physics
- Renewable Energy-published by Elsevier
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews—published by Elsevier
- Solar Energy—published by Elsevier
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells—published by Elsevier
- Wind Energy—published by Wiley
Environmental and energy law
- Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal—published at the Appalachian School of Law
- Columbia Journal of Environmental Law—published at Columbia University's School of Law
- University of Denver Water Law Review—published at University of Denver's Sturm College of Law
- Ecology Law Quarterly—published at the UC Berkeley School of Law
- Environmental Law—published at Lewis & Clark Law School
- Environs: Environmental Law and Policy Journal—published at the University of California, Davis School of Law
- Fordham Environmental Law Review (ELR)—published by Fordham University in the United States
- Georgetown International Environmental Law Review—published at Georgetown University Law Center
- Harvard Environmental Law Review—published at Harvard Law School
- Hastings Environmental Law Journal—published at Hastings College of Law
- Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Law—published at the University of Missouri School of Law
- Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation—published at the University of Oregon School of Law
- Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law—published at the Florida State University College of Law
- LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources—published at the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center
- McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy—published at McGill University
- Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law—published at the University of Michigan Law School
- Natural Resources Journal—published by the University of New Mexico School of Law
- Oil, Gas and Energy Law—published by Maris B.V., the Netherlands
- Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law—published at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law
- San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law—published at University of San Diego School of Law
- Stanford Environmental Law Journal—published at Stanford Law School
- Tulane Environmental Law Journal—published at Tulane University Law School
- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy—published at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
- Vermont Journal of Environmental Law--published at the Vermont Law School
- Villanova Environmental Law Journal--published at the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
- Virginia Environmental Law Journal—published at the University of Virginia School of Law
- The Environment, Law and Society Journal—published at the National University of Advanced Legal Studies in India.
Environmental economics
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics—the official journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
- Ecological Economics—published by the International Society for Ecological Economics since 1989
- Environmental and Resource Economics—the official journal of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) — published by Elsevier
- Journal of the Association for Environmental and Resource Economists (JEARE)—the official technical journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Land Economics—published by the University of Wisconsin Press
- Marine Resource Economics—published by the MRE Foundation in affiliation with the North American Association of Fisheries & the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
- Review of Environmental Economics and Policy—the official "accessible" journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Environmental health
- Environmental Health—published by BioMed Central from 2002; open access
- Environmental Health Perspectives—published by US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences from 1972; open-access
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health—published by MDPI in Switzerland
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM)
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, published by Taylor & Francis
- Toxicology–published by Elsevier since 1973
- Toxicology and Industrial Health—published by Sage Publications
- Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods—published by Informa Pharmaceutical Science
- Toxicon—published by Elsevier
Environmental humanities
- Cultural Geographies—published by Sage Publications
- Environmental Ethics—Editor: Eugene Hargrove, and produced at the Center for Environmental Philosophy at the University of North Texas
- Environment and History
- Environmental History, co-published by the American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society
- Environmental Humanities—published by Duke University Press
- Environmental Philosophy—the journal of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy
- Environmental Values—published by White Horse Press, Lancashire, England
- Journal of Interpretation Research—published by the National Association for Interpretation
- Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture—the journal of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
- ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment—the journal of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, published by Oxford University Press
- Nature+Culture—published by Berghahn Books
- Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities—published by University of Nebraska Press
Environmental sciences
- American Journal of Environmental Biology—published by the Academic Block
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology—published by the American Society for Microbiology
- Aquatic Toxicology—published by Elsevier, based in Amsterdam
- Arctic—published by the Arctic Institute of North America
- Carbon Balance and Management—published by BioMed Central
- Chemosphere—published by Elsevier
- Ecological Complexity—published by Elsevier
- Ecology—published by the Ecological Society of America
- Environmental Biology of Fishes—published by Springer Science+Business Media
- Environmental Chemistry—published monthly by CSIRO Publishing
- Environmental Earth Sciences—published by Springer Science+Business Media
- Environmental Research—published by Elsevier
- Environmental Research Letters—based at the University of California, Berkeley
- Environmental Science & Technology—published by the American Chemical Society
- Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts—published monthly by the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Environment International—published by Elsevier
- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment—published ten times per year on behalf of the Ecological Society of America
- Green Chemistry—published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews—published by Taylor & Francis
- Journal of Cleaner Production—published by Elsevier
- Journal of Ecology—published bi-monthly on behalf of the British Ecological Society and focused on plant ecology
- Journal of the IEST—the official publication of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
Environmental social sciences
- Children Youth and Environments Journal—published online by the Children Youth and Environments Center at the University of Colorado
- Energy Research & Social Science—published by Elsevier
- Environment and Behavior—published by SAGE
- Environmental Politics—published by Taylor and Francis
- Global Environmental Politics—published by the MIT Press
- Journal of Environmental Psychology—published by Elsevier
- Journal of Political Ecology— published by University of Arizona
- Organization & Environment—edited by J. Alberto Aragon-Correa (University of Granada) and Mark Starik (San Francisco State University), published by Sage Publications
- Population and Environment — published by Springer Science+Business Media
See also
- List of environmental periodicals—includes literary journals, newsletters, popular magazines and more
- List of forestry journals
- List of planning journals
- Lists of environmental publications
External links
- Environment and Society: Scholarly Journals
- Environmental Sciences Journals (JournalSeek)
- Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
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