List of brightest stars and other record stars

This is a list of the brightest stars together with record holders of other categories with many details in compact form that can be compared. The brightest stars are completely listed until apparent magnitude of 2 including Polaris. Some record holders, like the nearest star, the largest star, the most luminous star in the Milky Way etc. are added to the list. The main purpose for this list is the possibility to compare stars of different categories, like to compare the most luminous known star R136a1 with the brightest star of our sky Sirius, which is not possible with the existing lists in Lists of stars.

For multiple values from different sources the average value is displayed. From binary star systems the brighter (A) star is considered except for magnitude and luminosity, where it is combined. More Properties (e.g. Temperature, Age) will be added. Data is yet to be added, verified and corrected.

V Mag. (mV) Proper name Bayer designation Distance (ly) Spectral class Mass (M) Radius (R) Luminosity (L)
0.00026.74 Sun   0.000015813 G2 1 1 1
0.0011.46 Sirius α CMa 0008.6 A1 2.1 1.71´ 25.4
0.0030.74 Canopus α Car 0310 A9 15 71 13,500
0.0040.27 Alpha Centauri α Cen 0004.4 G2 1.1 1.2 2
0.0050.05 Arcturus α Boo 0037 K2 1.1 26 170
0.03 Vega α Lyr 0025 A0 2.2 2.7 50
0.08 Capella α Aur 0043 G8 2.6 12 150
0.13 Rigel β Ori 0860 B8 23 78.9 120,000
0.34 Procyon α CMi 0011.4 F5 1.5 1.9 7.7
0.45 Betelgeuse α Ori 0640[1] M2 20 950 60,000
0.46 Achernar α Eri 0144 B3 6.7 9.3 3,000
0.61 Hadar β Cen 0390 B1 10.5 8.6 42,000
0.76 Altair α Aql 0017 A7 1.8 1.8 10.5
0.76 Acrux α Cru 0320 B0.5 18 8.9 25,000
0.86 Aldebaran α Tau 0065 K5 1.5 44 520
0.96 Antares α Sco 0600 M1.5 12 680 75,000
0.97 Spica α Vir 0260 B1 11.43 7.47 20,512
1.14 Pollux β Gem 0034 K0 1.9 8.8 43
1.16 Fomalhaut α PsA 0025 A3 1.9 1.8 16.6
1.25 Deneb α Cyg 2,600 A2 19 203 200,000
1.25 Mimosa β Cru 0350 B0.5 16 8.4 34,000
1.39 Regulus α Leo 0077 B7 3.8 3.1 290
1.50 Adhara ε CMa 0430 B2 12.5 14 39,000
1.62 Shaula λ Sco 0700 B2 14.5 8.8 36,000
1.62 Castor α Gem 0052 A1 2.8 2.4 30
1.64 Gacrux γ Cru 0088 M3.5 1.5 84 820
1.64 Bellatrix γ Ori 0240 B2 8.6 5.8 9,200
1.65 Elnath β Tau 0130 B7 5.0 4.2 700
1.69 Miaplacidus β Car 0110 A1 3.5 6.8 290
1.69 Alnilam ε Ori 2,000 B0 32 42 380,000
1.72 Gamma Velorum γ1,2 Vel 01,100 WC8 9.0 6 170,000
1.74 Alnair α Gru 0101 B7 4.0 3.4 260
1.77 Alioth ε UMa 0081 A1 2.9 4.2 110
1.77 Alnitak ζ Ori 01050 O9.7 33 20 120,000
1.79 Dubhe α UMa 0120 G9 4.25 30 300
1.80 Mirfak α Per 0590 F5 8.5 68 5,000
1.82 Wezen δ CMa 1,600 F8 17 200 82,000
1.84 Sargas θ Sco 0270 F0 5.7 26 1,800
1.85 Kaus Australis ε Sgr 0140 B9.5 3.5 6.8 360
1.86 Avior ε Car 0630 K3 9.0 130 60,000
1.86 Alkaid η UMa 0104 B3 6.1 3.4 1,350
1.90 Menkalinan β Aur 081 A1 2.39 2.77 50
1.91 Atria α TrA 0390 K2 7 92 5,500
1.92 Alhena γ Gem 0109 A1.5 2.8 3.3 120
1.94 Peacock α Pav 0180 B3 5.9 4.8 2,200
1.96 Alsephina[2] δ Vel 0080 A1 2.4 2.9 90
1.98 Mirzam β CMa 0500 B1 13.5 10 27,000
1.98 Polaris α UMi 0430 F8 5.4 39 2,500
2.00 Alphard α Hya 0180 K3 3.0 50 780
2.23 Mintaka δ Ori 01200 O9.5 24 16.5 190,000
2.42 Scheat β Peg 0196 M2.5 2.1 95 1,500
2.98 Almaaz ε Aur 0653 F0 15 140 43,000
3.35 Rasalgethi α Her 0360 M5 2.8 280 8,300
3.50 Tau Ceti τ Cet 011.9 G8 0.783 0.893 0.52
3.56 Delta Pavonis δ Pav 019.92 G8 0.991 1.22 1.22
3.74 Ran ε Eri 010.48 K2 0.82 0.74 0.34
3.83 V382 Carinae Car 08,900 G2 20 485 212,000
4 Eta Carinae η Car 07,500 O 100 60–881 5,000,000
4.07 Delta Cephei δ Cep 0887 F5 4.5 44.5 2,000
4.08 Mu Cephei μ Cep 06,000 M2 19.2 972 135,000
4.09 Titawin υ And 044.25 F8 1.27 1.48 3.57
4.1 Rho Cassiopeiae ρ Cas 08,154 G2 22 636-981 347,000 - 530,000
4.82 P Cygni P Cyg 05,545 B1 30 76 610,000
4.86 La Superba CVn 01,000 C5 129 - 342 2,472 - 5,800
4.91 VV Cephei Cep 04,900 M2 18.2 516 - 1,050 200,000
5.20 61 Cygni Cyg 011.41 K5 0.7 0.665 0.153
5.4 R Doradus Dor 0178 M8 0.7 - 1.0 298 4,350
5.47 Polaris Australis Oct 0281 F0 1.59 3.74 38
5.71 R Coronae Borealis Bor 04,566 G0 0.85 85 10,000
5.88 54 Piscium Psc 036.1 K0 0.76 0.94 0.52
6.57 Mira ο Ceti 0300 M7 1.2 370 9,000
6.65 RW Cephei Cep 014,000 K2 13.9 1,158 417,000
6.67 Lacaille 8760 Mic 012.87 M0 0.6 0.51 0.072
6.75 V838 Monocerotis Mon 019,896 M6 ? 380 - 750 15,000
7.25 HD 140283 Lib 0190 F? ? 1.4 3.83
7.4 II Pegasi Peg 0130 K2 0.8 3.4 1.06
8.05 VY Canis Majoris CMa 03,900 M5 17 1,420 178,000 - 270,000
8.3 Pistol Star Sgr 025,000 B3 100 320 1,700,000
8.6 S Doradus Dor 0169,000 B8 24 380 910,000
8.9 UY Scuti Sct 05,100 M4 7–10 755 86,300 - 87,100
9.5 Barnard's Star Oph 05.98 M4 0.14 0.20 0.0035
10.7 Luhman 16 Vel 06.52 L7 0.04 ? ?
11.13 Proxima Centauri Cen 04.25 M6 0.12 0.15 0.0017
11.71 KIC 8462852 Cyg 01,470 F3 1.43 1.58 4.68
12.23 R136a1 Dor 0163,000 WN5 290 32 8,710,000
12.78 Melnick 42 Dor 0163,000 O2 189 21.1 3,600,000
14.10 WR 102 Sag 018,134 WO2 19 0.39 282,000
14.38 VFTS 352 Dor 0164,000 O5 57.48 14.47 330,000
14.68 YBP 1194 Cnc 02,772 G5 1.01 0.99 0.98
14.71 Gliese 1214 Oph 047.5 M4.5 0.16 0.21 0.0033
16.6 NML Cygni Cyg 05,251 M6 50 1,640 - 2,770 229,000
17.30 VB 10 Aql 018.72 M8 0.075 0.10 0.0004
18.46 WOH G64 Dor 0163,000 M5 <20 1,540 - 1,730 340-589,000
18.80 TRAPPIST-1 Aqr 039.6 M8 0.089 0.12 0.0005
21.05 2MASS J0523-1403 Lep 040.3 L2.5 0.07 0.086 0.00013
25 WISE 0855−0714 Hya 07.27 Y2 0.003 ? ?
28.4 Icarus Leo 014,400,000,000 B? 33 ? 850,000


  1. Harper, Graham M.; Brown, Alexander; Guinan, Edward F. (April 2008). "A New VLA-Hipparcos Distance to Betelgeuse and its Implications". The Astronomical Journal. IOP Publishing. 135 (4): 1430–1440. Bibcode:2008AJ....135.1430H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/135/4/1430.
  2. "IAU Catalog of Star Names". Retrieved 5 September 2017.
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