List of Washington ballot measures
This is a list of all ballot measures that have appeared before voters in Washington from 1889 to 2020. Washington has three types of ballot measures that can be voted on in a general election: initiatives, referendums, and legislatively referred constitutional amendments. In order to be placed on the ballot, supporters of a measure must gather an amount of signatures equal or greater to 8% of the votes cast in the previous state gubernatorial race.[1] All items in this list are sorted in the order they appeared on the ballot.
Elections in Washington |
Background information
There are two types of initiatives in Washington. Initiatives to the People are placed on the ballot and, if passed, become law. Initiatives to the Legislature are first submitted to the Washington Legislature. If they reject the initiative or pass an alternative, the initiative will appear on the ballot for the next general election.[2]
Washington has two types of referendums. Referendum measures are laws that have been passed by the legislature and are up for recall. Referendum bills are proposed laws that are placed on the ballot by the legislature in order to gauge public interest.[2]
Legislatively referred constitutional amendments
Legislatively referred constitutional amendments are changes to the Washington State Constitution which have been approved by the legislature but require approval from the people.[3]
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Sec. 2 | "Proposed Amendment to Sec. 2, Art. 7 of Constitution relating to Taxation."[4] | NO | 15,986 (32.08%) | 33,850 (67.92%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article VI | "Proposed Amendment to Art. 6 of Constitution conferring Elective Franchise on Women."[4] | NO | 20,758 (40.35%) | 30,540 (59.96%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Sec. 2 | "Proposed amendment to Section 2 of Article 7 of the Constitution in relation to taxation."[5] | YES | 35,398 (79.77%) | 8,975 (20.23%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 11 | "Proposed amendment to Section Eleven (11) of Article One (1) of the Constitution, giving the Legislature of the State of Washington the power of employing chaplains for state penal and reformatory institutions."[6] | YES | 17,508 (60%) | 11,371 (40%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 16 | "Proposed amendment to section 16 of Article 1 of the Constituion [sic?], relating to the exercise of the power of eminent domain."[7] | NO | 15,257 (42.1%) | 20,984 (57.9%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article XXI, Sec. 1 | "Proposed amendment to Article XXI, Section one (1), of the constitution, which reads: Sec. 1. The use of the waters of this state for irrigation, mining, manufacturing purposes, and for the removal of timber products, shall be deemed a public use."[7] | NO | 18,462 (47.68%) | 20,258 (52.32%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII | "Proposed amendment to Article VII of the Constitution relating to the assessment and taxation of property within the state."[8] | NO | 28,371 (32.02%) | 60,244 (67.98%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 16 | "Proposed amendment to section 16 of Article 1 of the Constitution, relating to the exercise of the power of eminent domain."[8] | NO | 26,849 (33.74%) | 52,721 (66.26%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article VI | "Proposed amendment to Article VI of the Constitution relating to the qualifications of voters within this state."[9] | YES | 52,299 (63.8%) | 29,676 (36.2%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article III, Sec. 10 | "Proposed amendment to section 10 of Article III of the Constitution, relating to the succession to the office of Governor."[9] | YES | 51,257 (78.32%) | 14,186 (21.68%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 1 | "Proposed amendment of section 1 of article II of the Constitution of the State of Washington, relating to legislative powers and providing for the initiative and referendum."[10] | YES | 110,110 (71.49%) | 43,905 (28.51%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 31 | "Proposed amendment of article II of the Constitution of the State of Washington, by striking section 31 therefrom, which relates to the time when laws take effect."[10] | YES | 79,940 (62.49%) | 47,978 (37.51%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article XI, Sec. 7 | "Proposed amendment to section seven (7) of article eleven (XI) of the Constitution, removing the prohibition against county officers, except county treasurer, holding office for more than two terms."[10] | NO | 67,717 (44.89%) | 83,138 (55.11%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 33-34 | "Proposed amendment to article one (1) of the Constitution, by adding thereto at the end of said article one (1) two new sections to be numbered sections 33 and 34 of said article one (1) authorizing and providing for the recall and discharge of any elective public officer and election of his successor."[10] | YES | 112,321 (70.78%) | 47,372 (29.22%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 33 | "An amendment of Section 33, Article 2 of the State Constitution, enabling alien residents of this state to acquire by purchase and hold lands lying within municipal corporations, and providing for the escheat of such lands to the common school fund in case the owner thereof becomes a non-resident of the state for the term of five year."[11] | NO | 55,080 (20.58%) | 212,542 (79.42%) |
Initiative to the People 10 | "An act providing for the employment of all convicts upon public highways except in certain cases, authorizing the payment of certain sums to dependent families of such convicts, creating a state road fund, providing a tax levy of not to exceed one-half mill therefor, transferring the public highway fund thereto, and making an appropriation of two million dollars for carrying out the provisions of this act."[11] | NO | 111,805 (37.83%) | 183,726 (62.17%) |
Initiative to the People 13 | "An act prohibiting employers form requiring or permitting employees to work more than eight hours in any day of twenty-four hours, except in agricultural labor and cases of emergency; providing for extra compensation for over-time; and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof."[11] | NO | 118,881 (35.83%) | 212,935 (64.17%) |
Initiative to the People 6 | "An act relating to corporations, copartnerships, associations and persons engaged in the business of dealing in lands, stocks, bonds and other securities, to prevent fraud and imposition in the sale of the same, and transferring to the public service commission all authority vested in the secretary of state in respect to corporations."[11] | NO | 142,017 (49.09%) | 147,298 (50.91%) |
Initiative to the People 7 | "An act abolishing the bureau of inspection and supervision of public offices, vesting in the state auditor all the powers and duties of such bureau, and requiring the state auditor to prepare a balance sheet showing the operations, transactions, receipts and expenses of each department and institution of the state."[11] | NO | 117,882 (41.37%) | 167,080 (58.63%) |
Initiative to the People 8 | "An act to prohibit the collection of remuneration or fees from workers for the securing of employment or furnishing information leading thereto, and providing a penalty for violation thereof."[11] | YES | 162,054 (52.86%) | 144,544 (47.14%) |
Initiative to the People 9 | "An act providing for the payment of the cost of medical, surgical and hospital treatment, nursing, supplies, and other expenses of workmen injured in extra-hazardous employments, by the employer to the amount of one hundred dollars, any excess to be paid by the industry, providing for arbitration of disputes, prohibiting certain deductions from wages, and imposing duties upon the industrial insurance department."[11] | NO | 143,738 (48.25%) | 151,166 (51.75%) |
Referendum Measure 1 | "An act to establish a retirement fund to be used in payment of annuities and benefits to retired teachers, principals, supervisors, supervising principals and superintendents of the public school in the State of Washington; creating a board of trustees; defining the sources from which said fund shall be raised; providing for the levy of taxes and regulating the collection, management and disbursement of said fund."[11] | NO | 59,051 (18.96%) | 252,356 (81.04%) |
Referendum Measure 2 | "An act providing for the construction, maintenance and operation of a system of storage and irrigation works for the purpose of irrigating lands in Grant, Adams, Chelan and Douglas counties, including lands in the Quincy valley; creating a state reclamation board, and providing for the sale of state bonds not exceeding $40,000,000 in amount."[11] | NO | 102,315 (35.11%) | 189,065 (64.89%) |
Initiative to the People 3 | "An Act prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or other disposition of intoxicating liquors, except in certain cases; regulating the keeping, use and transportation of the same; providing for the enforcement of this act; and fixing punishments and penalties for the violation thereof."[11] | YES | 189,840 (52.58%) | 171,208 (47.42%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the Legislature 18 | "An act relating to alcoholic liquor; to remove burdensome restrictions upon the rights of householders to purchase and keep on hand alcoholic beverages for home consumption; to authorize the manufacture and sale of malt liquor; to authorize the furnishing of alcoholic beverages to guests in hotels; to authorize the granting of licenses to brewers, to their selling agents, and to hotel keepers; to restrict and regulate the business to be carried on under such licenses; declaring violations of such restrictions to be misdemeanors, and prescribing penalties therefor."[12] | NO | 48,354 (15.51%) | 263,390 (84.49%) |
Initiative to the People 24 | "An act authorizing the manufacture, sale and delivery of beer containing not less than one per cent. Nor more than four per cent. alcohol, for export or sale and delivery direct to individuals within the state for consumption at their residences, and regulating the same; providing a system for licensing and bonding manufacturers, the payment of license fees, and the collection and disposition of a tax upon the amount sold for consumption within the state; fixing penalties and making an appropriation."[12] | NO | 105,803 (30.13%) | 245,399 (69.87%) |
Referendum Measure 3 | "An act to facilitate the operation of the provisions of section 1 of article XI of the Constitution relating to the initiative and referendum, to prevent fraud, and amending sections 4971-1, 4971-5, 4971-6, 4971-7, 4971-9, 4971-10, 4971-15, 4971-16, 4971-17, 4971-31 and 4971-32 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, and repealing section 4971-8 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, and declaring this act shall take effect January 1st, 1916."[12] | NO | 62,117 (24.03%) | 196,363 (75.97%) |
Referendum Measure 5 | "An act relating to, regulating and providing for the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Washington, providing for the holding of elections to elect delegates to conventions, providing for the holding of county and state conventions by political parties, defining the powers and duties of conventions and party committees, providing for the election of party committeemen, amending sections 4804, 4807, 4809, 4810, 4811, 4826, 4843, and repealing section 4841 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statues of Washington."[12] | NO | 63,546 (24.70%) | 193,686 (75.30%) |
Referendum Measure 6 | "An act defining picketing, prohibiting the same, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof."[12] | NO | 85,672 (31.88%) | 183,042 (68.12%) |
Referendum Measure 7 | "An act amending chapter 117, Session Laws of 1911, being an act entitled: 'An act relating to public service properties and utilities, providing for the regulation of the same, fixing penalties for the violation thereof, making appropriation and repealing certain acts,' by adding an additional section thereto, to be known as Section 74A."[12] | NO | 46,921 (18.87%) | 201,742 (81.13%) |
Referendum Measure 8 | "An act defining port districts of the first class, providing a method for the government thereof, limiting the powers thereof, defining the powers and duties of the officers thereof, enacting certain other provisions relating thereto and amending chapter 92 of the Laws of 1911, being an act entitled 'An act authorizing the establishment of port districts; providing for the acquirement, construction, maintenance, operation, development and regulation of a system of harbor improvements and rail and water transfer and terminal facilities within such districts, and providing the method of payment therefor,' approved March 14, 1911, and heretofore amended and now in force, by adding thereto certain sections to be known respectively as section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23."[12] | NO | 45,264 (18.82%) | 192,523 (81.18%) |
Referendum Measure 9 | "An act relating to the raising and expenditure of revenues by counties, cities, towns, townships, port districts, school districts and metropolitan park districts, requiring the adoption of a budget by each of the same, limiting the manner of the expenditure of the revenues, prescribing the manner of paying claims filed after the close of the fiscal year, providing penalties of the violation thereof, and repealing section 5, chapter 151, Laws 1913, and sections 9208 to 9211, inclusive, together with the conflicting parts of sections 4512, 4521, 4537, 9212 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington."[12] | NO | 87,205 (32.40%) | 181,933 (67.60%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article VI, Sec. 1 | "An Act providing for the amendment of section 1 of article VI of the Constitution of the State of Washington, relating to the qualification of voters."[12] | NO | 88,963 (33.05%) | 180179 (66.95%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Referendum Measure 10 | "An Act prohibiting the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors, forbidding the importation, transportation, receipt and possession of such intoxicating liquors except for sacramental purposes, regulating the importation, transpiration, receipt and sale of alcohol and the importation, transportation and receipt of intoxicating liquors to be used for sacramental purposes, repealing certain sections and amending certain sections of Initiative Measure No. 3 and adding certain sections to such measure."[13] | YES | 96,100 (63.89%) | 54,322 (36.11%) |
House Joint Resolution 1 | "Resolved, By the Legislature of the State of Washington that it is deemed necessary to call a convention to revise or amend the State Constitution. THEREFORE, It is hereby declared and recommended that the electors of the State of Washington, at the next general election, to be held on the Tuesday next succeeded the first Monday in November, 1918, shall vote for or against a convention to revise or amend the Constitution of the State."[13] | NO | 55,148 (48.43%) | 58,713 (51.57%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article III | "An Act for the amendment of sections 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22, article 3, of the state constitution by fixing the annual salaries of certain state officers as follows: Governor, ten thousand dollars; lieutenant governor, two thousand five hundred dollars; secretary of state, five thousand dollars; treasurer, five thousand dollars; auditor, five thousand dollars; attorney general, six thousand dollars; superintendent of public instruction, five thousand dollars."[14] | NO | 71,284 (29.51%) | 170,242 (70.49%) |
Referendum Bill 1 | "An Act providing for the construction of a state system of trunk line hard surface highways, providing for the issuance and sale of state bonds to create a fund for such purpose and the redemption of such bonds from motor vehicle license fees and if the revenues from such license fees are insufficient, levying a tax for such deficiency."[14] | NO | 117,452 (37.98%) | 191,783 (62.02%) |
Referendum Bill 2 | "An Act providing for the payment of equalized compensation to veterans of the war with the Central Allied Powers who were bona fide residents of the State of Washington at the time of their entry into the service, authorizing the issuance and sale of state bonds to pay such compensation and the levy of a tax to pay said bonds, appropriating the proceeds of the sale of such bonds for the payment of such compensation and expenses incident thereto, and providing penalties for violations of this act."[14] | YES | 224,356 (71.80%) | 88,128 (28.20%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 16 | "An Act providing for the amendment of section 16, article 1 of the state constitution relating to eminent domain by declaring that the taking of private property by the state for land reclamation and settlement is a public use."[14] | YES | 121,022 (51.65%) | 113,287 (48.35%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 23 | "An Act amending section 23 of article II of the State Constitution relating to compensation to be paid members of the legislature by increasing the compensation of such members from $5.00 to $10.00 a day for each day's attendance during the session."[15] | NO | 52,621 (24.56%) | 161,677 (75.44%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article VIII, Sec. 4 | "An Act amending section 4 of article VIII of the State Constitution by providing that payments from state appropriations should be made within one calendar month after the end of the next ensuing fiscal biennium."[15] | YES | 94,746 (52.20%) | 86,746 (47.80%) |
Initiative to the People 40 | "An Act providing for the repeal of chapter 174, Laws of 1921, relating to the collection of a poll tax."[15] | YES | 193,356 (75.28%) | 63,494 (24.72%) |
Initiative to the People 46 | "An Act providing for a current state school fund sufficient to produce $30.00 for each child of school age; for the distribution of state and county school funds to school districts upon the equal basis of attendance and teachers employed; and fixing the maximum annual tax levy of school districts, except for bonded indebtedness, at 1.7 per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property thereof."[15] | NO | 99,150 (39.78%) | 150,114 (60.22%) |
Referendum Measure 12 | "An Act providing for the issuance of certificates of necessity and convenience by the director of public works to public service companies in cases where similar service is being rendered the localities proposed to be served by other public service companies."[15] | NO | 64,800 (29.49%) | 154,905 (70.51%) |
Referendum Measure 13 | "An Act providing that parents or guardians may forbid physical examinations of their school children in districts of the first class except when such children show symptoms of contagious or infectious diseases; and providing that vaccination, inoculation or other medication shall not be made a condition of attendance or employment in such schools except of persons suspected of having or who have been exposed to contagious diseases."[15] | NO | 96,874 (38.29%) | 156,113 (61.71%) |
Referendum Measure 14 | "An Act relating to primary nominations and the registration of voters, and requiring electors to state their party affiliations at the time of registration."[15] | NO | 60,593 (26.98%) | 164,004 (73.02%) |
Referendum Measure 15 | "An Act relating to the election and powers of precinct committeemen and party committees, the nomination of candidates for public office, and the holding of party conventions for the purpose of adopting platforms and nominating presidential electors."[15] | NO | 57,324 (29.01%) | 140,299 (70.99%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article I, Sec. 22 | "An Act amending section 22 of article I of the State Constitution by providing that the trial of a person accused of a public offense committed on any railway car, coach, train, boat or other public conveyance may be had in any county through which such conveyance may pass."[15] | YES | 122,972 (60.15%) | 81,457 (39.85%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 49 | "An Act compelling children between seven (7) and sixteen (16) years of age to attend the public schools, and prescribing penalties."[16] | NO | 158,922 (41.78%) | 221,500 (58.22%) |
Initiative to the People 50 | "An Act relating to the taxation of real and personal property and limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy thereon for general state, county, municipal and school district purposes to 40 mills."[16] | NO | 128,677 (37.78%) | 211,948 (62.22%) |
Initiative to the People 52 | "An Act authorizing cities and towns to purchase, sell and dispose of electric current, inside or outside their corporate limits, without the payment of any tax thereon; authorizing the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of facilities in connection therewith, and authorizing cities and towns to condemn private property, including the right to use and damage railroads, not common carriers, booming, rafting and sorting works, for such purposes."[16] | NO | 139,492 (39.09%) | 217,393 (60.91%) |
Referendum Bill 3 | "An Act authorizing the sale and disposal of surplus electric energy by cities and towns outside their corporate limits; authorizing the construction, betterment or extension of electric plants and the acquisition and maintenance of transmission lines, distribution system and equipment necessary therefor; providing the manner and form in which accounts and reports of such sales shall be kept and made, and for the payment monthly to the State Treasurer for state purposes of a tax of five per cent of the gross receipts of such sales, and providing penalties."[16] | NO | 99,459 (32.26%) | 208,809 (67.74%) |
Referendum Measure 16 | "An Act to prohibit the manufacture, sale or excahnge of any substitute for butter containing milk which contains any vegetable fat or any cendensed or evaporated milk containing any vegetable fat; also prohibiting the manufacture, sale or exchange of any butter substitute containing milk unless the milk therein be pure milk from which no butter fat has been removed, or any condensed or evaporated milk, or substitute therefore containing milk, unless the milk used therein be pure and unadulterated; and providing penalties."[16] | NO | 169,047 (45.44%) | 203,016 (54.56%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article XI, Sec. 5 | "An Amendment of section 5, article XI of the State Constitution relating to county officers, by providing that the legislature may classify counties by population and provide for the election of officers in certain classes of counties who shall perform the duties of two or more county officers."[16] | YES | 137,093 (51.52%) | 129,003 (48.48%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article XV, Sec. 1 | "AN AMENDMENT of section 1, Article XV of the constitution, relating to harbors and harbor areas, by authorizing the relocation or reestablishment of harbor lines pursuant to such provision as may be made therefor by the legislature and extending the permissible maximum width of harbor areas from 600 to 2,000 feet."[16] | NO | 99,694 (39.47%) | 152,911 (60.53%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Add Article XXVIII | "An Act relating to forestation and reforestation and the assessment and taxation of lands devoted to that purpose and the assessment and taxation of the products of such lands, and providing for an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Washington."[17] | NO | 87,158 (44.77%) | 107,524 (55.23%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article II, Sec. 23 | "An Act providing for the amendment of Section 23 of Article II, of the Constitution of the State of Washington, relating to the compensation of members of the Legislature."[17] | NO | 75,329 (38.53%) | 120,158 (61.47%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Sec. 1-4 | "An amendment of Article VII of the state constitution relating to revenue and taxation, by striking sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 and inserting in lieu thereof a single section reenacting certain provisions of the sections stricken and providing that property may be classified for the purpose of taxation."[18] | NO | 131,126 (48.21%) | 140,887 (51.79%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 13 | "An Amendment of section 15, Article II of the state constitution relating to vacancies in the legislature, by providing that such vacancies shall be filled by appointment by boards of county commissioners, and prescribing the tenure of office of persons so appointed."[19] | YES | 133,255 (60.33%) | 87,633 (39.67%) |
Initiative to the Legislature 1 | "An Act authorizing the establishment of public utility districts; providing for the construction, purchase, condemnation, acquisition, regulation, maintenance, and operation thereby of plants, properties and facilities for the development and distribution of water and electricity for all purposes; authorizing such districts to levy taxes and to create local assessment districts for the accomplishment of said purposes, and defining the powers and duties of such public utility districts and of certain officers in connection therewith."[19] | NO | 152,487 (53.81%) | 130,901 (46.19%) |
Initiative to the People 57 | "An Act enacted by the people of the State of Washington, relating to, and providing for the number, districts and apportionment of, the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith."[19] | YES | 116,436 (50.17%) | 115,641 (49.83%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 10 | "Shall section 23 of article 2 of the Constitution be amended so that it shall provide that the members of the legislature shall receive an annual salary of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)."[19] | NO | 107,947 (44.85%) | 132,750 (55.15%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Sec. 1-4 | "AN AMENDMENT of Article VII of the state constitution relating to revenue and taxation by striking sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, and inserting in lieu thereof a single section re-enacting certain provisions of the sections stricken; providing that property may be classified for the purpose of taxation; requiring the taxation of intangible property subject to ownership; constituting real property a single class for taxing purposes; authorizing the taxation of mines, mineral resources, and reforested lands by a yield or ad valorem tax or both, and exempting credits secured by property actually taxed in this state."[19] | YES | 138,231 (60.89%) | 88,784 (39.11%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Constitutional Amendment Article XV, Sec. 1 | "AN AMENDMENT of section 1, Article XV of the constitution, relating to harbors and harbor areas, by authorizing the relocation or reestablishment of harbor lines pursuant to such provision as may be made therefor by the legislature and extending the permissible maximum width of harbor areas from 600 to 2,000 feet."[20] | YES | 170,101 (53.44%) | 148,201 (46.56%) |
Initiative to the People 58 | "An Act providing for the Permanent Registration of Voters, defining the duties of certain officers in connection therewith, repealing certain acts and parts of acts in relation thereto and prescribing penalties."[20] | YES | 372,061 (83.15%) | 75,381 (16.85%) |
Initiative to the People 61 | "An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending the statute relating to the sale thereof to minors, but continuing in force the provision that such sales shall be a felony; repealing certain statutes relating to intoxicating liquors and to the importation, receipt, purchase, transportation, manufacture, gift, exchange, possession, use, sale and disposition thereof, and providing that such repeals shall not have the effect of reviving or making effective any law providing for the licensing and operation of saloons."[20] | YES | 341,450 (62.12%) | 208,211 (37.88%) |
Initiative to the People 62 | "An Act relating to wild animals, wild birds and game fish and providing for state control and regulation thereof; creating a state department of game, providing for the appointment of certain officers in connection therewith and defining their powers and duties; amending chapter 7, Laws of 1921, and chapter 178, Laws Extraordinary Session of 1925, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts."[20] | YES | 270,421 (53.84%) | 231,863 (46.16%) |
Initiative to the People 64 | "An Act relating to the taxation of real and personal property and limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy thereon for general state, county, municipal and school district purposes to 40 mills."[20] | YES | 303,384 (61.41%) | 190,619 (38.59%) |
Initiative to the People 69 | "An Act relating to and requiring the payment of a graduated tax on the incomes of persons, firms, corporations, associations, joint stock companies and common law trusts, the proceeds therefrom to be placed in the state current school fund and other state funds, as a means of reducing or eliminating the annual tax on general property which now provides revenues for such funds; providing penalites for violation; and making an appropriation from the general fund of the state treasury for paying expenses of administration of the act."[20] | YES | 322,919 (70.21%) | 136,983 (29.79%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 11 | "An Amendment of section 4, Article IV of the constitution, relating to the jurisdiction of the supreme court, by providing that the legislature may from time to time increase the original amount in controversy or the value of the property which shall be requisite to confer appellate jurisdiction in civil actions for the recovery of money or personal property except in certain cases."[20] | NO | 153,079 (46.64%) | 175,130 (53.36%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 16 | "Shall section 23 of Article 2 of the constitution be amended so that it shall provide that the members of the legislature shall receive an annual salary of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)."[20] | NO | 117,665 (31.63%) | 254,345 (68.37%) |
House Joint Resolution 5 | "AN Amendment of sections 2, 3 and 6, Article II and sections 1 and 2, Article XXII of the constitution, relating to the legislature, by fixing the number of members thereof and reapportioning the same until and including the regular session of 1941, providing that thereafter the legislature shall reapportion its members upon the basis of each federal census and that if the legislature fails to act such reapportionment shall be performed by the governor and providing for the election and terms of office of senators."[20] | NO | 162,895 (47.45%) | 180,417 (52.55%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 12 | "A resolution amending section 1 of Article VII of the constitution by providing that all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax and shall be levied and collected for public purposes only; providing that there shall be such exemptions from taxation as the legislature may by general law provide; and providing that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the enactment of a graduated net income tax law."[21] | NO | 134,908 (43.37%) | 176,154 (56.63%) |
House Joint Resolution 14 | "A resolution amending section 12 of Article XI of the constitution by providing that the legislature shall have no power to impose taxes upon counties, cities, towns or other municipal corporations, or upon the inhabitants or property thereof, for county, city, town or other municipal purposes, but by general law may limit such taxes and may supervise and control the valuing of property for local taxation and the administration of laws relating to such taxation, and may apportion state funds among counties, cities, towns and other municipal corporations."[21] | NO | 129,310 (40.62%) | 189,002 (59.38%) |
Initiative to the People 77 | "An Act relating to fishing; prohibiting the use of fish traps or other fixed appliances for catching salmon and certain other fish within the waters of the State of Washington; prohibiting the taking or fishing for salmon and certain other fish within a certain area therein defined and created by any means except by trolling, regulating trolling in such area, and permitting the operation of gill nets therein under certain conditions; providing for open and closed seasons, prohibiting drag seines and limiting the length of gill nets in the Columbia River; prescribing penalties; and repealing all laws in conflict therewith."[21] | YES | 275,507 (64.17%) | 153,811 (35.83%) |
Initiative to the People 94 | "An Act relating to taxation: limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy by the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the Normal Schools, limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided."[21] | YES | 219,635 (53.33%) | 192,168 (46.67%) |
Referendum Measure 18 | "An Act authorizing cities and towns to use, sell and dispose of electric energy inside and outside their corporate limits to acquire, construct, own, control, operate and maintain lands, easements, franchises, distribution systems, sub-stations, inter-tie or transmission lines or other connections to enable it to use, purchase, sell and dispose of electric energy, inside or outside its corporate limits, with right to condemn certain classes of private power systems or parts thereof, franchises or other private property, and reserving to such cities and towns all powers under existing laws."[21] | YES | 221,590 (58.03%) | 160,244 (41.97%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 10 | "A Proposal authorizing the state of Washington to engage in the production and wholesale distribution, only, of electric energy; to assist the development of hydro-electric generating plants; to incur indebtedness by the issuance of bonds; providing for a commission and power districts, but not denying to any municipality, power district or political subdivision of the state the right to control its own utilities nor preventing the state from furnishing electric energy to its institutions and departments."[22] | NO | 173,930 (38.44%) | 278,543 (61.56%) |
Initiative to the People 101 | "An act establishing a civil service system for the state, and for the counties, cities, prots, school and park districts, and public libraries of the state; providing for the appointment of civil service commissions therefor and a civil service system based upon examination, meritorious standard, efficiency and fitness for appointment, employment and promotion of all employees in the classified service of the state and such municipal subdivisions thereof; and regulating the transfer, reinstatement, suspension and discharge of all such employees subject thereto."[22] | NO | 208,904 (41.03%) | 300,274 (58.97%) |
Initiative to the People 114 | "An Act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy by the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the Normal Schools; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided."[22] | YES | 417,641 (77.61%) | 120,478 (22.39%) |
Initiative to the People 115 | "An act relating to old age pensions, creating a state department therefor, defining its powers and duties; designating persons entitled to pensions and the amount thereof; providing taxes for sole payment of pensions, on business and occupations, sales of stocks and bonds, public utilities, admissions, fuel oil, proprietary medicines, toilet preparations, inheritances, gifts, and making appropriations therefrom; amending section 9, chapter 176, Laws of 1935, and repealing chapter 182, Laws of 1935, providing for old age pensions, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith."[22] | NO | 153,551 (30.24%) | 354,162 (69.76%) |
Initiative to the People 119 | "An act creating Production for Use Districts to manufacture, grow, buy and otherwise acquire goods, wares, commodities and products, to furnish services of every nature except electricity and water, and establishing a State Production for use Commission to purchase or otherwise acquire such products and services; authorizing a tax levy, exercise of eminent domain, issuance of certificates of exchange, general obligation and revenue bonds, creating a revolving fund and appropriating ten million dollars therefor; amending section 1 of chapter 95 of the Laws of 1933, relating to nomination of district commissioners, and repealing acts or parts thereof inconsistent therewith."[22] | NO | 97,329 (20.82%) | 370,140 (79.18%) |
Referendum Bill 4 | "An Act relating to flood control, participated in by the federal and state governments; authorizing a state indebtedness of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) therefor, to be evidenced by bonds designated as "General Obligation Bonds of 1936," and providing a sinking fund by a tax levy for their redemption; establishing a "State Flood Control Fund" and appropriating five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), or the necessary amount therefrom, to pay expenses incurred under and in carrying out the purposes of the Act."[22] | NO | 114,055 (25.45%) | 334,035 (74.55%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 20 | "A proposal to amend section 23, article II of the constitution by providing that each member of the legislature shall receive five dollars per day for expenses in addition to five dollars per day for services, and mileage, now provided."[22] | NO | 124,639 (28.44%) | 313,660 (71.56%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 7 | "A Proposal to repeal section 12, article XI and amend sections 1 and 9, article VII of the constitution by providing: uniform taxation upon the same class of subjects; that the legislature may provide exemptions and graduated net income tax, may vest municipalities with power to make local improvements by special assessment or taxation; cannot require counties or municipalities to tax for county or municipal purposes but may under legislative restriction, vest them with such authority."[22] | NO | 93,598 (22.17%) | 326,675 (77.83%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 126 | "An act providing for a non-partisan ballot and relating to the manner of the nomination and election thereby of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the state and the County Superintendent of Schools of the various counties thereof."[23] | YES | 293,202 (65.69%) | 153,142 (34.31%) |
Initiative to the People 129 | "An act limiting to 40 mills the aggregate annual levy on real and personal property for all purposes; limiting the levy by the state to 2 millls, provided that the legislature may omit this levy, in which case it may increase the permitted levy by cities or towns; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; exempting port districts and power districts from its operation and providing that additional levies may be made by election."[23] | YES | 340,296 (69.47%) | 149,534 (30.53%) |
Initiative to the People 130 | "A measure relating to employment; providing for the service of written demands upon the employer; providing that a majority vote of the employees concerned cast in a prescribed manner shall be necessary before a strike may be called; making provisions concerning lockouts; and providing penalties."[23] | NO | 268,848 (47.64%) | 295,431 (52.36%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 5 | "A Proposal to amend Section 1, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Washington relating to taxation by providing that nothing contained in said section shall be construed to prevent the enactment of a graduated net income tax law."[23] | NO | 141,375 (33.08%) | 285,946 (66.92%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 139 | "An Act requiring voters' approval of bonds, securities, or other financial obligations to be issued, assumed, or incurred by any public utility district for the purpose of financing the acquisition of property for use in supplying public utility service, and of the proposed plan or system pursuant to which such property is to be acquired and used; providing for the manner of submitting such propositions to the voters at elections; specifying the minimum vote required on such propositions; and making similar provision for pending condemnation actions or proceedings to acquire such property before incurring indebtedness."[24] | NO | 253,318 (41.13%) | 362,508 (58.87%) |
Initiative to the People 141 | "An Act providing a minimum of $40 monthly to senior citizens over the age of 65 years; defining incomes; naming eligibility; conforming state and federal matching funds and age limit; providing for age and length of residence; providing for the investigation of applicants by either the Department of Social Security or other department designated by the legislature; providing for a fair hearing before the director and for appeals to the courts and introduction of new testimony; providing for burial expenses and other care; making all records confidential; abolishing liens on property; repealing all other acts in conflict herewith."[24] | YES | 358,009 (58.04%) | 258,819 (41.96%) |
Referendum Bill 5 | "An act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy for the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the Normal Schools; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port or power districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided."[24] | YES | 390,639 (72.28%) | 149,843 (27.72%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 1 | "A Resolution amending the Constitution of the State of Washington by repealing section 7 of Article XI which section limits the tenure of county officers to two successive terms."[24] | NO | 208,407 (43.75%) | 267,938 (56.25%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 8 | "A resolution amending Section 11, Article XII of State Constitution authorizing legislature to provide that stockholders of banks organized under laws of this state which shall provide and furnish, through membership in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other instrumentality of the United States Government, insurance or security for payment of debts equivalent to requirements furnished by national banks be relieved from personal liability to same extent as stockholders in national banks, under federal law."[24] | YES | 255,047 (57.45%) | 188,929 (42.55%) |
House Joint Resolution 13 | "A RESOLUTION amending Article III of the State Constitution by adding a new section, to be known as Section 26, Providing that the people, by initiative, or the legislature by appropriate enactment, may fix, change, raise or lower the salary of any constitutional officer of the state, including members of the legislature, but limiting the salary of legislators to fifty dollars per month, and repealing all constitutional salary limitations."[24] | NO | 183,478 (41.39%) | 259,842 (58.61%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Referendum Measure 22 | "An Act relating to industrial insurance; increasing certain benefit rights of injured workmen and their dependents; raising the age of minor dependents entitled to compensation from sixteen to eighteen years; extending the time for applying for the readjustment of certain claims; requiring the written consent of nonresident beneficiaries before monthly payments may be converted into lump-sum payments; and amending section 7679 and section 7681 of Remington's Revised Statutes."[25] | YES | 246,257 (69.35%) | 108,845 (30.65%) |
Referendum Measure 23 | "An act relating to grand juries; providing for the appointment of an attorney, independent of the prosecuting attorney, to assist and advise the grand jury; and amending section 2032 of Remington's Revised Statutes."[25] | NO | 126,972 (46.13%) | 148,226 (53.87%) |
Referendum Measure 24 | "An Act relating to the duties of prosecuting attorneys; providing that they shall no longer attend and appear before or give advice to grand juries except in cases where the calling of the grand jury has been initiated by the prosecuting attorney; and amending section 4136 of Remington's Revised Statutes."[25] | NO | 114,603 (43.57%) | 148,439 (56.43%) |
Referendum Bill 6 | "An Act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy for the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the State Colleges of Education; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port or power districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be authorized as in the act provided."[25] | YES | 252,431 (76.97%) | 75,540 (23.03%) |
Initiative to the People 151 | "An Act relating to old age assistance and public assistance; providing payment of $40.00 minimum monthly grants to eligibles as defined herein; providing medical services, additional care and burial expenses for all recipients of public assistance and dependents, defined herein, and supplemental grants to dependents; providing increase of all public assistance proportionate to increased living costs; providing conformity with future federal requirements; defining terms and establishing procedure; prohibiting assignment or legal process respecting grants; regulating administrative plan and personnel; directing appropriations, beyond total federal matching funds secured; penalizing violators; repealing Chapter 1, Laws of 1941, and conflicting enactments."[25] | NO | 160,084 (41.57%) | 225,027 (58.43%) |
Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Sec. 2 | "A Proposal to amend Article VII of the Constitution by adding a new section, section 2, providing that income shall not be construed as property for the purpose of taxation, and empowering the legislature to enact graduated net income taxes, and to provide exemptions, offsets and deductions."[25] | NO | 89,453 (33.66%) | 176,332 (66.34%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 1 | "Proposed amendment to Article VII of Constitution, adding section limiting aggregate annual levy of taxes on real and personal property to forty mills; exempting port and public utility districts; defining taxing districts; authorizing exceeding of limitation in certain cases by vote of electors; authorizing refunding of certain bonds by certain taxing districts outside of limitation by vote of governing body; subjecting amendment to Article VIII, Section 6, of Constitution; and making other exceptions."[26] | YES | 357,488 (33.40%) | 179,273 (66.60%) |
House Joint Resolution 4 | "Proposed amendment to Article II of the Constitution, by adding a new section to be known as Section 40, limiting exclusively to highway purposes the use of motor vehicle license fees, excise taxes on motor fuels and other revenue intended for highway purposes only; providing for their payment into a special fund of the State Treasury; defining highway purposes; and excepting from its provisions certain other designated fees and taxes."[26] | YES | 358,581 (69.03%) | 160,898 (30.97%) |
Initiative to the People 157 | "An act relating to Social Security and Unemployment Compensation; creating a Washington State Social Security Board and establishing a Washington State Social Security System; extending unemployment compensation benefits to include war veterans and certain governmental employees; enlarging, generally, the scope of unemployment benefits; liberalizing grants to the blind and senior citizens; directing a survey of cost and availability of medical care; prescribing duties of certain officers; defining certain terms; making an appropriation; repealing acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith and establishing effective dates."[26] | NO | 240,565 (37.31%) | 404,356 (62.29%) |
Initiative to the People 158 | "An act relating to revenue and taxation; providing for the levy and collection of a three per cent tax on gross income; providing for certain exemptions and deductions; providing for the disposition of revenue derived hereunder; prescribing monthly payments of not less than sixty dollars to certain aged, blind, disabled or widowed persons from an Employment and Retirement Mutual Insurance Fund, herein created; prescribing duties of officers and procedure in relation hereto; regulating disposition of payments by beneficiaries; defining terms and prescribing penalties."[26] | NO | 184,405 (29.65%) | 437,502 (70.35%) |
Referendum Bill 25 | "An act pertaining to public power resources and public utilities and acquisition and operation thereof by certain public authorities and municipal corporations; authorizing public utility district commissioners to create joint commissions; relating to composition, government, powers, funds, business and properties thereof; applying certain public utility district laws thereto; empowering them to acquire electrical properties solely by issuing revenue bonds and warrants; requiring deposit of funds with State Treasurer and audit of accounts by State Auditor; taxing their operations instead of property; permitting their union; offsetting earnings against interest on certain condemnation awards; declaring emergency and that act take effect immediately."[26] | NO | 297,919 (44.40%) | 373,051 (55.60%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 166 | "An act relating to public utility districts; requiring the approval of voters thereof as a prerequisite to acquisition of any operating electrical utility properties or adoption of a plan therefor by any such district; requiring voters' approval of bonds or indebtedness in connection therewith; providing for the calling of elections for such purpose; prescribing the manner in which resolutions for such acquisition or for adoption of plans therefor may become effective; subjecting acquisition of properties pursuant to pending proceedings and contracts to approval under this act; providing for liberal construction and repealing inconsistent acts."[27] | NO | 220,239 (37.45%) | 367,836 (62.55%) |
Referendum Measure 27 | "An act creating a State Timber Resources Board; making all sales of state timber and state grant forest lands subject to final approval by such Board; fixing qualifications of the Supervisor of Forestry; reqiring him to exercise the powers, functions and duties relative to sales of state timber, reforestation, forestry policy, management and practice now exercised by the Board of State Land Commissioners, State Capitol Committee, State Forest Board, Commissioner of Public Lands and State Parks Committee; all of the purpose of centralizing state timber sales and management."[27] | NO | 107,731 (20.34%) | 422,026 (79.66%) |
House Joint Resolution 9 | "A proposed amendment to the state constitution to permit the state to tax the United States and its instrumentalities to the extent that the laws of the United States will allow."[27] | YES | 235,819 (56.08%) | 198,786 (43.92%) |
Referendum Measure 26 | "An Act relating to game and the State Game Commission; providing that members of the State Game Commission shall, for the purpose of making such commission responsible to the Governor, be appointed and removable by him; amending Section 107B, Chapter 7, Laws of 1921, as enacted by Section 8, Chapter 3, Laws of 1933; and repealing Section 107C, Chapter 7, Laws of 1921, as enacted by Section 9, Chapter 3, Laws of 1933."[27] | NO | 69,490 (13.43%) | 447,819 (86.57%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 4 | "Proposed Amendment to the Constitution repealing Section 7, Article XI, which existing section renders any county officer ineligible to hold his office more than two terms in succession."[28] | YES | 337,554 (54.45%) | 282,324 (45.55%) |
Initiative to the Legislature 13 | "An act prohibiting the retail sale of beer and wine by any person other than the State of Washington, repealing all provisions of existing law pertaining to licensing for retail sale of beer and wine, revoking existing licenses and providing penalties."[28] | NO | 208,337 (25.71%) | 602,141 (74.29%) |
Initiative to the People 169 | "An act providing for the payment of additional compensation to veterans of World War II; establishing administrative procedures; authorizing the issuance and sale of state bonds and allocating the revenues thereof to a compensation fund; providing for the retirement of the bonds through the proceeds of a tobacco tax; making an appropriation and providing penalties."[28] | YES | 438,518 (56.52%) | 337,410 (43.48%) |
Initiative to the People 171 | "An act providing for the regulation and control of the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink; restricting licenses to restaurants, hotels, clubs, certain places on trains, boats and airplanes, and qualified tourist establishments; limiting such licenses to one for each fifteen hundred (1500) of population; prescribing license fees up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per annum and surety bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for payment of penalties; providing terms of office for liquor board members, with removal for cause only; distributing such license fees to the State College and University for medical and biological research; defining terms and repealing conflicting acts."[28] | YES | 416,227 (52.71%) | 373,418 (47.29%) |
Initiative to the People 172 | "An act relating to Citizens' Security, providing a minimum standard of living of sixty dollars ($60) a month for needy Senior Citizens and needy Blind, establishing uniform standards for eligibility and amounts of assistance for all categories of public assistance, providing for additional care and funeral benefits, providing for administrative procedures and conformance with Federal Social Security laws, abolishing liens, repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and appropriating six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000)."[28] | YES | 420,751 (54.40%) | 352,642 (45.60%) |
House Joint Resolution 13 | "PROPOSED AMENDMENT to the Constitution permitting the formation, under a charter, of combined city and county municipal corporations having a population of 300,000 or more."[28] | YES | 291,699 (50.34%) | 287,813 (49.66%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 4 | "PROPOSED AMENDMENT to the Constitution to permit the legislature to fix the salaries of the elected state officials."[28] | YES | 318,319 (50.62%) | 310,516 (49.38%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 5 | "PROPOSED AMENDMENT to Constitution to permit counties to adopt "Home Rule" charters."[28] | YES | 296,624 (52.44%) | 269,018 (47.56%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 10 | "Shall Section 6, Article VIII of the Constitution be amended to permit school districts to become indebted when authorized by popular vote up to an additional 5% of assessed valuation for capital outlays?"[29] | NO | 286,189 (47.68%) | 314,014 (52.32%) |
Initiative to the People 178 | "An act modifying the Citizens Security Act of 1948 (initiative Measure No. 172) and transferring the public assistance medical program to the Department of Health."[29] | YES | 394,261 (57.09%) | 296,290 (42.91%) |
Initiative to the People 176 | "AN ACT increasing to sixty-five dollars ($65.00) monthly the minimum grant to certain categories of public assistance, otherwise extending the Social Security program, and making a appropriation."[29] | NO | 159,400 (22.97%) | 534,689 (77.03%) |
Referendum Measure 28 | "AN ACT establishing a system of disability compensation for certain employed persons."[29] | NO | 163,923 (25.96%) | 467,574 (74.04%) |
Referendum Bill 9 | "AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at state institutions of higher learning."[29] | NO | 312,500 (49.81%) | 314,840 (50.19%) |
Referendum Bill 8 | "AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at the state operated charitable, educational and penal institutions."[29] | YES | 377,941 (59%) | 262,615 (41%) |
Referendum Bill 7 | "AN ACT providing tor the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to forty million dollars for the purpose of furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities."[29] | YES | 395,417 (61.44%) | 248,200 (38.56%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 9 | "Shall Article II, Section 33 of the Constitution be amended to permit ownership of land by Canadians who are citizens of provinces wherein citizens of this state may own land?"[29] | YES | 292,857 (50.24%) | 290,005 (49.76%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Substitute House Joint Resolution 13 | "Shall Article IV, section 6 of the Constitution be amended to permit superior courts to have original jurisdiction in all eases where the controversy amounts to one thousand dollars or a lesser sum in excess of the jurisdiction granted inferior courts; and shall Article IV, section 10 of the Constitution be amended to permit justices of the peace to have original jurisdiction where the controversy amounts to less than three hundred dollars or such greater sum not to exceed one thousand dollars?"[30] | YES | 389,626 (54.66%) | 323,133 (45.34%) |
House Joint Resolution 8 | "Shall Article VIII, section 6 of the Constitution be amended to permit school districts to become indebted when authorized by popular vote up to an additional five per cent of assessed valuation for capital outlays?"[30] | YES | 409,985 (51.49%) | 386,324 (48.51%) |
Initiative to the People 180 | "An act to legalize the manufacture, transportation, possession, sale, use and serving of yellow oleomargarine."[30] | YES | 836,580 (83.63%) | 163,752 (16.37%) |
Initiative to the People 181 | "An act prescribing the observance of standard time, except in an emergency during wartime or when another time has been adopted nationally."[30] | YES | 597,558 (60.03%) | 397,928 (39.97%) |
Initiative to the People 184 | "An act revising the state public assistance laws and returning the public assistance medical program to the Department of Social Security."[30] | NO | 265,193 (29.08%) | 646,634 (70.92%) |
Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 7 | "Shall Article II of the Constitution be amended by adding a new section to provide that no act approved by the people shall be amended or repealed by the legislature within two years following such approval except by a vote of two-thirds of all members of the legislature or by a direct vote of the people at any general or special election thereon?"[30] | YES | 468,782 (60.13%) | 310,797 (39.87%) |
House Joint Resolution 6 | "Shall Article IV of the Constitution be amended by adding a new section to provide that judges of the supreme court and superior courts shall retire at the age of seventy-five but permitting the legislature to prescribe a lesser age or other causes for retirement?"[30] | YES | 618,141 (74.11%) | 215,958 (25.89%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 194 | "An act to prohibit television advertising of alcoholic beverages between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.; declaring the use, sale and advertising of such beverages to be a matter of public policy; providing penalties for the violation of this act and repealing all acts in conflict therewith."[31] | NO | 207,746 (25.23%) | 615,794 (74.77%) |
Initiative to the People 188 | "An act raising the educational requirements for a license to practice chiropractic; establishing a Board of Chiropractic Examiners; adding to the chiropractic examination the subjects of chemistry and pathology and transferring jurisdiction for examination of chiropractic applicants from the Basic Sciences Examining Committee to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners."[31] | NO | 320,179 (39.37%) | 493,108 (60.63%) |
Initiative to the People 192 | "An act relating to salmon fishing for commercial purposes; defining districts wherein it is unlawful to fish commercially for salmon, except during prescribed seasons which the director may shorten; establishing preserves in which salmon fishing for commercial purposes is prohibited; prohibiting the construction, installation, use, operation or maintenance of certain specified gear or any fixed applicances for the purposes of catching salmon; authorizing seizures without warrants by certain officials; prescribing penalties; and repealing all laws in conflict herewith."[31] | NO | 237,004 (29.92%) | 555,151 (70.08%) |
Initiative to the People 193 | "An act providing that at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in April each year the time of the State of Washington shall be advanced one hour, and at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in September in each year the time of the State of Washington shall, by the retarding of one hour, be returned to Pacific Standard Time."[31] | NO | 370,005 (44.71%) | 457,529 (55.29%) |
House Joint Resolution 16 | "Shall Article II, section 33 as amended by Amendment 24 of the Constitution of the State of Washington, be amended by redefining "alien", thereby permitting the legislature to determine the policy of the state respecting the ownership of land by corporations having alien shareholders?"[31] | YES | 364,382 (55.15%) | 296,362 (44.85%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the People 198 | "An act defining the terms "employer" and "labor organization" and declaring unlawful certain agreements and practices relating to membership in such an organization, payments to such an organization as a condition of employment, discrimination and coercion in connection with employment, and providing civil actions and criminal penalties for violations."[32] | NO | 329,653 (31.86%) | 704,903 (68.14%) |
Initiative to the People 199 | "An act relating to the state legislature and legislative districts; defining forty-nine senatorial and representative districts; creating three new legislative districts; providing for the number and apportionment of the members of the legislature; increasing the membership of the state senate by three members; substituting census tracts as established by the United States Bureau of the Census for precincts as the basic geographical units from which legislative districts are formed; combining such census tracts to form newly created districts and to change the boundaries and population of some existing districts; and repealing certain acts in conflict therewith."[32] | YES | 448,121 (52.45%) | 406,287 (47.55%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 3 | "Shall Article II, Section 25, of the Constitution be amended to provide that pensions paid by the state or any political subdivision thereof, to a public official, may be increased during his term in office?"[32] | NO | 261,419 (32.29%) | 548,184 (67.71%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 4 | "Shall a new section be added to Article II of the Constitution which will supersede requirements specified in Section 1 thereof by providing that the valid signatures of eight per centum of the number of registered voters voting for Governor in the last election shall be necessary to certify an initiative and that four per centum shall be necessary to certify a referendum of an act of the Legislature?"[32] | YES | 413,107 (54.03%) | 351,518 (45.97%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 6 | "Shall Article III, Section 25, of the Constitution be amended to remove the present restriction prohibiting the state treasurer from being elected for more than one successive term?"[32] | YES | 411,453 (52.32%) | 374,905 (47.68%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 14 | "Shall the 13th Amendment of the Constitution be amended to provide that vacancies in the Legislature shall be filled by the county commissioners from an approved list submitted by the county central committee of the political party of the preceding legislator; and in the event it be a joint district, from lists submitted by the state central committee for joint action by county commissioners involved; providing for failure to appoint within sixty days, the Governor shall fill vacancy from said list?"[32] | YES | 454,199 (60.77%) | 293,159 (39.23%) |
House Joint Resolution 22 | "Shall Article I, Section 16, of the Constitution as amended by Amendment 9, be further amended to permit the state, in an eminent domain proceeding, upon filing the action to take immediate possession of the property after payment into court before trial of such amount as provided by law?"[32] | NO | 292,750 (38.57%) | 466,193 (61.43%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Referendum Bill 10 | "An Act providng for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty-five million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at the state operated charitable, educational and penal institutions and at state supported institutions of higher learning."[33] | YES | 402,937 (50.71%) | 391,726 (49.29%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 12 | "Shall the state constitution be amended to provide that, upon the legislature's failure to reapportion its members and to revise legislative and congressional district boundaries after each federal census, or to revise congressional district boundaries after each congressional reapportionment, such redistricting and/or reapportionment shall be undertaken by a seven-member commission, including one each from labor, industry and agriculture appointed by the governor, the secretary of state, a supreme court judge, and two state legislators, one from each major party?"[33] | NO | 320,567 (46.76%) | 365,018 (53.24%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 14 | "Shall Article I, Section 11 of the state constitution as amended by Amendment 4 be further amended to provide that the legislature may authorize the employment by the state of a chaplain for such of the state custodial, correctional and mental institutions as seems justified to the legislature?"[33] | YES | 492,047 (63.76%) | 297,700 (36.24%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 18 | "Shall Article II, Section 25 of the state constitution be amended to prohibit the legislature from granting any extra compensation to any public employee after the services have been rendered or the contract entered into and to provide that Article II, Section 25 shall not be deemed to prevent increases in pensions after such pensions have been granted?"[33] | YES | 388,797 (51.13%) | 371,652 (48.87%) |
Initiative to the People 202 | "An act declaring void any agreement hereafter made or extended which requires membership in or payment to a labor organization as a condition of employment."[33] | NO | 339,742 (36.27%) | 596,949 (63.73%) |
Initiative to the Legislature 23 | "An act providing civil service status for certain employees of the various county sheriffs; creating civil service commissions to administer the act; and setting forth their powers and duties; excepting certain employees therefrom; listing grounds for dismissal, censure or disciplining of employees within the act; forbidding sheriff's employees to engage in any political activity or to contribute to political funds; making county commissioners responsible for funds to administer the act; and providing penalties for violations thereof."[33] | YES | 539,640 (65.08%) | 289,575 (34.92%) |
Referendum Measure 30 | "An act relating to revenue and taxation; providing that insurance payable upon the death of any person shall be taxable under the inheritance tax; providing that such tax shall be a lien upon the proceeds of the policy; amending section 115, chapter 180, Laws of 1935 as amended by section 5, chapter 202, Laws of 1939 and RCW 83.16.080; repealing section 1, chapter 134, Laws of 1931 as amended by section 2, chapter 184, Laws of 1945 and RCW 83.40.050."[33] | NO | 811,539 (93.95%) | 52,223 (6.05%) |
Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 9 Part I | "Shall the state constitution be amended to provide that the legislature may increase or decrease the compensation of all elected officials of the state and all elected officials of the counties and that any such change in compensation shall be effective immediately; subject to the people's power of referendum?"[33] | NO | 199,361 (26.98%) | 539,483 (73.02%) |
Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 9 Part II | "Shall the state constitution be amended so as to allow a member of the legislature to be appointed or elected to a civil office created, or the emoluments of which have been increased, during the term for which he was elected?"[33] | NO | 140,142 (19.72%) | 570,630 (80.28%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 10 | "Shall Article XXIV, Section 1 of the state constitution be amended to authorize the modification of the boundaries of the state of Washington by appropriate interstate compacts duly approved by the Congress of the United States?"[33] | YES | 395,969 (56.09%) | 309,922 (43.91%) |
Substitute House Joint Resolution 4 | "Shall the state constitution be amended to permit school district electors to authorize excess tax levies at a specified maximum rate for up to two years for operation and/or up to six years for capital outlay, if the proposition or propositions therefor shall be approved by a three-fifths majority, and the number of electors voting thereon constitutes not less than forty percentum of the votes cast at the last preceding general election in such district?"[33] | NO | 293,386 (37.78%) | 483,165 (62.22%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative to the Legislature 25 | "An Act Prohibiting the construction or operation of any dam or other obstruction over 25 feet high on any tributary stream of the Columbia River down stream from McNary Dam within the migration range of anadromous fish, except on the North Fork of the Lewis River and White Salmon River, and prohibiting diversion of water from such stream in such quantities as will reduce the flow below the annual average low flow without concurrent approval of the Directors of Fisheries and Game."[34] | YES | 526,130 (52.11%) | 483,449 (47.89%) |
Initiative to the People 205 | "An Act Relating to spirituous liquor licenses, making taverns eligible for a new class of license allowing the sale of spirituous liquors including mixed drinks and cocktails, providing for regulation, fees and disbursements thereunder."[34] | NO | 357,455 (30.89%) | 799,643 (69.11%) |
Initiatve to the People 207 | "An Act, Entitled "The State Civil Service Law," relating to state government; establishing a civil service system for state employees; defining employees included and excluded; providing that appointments and promotions in the classified civil service shall be based solely on merit and fitness; governing appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff, recruitment, retention, classification and pay plan, removal, discipline and welfare of civil service employees, agreements regarding grievance procedures and collective negotiations, and other incidents of employment; blanketing-in certain employees; prohibiting certain activities; creating a revolving fund; abolishing existing personnel system; and repealing or amending inconsistent laws."[34] | YES | 606,511 (56.25%) | 471,730 (43.75%) |
Initiative to the People 208 | "An Act Relating to property; authorizing joint tenancies in real and personal property with common law incidents of survivorship and severability; allowing property rights of a deceased joint tenant to pass immediately upon death to the surviving joint tenant; prescribing methods and requirements for the creation of joint tenancies; providing that the transfer of property to surviving joint tenants shall not derogate from the rights of creditors; and repealing existing laws which abolished the right of survivorship as an incident of joint tenancies or tenancy by the entireties."[34] | YES | 647,529 (60.05%) | 430,698 (39.95%) |
Initiative to the People 210 | "An Act Providing that at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in April each year the time of the State of Washington shall be advanced one hour, and at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in September in each year the time of the State of Washington shall, by the retarding of one hour, be returned to Pacific Standard Time."[34] | YES | 596,135 (51.71%) | 556,623 (48.29%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 4 | "Shall the constitutional restriction upon the ownership of land in the State of Washington by aliens be removed by repealing Section 33, Article II as amended by Amendments 24 and 29 of the State Constitution?"[34] | NO | 466,705 (45.27%) | 564,250 (54.73%) |
Measure Name | Description | Passed? | Yes Votes | No Votes |
House Joint Resolution 19 | "Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the State Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce the periods of state and county residence required for voting at all elections; eliminate disqualification from voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state their permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice-President of the United States, after sixty days' residence?" | NO | 392,172 (49.47%) | 400,630 (50.53%) |
House Joint Resolution 9 | "Shall Article II of the State Constitution be amended by adding a section empowering and directing the legislature to provide a method of temporary succession to elected and appointive offices when because of an emergency resulting from enemy attack the incumbents are unavailable to act and further empowering the legislature to depart from certain constitutional provisions if, in discharging this duty, the emergency renders compliance impracticable?" | YES | 496,596 (64.03%) | 279,175 (35.97%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 21 | "Shall the constitutional restriction upon the ownership of land in the State of Washington by certain non-citizens be removed by repealing Section 33, Article II, as Amendments 24 and 29 of the State Constitution?" | NO | 400,839 (48.35%) | 428,276 (51.65%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 9 | "Shall Article II, Section 1, Amendment 7 of the State Constitution which presently directs the Secretary of State to send each registered voter a copy of the voters' pamphlet (a publication containing the laws and constitutional amendments referred to the people together with arguments for and against each measure) be amended so as to require only mailing to each individual place of residence, together with such other distribution as the Secretary of State deems necessary?" | YES | 484,666 (60.60%) | 315,088 (39.40%) |
Substitute House Joint Resolution 1 | "Shall the State Constitution be amended to permit city and town voters to authorize tax levies in excess of the 40-mill limit at a specified maximum rate for up to four years for capital outlay, if the proposition or propositions be approved by a three-fifths majority and the number of voters voting thereon constitutes not less than forty percent of the votes cast at the last preceding general election in such city or town?" | NO | 189,125 (23.35%) | 620,973 (76.65%) |
Initiative Measure 211 | "Relating to the State Legislature and legislative districts; defining the boundaries of all state legislative districts; changing the boundaries and population of most districts; renumbering some districts; providing for the number of legislators and their allocation to such legislative districts; and repealing existing legislative apportionment and districting laws in conflict therewith." | NO | 396,419 (47.33%) | 441,085 (52.67%) |
Referendum Measure 32 | "Declared to be for the protection of the health and welfare of the public, and for the purpose of maintaining stability and properity in the milk industry, and authorizing and providing procedures for the Director of Agriculture to: Prescribe marketing areas, formulate stabilization and marketing plans for regulation of milk production and distribution, determine minimum prices to milk producers and establish, with the consent of an advisory board, emergency retail prices whenever unfair trade practices disrupt milk marketing; providing funds for administration and enforcement from assessments paid by producers and/or dealers and dealers' license fees, and providing penalties." | NO | 153,419 (18.46%) | 677,530 (81.54%) |
Referendum Measure 33 | "Relating to auditing the accounts and financial affairs of cities and towns; authorizing cities and towns to cause the official examination of their affairs to be conducted by private accountants instead of the state auditor; prescribing qualifications for, and the method of selecting, private accounts; and requiring the state auditor to prescribe and the attorney general to enforce minimum standards of accounting and reporting." | NO | 242,189 (30.06%) | 563,475 (69.94%) |
Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 1 | "Shall the State Constitution be amended to permit school district voters to authorize tax levies in excess of the 40-mill limit at a specified maximum rate for up to four years for operations and/or capital outlay, if the proposition or propositions be approved by a three-fifths majority, and the number of voters voting thereon constitutes not less than forty percent of the votes cast at the last preceding general election in such district?" | NO | 249,489 (29.44%) | 597,928 (70.56%) |
Senate Joint Resolution 25 | "Shall Section 1, Article XXIII, of the State Constitution requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional amendment in a weekly newspaper in each county for three months prior to the election, be amended so as to require only that notice of the proposed constituional amendment be published at least four times during the four weeks preceding the election in every legal newspaper in the state?" | YES | 417,451 (54.15%) | 353,448 (45.85%) |
House Joint Resolution 6 | "Shall Article IV of the State Constitution be amended by adding a new section providing that when necessary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice a majority of the supreme court is empowered to authorize judges of courts of record in this state to perform, temporarily, judicial duties in the supreme court, and to authorize any superior court judge to perform judicial duties in any superior court of this state?" | YES | 539,800 (69.51%) | 236,805 (30.49%) |
- 215, the Marine Recreation Land Act (A)
- 242, establishing drivers' implied consent to intoxication tests (A)
- 245, reducing maximum retail service charges (A)
- 32*, regarding the local processing of state timber. Submitted to the voters in 1968 and rejected.
- 251, regulating the imposition of taxes (R)
- 256, prohibiting certain nonrefundable beverage receptacles (bottle deposit) (R)
- 258, allowing greyhound racing in certain cities (R)
- 261, regarding liquor sales by retailers (R)
- 276, mandating disclosure of campaign finance information and lobbying activity (A)
- 40*, regarding litter control. Alternative measure, 40B, passed by the legislature in 1971. Per state constitution, both measures submitted to the voters in 1972. 40B prevailed.
- 43*, regarding shoreline use and development. Alternative measure, 43B, passed by the legislature in 1971. Per state constitution, both measures submitted to the voters in 1972. 43B prevailed.
- 44*, regarding statutory tax limitation. Submitted to the voters in 1972 and approved.
- 282, limiting state elected officials' and judges' salary increases to 5.5% over 1965 and 1972 levels, respectively (A)
- 314, establishing a 12% corporate excise tax on income to reduce or eliminate special school levies (R)
- 316, mandating the death penalty in the case of aggravated first-degree murder (A)
- 322, outlawing fluoridation of public water supplies (R)
- 325, restricting the future construction of nuclear power facilities (R)
- 335, outlawing businesses engaged in regular public display of pornographic films or sale of pornographic publications (A)
- 345, exempting most food products from sales tax (A)
- 348, repealing the new variable motor vehicle fuel tax and reinstating the old one (R)
- 59*, regarding irrigation. Submitted to the voters in 1977 and approved.
- 350, prohibiting forced school busing, with limited exceptions (A)
- 61*, regarding a minimum 5-cent bottle and can deposits on beer, malt, and carbonated beverages. Submitted to the voters in 1979 and rejected.
- 62*, regarding limiting state taxes to the growth rate of personal income. Submitted to the voters in 1979 and approved.
- 383, banning non-medical radioactive wastes generated outside Washington (A). Later declared unconstitutional.
- 394, requiring voter approval before issuance of bonds for major public utility energy projects (A)
- 402, abolishing inheritance and gift taxes and limiting state estate taxes to the federal estate tax credit allowed (A)
- 412, setting the maximum interest rate on retail sales at the higher of 12% or 1% over the federal funds rate (R)
- 414, requiring a minimum five-cent refund on sales of beer, malt, and carbonated beverage containers (bottle deposit) (R)
- 435, replacing sales taxes on food and business and occupation taxes with corporate franchise taxes on net income (R)
- 456, petitioning Congress to decommercialize steelhead and enacting state policies respecting Indian rights and management of natural resources (A)
- 464, exempting the value of trade-ins from selling price on which sales tax is calculated (A)
- 471, outlawing public funding of abortions except to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or her unborn child (R)
- 90*, regarding a sales tax increase to fund fish and wildlife conservation and recreation programs. Submitted to the voters in 1986 and rejected.
- 92*, regarding Medicare charges. Submitted to the voters in 1987 and rejected.
- 518, increasing the state minimum wage from $2.30 to $3.85 and then to $4.25 (A)
- 97*, regarding hazardous waste cleanup. Alternative measure, 97B, passed by the legislature in 1988. Per state constitution, both measures submitted to the voters in 1988. 97 prevailed.
- 99*, regarding primary elections for U.S. president. Passed by the legislature in 1989.
- 102*, regarding a tax increase for children and family services. Submitted to the voters in 1989 and rejected.
- 547, implementing state growth and environmental protection goals by local comprehensive land use planning and development fees (R)
- 553, setting term limits on the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, on state legislators, and on members of the United States Congress (R)
- 559, setting property values for tax purposes at the January 1, 1985, value or subsequent sales price, adjusted for cost of living changes (R)
- 119*, regarding physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill. Submitted to the voters in 1991 and rejected.
- 120*, regarding the revision of state abortion laws, including the right to abortion before fetus viability. Submitted to the voters in 1991 and approved.
- 573, setting term limits for certain offices (A)
- 134*, regarding campaign finance, including the prohibition of public funding of state and local campaigns. Submitted to the voters in 1992 and approved.
- 593, establishing the three-strikes law, mandating that criminals who are convicted of "most serious offenses" on three occasions be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole (A)
- 601, limiting state spending by inflation rates and population growth, and subjecting taxes exceeding the limit to referendum (A)
- 602, limiting state spending and tax collection by a factor based on personal income, and repealing certain taxes (R)
- 607, licensing denturists to make and sell dentures to the public (A)
- 640, establishing state fishing regulations in order to ensure certain survival rates for non-targeted catch, and prioritizing commercial and recreational fisheries (R)
- 651, allowing unrestricted gambling on Indian lands (R)
- 159*, regarding crimes involving firearms. Passed by the legislature in 1995.
- 164*, regarding the restriction of land use regulation. Passed by the legislature in 1995 but repealed by referendum the same year.
- 655, outlawing the taking, hunting, or attracting of black bears with bait and the hunting of bears, cougars, bobcat, and lynx with dogs (A)
- 670, requiring the placement of a ballot notice next to the names of certain candidates who do not support Congressional term limits (R)
- 671, allowing limited electronic gambling on Indian lands for tribal government purposes (R)
- 173*, regarding school vouchers. Submitted to the voters in 1996 and rejected.
- 177*, regarding charter schools. Submitted to the voters in 1996 and rejected.
- 673, regarding the regulation of health insurance plans (R)
- 676, requiring trigger locks on handguns and handgun safety licenses (R)
- 677, prohibiting employment discrimination based on sexual orientation (R)
- 678, licensing dental hygienists to perform certain services without the supervision of a dentist (R)
- 685, allowing the medical use of certain illegal drugs (R)
- 688, increasing the state minimum wage from $4.90 to $5.70 and then to $6.50, and afterwards annually adjusting it for inflation (A)
- 692, allowing the medical use of marijuana (A)
- 694, outlawing partial-birth abortion except when necessary to prevent the pregnant woman's death (R)
- 200*, prohibiting government from discriminating or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, education, and contracting. Submitted to the voters in 1998 and approved.
- 695, lowering motor vehicle excise tax (license tab fees) to $30 per year, requiring voter approval be required for any tax increase, and repealing existing vehicle taxes (A) Later declared unconstitutional, but version of same bill (except voter approval for tax increases) approved by legislature.
- 696, outlawing commercial net, troll, and trawl fishing, except for tribal fisheries (R)
- 713, outlawing certain body-gripping animal traps and the poisoning of animals with sodium fluoroacetate or sodium cyanide (A)
- 722, repealing certain 1999 taxes, exempting vehicles from property taxes, and limiting annual property tax increases to 2% (A, subsequently overturned)
- 728, reducing class sizes, extending learning programs, expanding teacher training, and constructing school facilities (A)
- 729, authorizing charter schools (R)
- 732, establishing annual cost-of-living salary raises for public school teachers (A)
- 745, earmarking 90% of transportation funds, including transit taxes, for roads, requiring transportation agency performance audits, and exempting road construction and maintenance from sales tax (R)
- 747, limiting annual property tax increases to 1% unless approved by the voters (A, court overturned in 2006)
- 773, imposing additional taxes on cigarettes and wholesale tobacco products, to be spent on expanded health care services for low-income persons (A)
- 775, creating a "home care quality authority" to regulate home care of the elderly and disabled (A)
- 776, setting license tab fees at $30 per year for motor vehicles, and repealing certain other vehicle excise taxes and transportation fees (A)
- 790, placing management of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, plan 2, in a board of trustees (A)
- 841, repealing existing state ergonomics regulations and prohibiting the adoption of new regulations until a uniform federal standard is required (A)
- 872, enacting a qualifying primary election system whereby the two candidates with the most votes advance to the general election regardless of party (Nonpartisan blanket primary) (A)
- 884, increasing the sales tax by 1% to create an education trust fund (R)
- 892, authorizing "electronic scratch ticket machines" (slot machines) in non-tribal establishments, part of the revenue generated being used to reduce property tax (R)
- 297*, regarding "mixed" radioactive and nonradioactive hazardous waste. Submitted to the voters in 2004 and passed.
- 900, expanding the power of the state auditor to do more performance audits and drawing money from the general fund to pay for another layer of audits. (A)
- 901, prohibiting smoking in buildings and vehicles open to the public and places of employment, including areas within 25 feet of doorways and ventilation openings. (A)
- 912, rolling back a key component (the gas tax) of the 2005 transportation funding package, which the Legislature passed to improve road safety and relieve congestion. (R)
- 330*, regarding medical malpractice claims and insurance. Submitted to the voters in 2005 and rejected.
- 336*, regarding medical malpractice lawsuits and insurance and healthcare provider licensing. Submitted to the voters in 2005 and rejected.
- 920, repealing Washington State estate taxes. (R)
- 933, concerning government regulation of private property, would have compensated property owners when regulations damage the use or value of private property. It would have forbidden further legal restrictions of private property use, and provided exceptions or payments. (R)
- 937, concerning energy use by electrical utilities, required large electric utilities to increase energy conservation and renewable energy use. (A)
- 985, would open high-occupancy vehicle lanes to all traffic during specified hours, require traffic light synchronization, increase roadside assistance funding, and dedicate certain taxes, fines, tolls and other revenues to traffic-flow purposes. (R)
- 1000, Washington Death with Dignity Act concerns allowing certain terminally ill competent adults to obtain lethal prescriptions. (A)
- 1029, concerns long-term care services for the elderly and persons with disabilities. (A)
- 1033, concerns property taxes. (R)
- 1053 to require super-majority for tax increases (Tim Eyman). (A, subsequently overturned)
- 1082 to amend workers' compensation insurance in the state. (R)
- 1093 to create state income tax to reduce other taxes. (R)
- 1100 to close state liquor stores and allow private-party distribution. (R)
- 1105 to close state liquor stores and allow private-party distribution. (R)
- 1107 to repeal taxes on candy, bottled water and soft drinks. (A)
- 1183 to allow private liquor sales and close down Washington State Liquor Control Board distribution system. (A)
- 1163 to require background checks for long-term care workers. (A)
- 1125 to restrict toll rate tax uses and increases (Tim Eyman). (R)
- 1351 to reduce class size in public schools (A)
- 591*, to restrict background checks for purchasing firearms. Rejected.
- 594*, to require background checks for purchasing firearms. Approved.
- 1366 to reduce the sales tax rate 1% unless an amendment requiring two-thirds legislative support for tax increased is proposed (Tim Eyman) (A, subsequently overturned)
- 1401 to increase penalties for trafficking in certain endangered animal species (A)
- 1433 to increase the minimum wage to $13.50 (A)
- 1464 to implement campaign finance regulations (R)
- 1491 to allow for risk protection orders for access to firearms (A)
- 1501 to increase penalties for identity theft (A)
- 732*, to implement a carbon tax. Rejected.
- 735*, to urge a federal constitutional amendment restricting campaign spending by corporations. Approved.
- 1631 to implement a carbon fee to fund greenhouse gas reduction initiatives (R)
- 1634 to restrict local governments from enacting soda taxes (A)
- 1639 to implement restrictions on firearm purchase and ownership (A)
- 940* to require police training and allow criminal liability for use of force. Approved
- 976, to reduce motor vehicle registration fees and cut transportation funding. (A, subsequently overturned)
- 1000 to allow affirmative action, repealing I-200 (1998). Passed by the legislature but repealed by referendum the same year
See also
- "How to Sponsor an Initiative". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Index to Initiative and Referendum History and Statistics". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Legislatively referred constitutional amendment". Ballotpedia. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Election Search Results - November 1898 General". Office of The Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1900 General". Office of the Secretary. Retrieved May 5, 2011.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1904 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1906 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1908 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1910 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - 1912 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1914 General". Office of the Secretary of the State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1916 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1918 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1920 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1924 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1926 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1928 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1930 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1932 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1934 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1936 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1938 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1940 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 12, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1942 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 14, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1944 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 14, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1946 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 14, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1948 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 14, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1950 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1952 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1954 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1956 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved May 17, 2020.
- "Elections Search Results - November 1958 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
- "Elections Search Results- November 1960 General". Office of the Secretary of State. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
- Chris McGann (November 7, 2007). "Initiatives: Insurance reform gets a big yes from voters Eyman measure finds strong support outside King County". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved November 7, 2007.
- November 6, 2007 General – Measures, Washington Secretary of State, retrieved August 17, 2011
- "Initiative 502 Results". Washington Secretary of State. Retrieved October 30, 2013.