IEK (Greek: ΙΕΚ) is a Greek abbreviation name for the Ινστιτούτο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης[1][2][3][4][5] (Institute of Vocational Training) in Greece.
Ινστιτούτο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης | |
Abbreviation | IEK |
Formation | 1992 |
Type | Non-formal education (NFE), adult only, post-secondary education and training |
Legal status | Part of a series on Education in Greece. Public and Private. |
Location |
Parent organization | Ministry of Education. General secretariat for vocational education and training (VET) and life-long learning (EEKDBM) |
Affiliations | National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) |
Website | www |
IEK was established in 1992 as a type of educational institution specifically to provide adult vocational education and training (VET) at the post-secondary education level (Greek: Μεταδευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση) that is not part of higher education (HE), nor taken as part of an undergraduate degree. Completing it does not allow access to courses at level 6 of the NQF/EQF and ISCED classification. IEK is a comprehensive (i.e. no entry exam is required) institution considered to be a body of "non-formal education" (φορέας μη τυπικής εκπαίδευσης).[6][7]
IEK name variants include Post–Secondary Institute of Vocational Education and Training (PSIVET), Institute of Vocational Education and Training (IVET), Institute of Professional Studies (IPS).
Public and private IEK
Public and private IEK offer postsecondary courses accredited by Ministry of Education (Greek: ΥΠ.Π.Ε.Θ.) and the agency of EOPPEP - National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (Greek: Εθνικός Οργανισμός Πιστοποίησης Προσόντων και Επαγγελματικού Προσανατολισμού - Ε.Ο.Π.Π.Ε.Π.).[8]
There are approx. 90 regional Public IEK (Greek: ΔΙΕΚ) in the administrative regions of Greece, and also over 50 Private IEK (Greek: IIEK) administrated by EOPPEP entity, recognized by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, they also exist public IEKs of Ministry of Tourism[9] at which has hospitality and tourism specialties; of National Center for Emergency Care (EKAV, Greek: Ε.Κ.Α.Β.);[10] of Ministry of Health;[11] of Workforce Employment Organisation (OAED, Greek: Ο.Α.Ε.Δ.). Generally, public IEK operates afternoon starting by 15:00 PM in which is usually co-housed and operated at a morning-curriculum school's building, while usually the laboratory classes conducted off-school at laboratories which are owned and sponsored by individual companies or organizations and loaned to the IEK, however they are subject of availability during the academic year. The IEK is on a two terms (semesters) system per academic calendar year and shares a common national academic curriculum of Greece Ministry of Education. The students are assessed during the semester in the form of progress test (πρόοδος), and the final examination test (εξεταστική) taken and the end of the semester. The post lower secondary programmes provided by the Institute of Vocational Training (IEK) have been discontinued (repealed), where access to this type of programmes had the students that have completed the gymnasio.
Admission into an IEK’s programme requires adult-only applicants who have graduated from upper secondary education school in Greece[12][2][upper-roman 1] (at National Qualification Framework (NQF) of Greece Level 4; EQF 4; lyceum) or its international equivalent officially recognized by the Greek Ministry of Education.
Admission into a Public IEK’s programme is selective, subject to fulfilling the entry criteria. It has to be granted on the basis of the senior secondary leaving certificate grade and other criteria include age, the social insurance stamps of applicants having prior employment relevant to the subject of the study applied for, and specific criteria on an individual basis will be assessed. All Public IEKs are government-funded have free education, without any payment of tuition fee. Prescribed textbooks and some required materials are not provided by the IEKs, and will have to be purchased at student its own cost, subject to the chosen specialty. The VAT number (ΑΦΜ, registration code for tax purposes) and SSRN (AMKA, Social Security Registration Number) are required from the student for its admission. Up until the 2012-2013 academic year, all public IEK students were required to pay up to €367 statute fee for every semester, that has been repealed since 2013-2014 academic year.[2] Admission into a Private IEK’s programme is non-selective, meaning does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement having an open enrollment for those who have graduated from senior secondary school without further admission requirements, since all most private IEKs they are for-profit IEKs financed primarily through tuition fees received from students.
Qualifications and accreditation
Certificate of Vocational Training
The Certificate of Vocational Training (Greek: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης) signifies completion of four semesters of full-time post-secondary vocational education and training (VET) programme of 1200 hours at an IEK school unit and 960 hours at a work placement[upper-roman 2] as part of curriculum, hence also being known as curricular practicum or 5th semester. The work placement is a paid contract CDD compulsory by law[upper-roman 3] at an employment positioning and can be considered upon graduation or during 3rd or 4th semester. However, the IEK programmes can also be offered with a shorter duration including 1200 hours only at an IEK school unit for those students who having already obtained at least 120 social insurance stamps from working in employment corresponding to their study of specialisation, meaning it can to choose the right for exemption from 960 hours at a work placement. The curricular work placement, also called internship, within an employment takes ca. 45% of the study time curriculum. The public ΙΕΚ school is not responsible for finding work placements for its students, and it is determined individually by each public IEK student to find it. Certificate of Vocational Training is also known as Attestation of Studies (credential act of affirming), Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Attendance.
Diploma of Vocational Education and Training / Accreditation
Graduates at public and private IEKs having a Certificate of Vocational Training entitles and eligibles them to take part, if they wish, in the qualifying examinations of the National Accreditation Examinations (Greek: Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης) will be held at EOPPEP examination centers of Attica (Athens), Central Macedonia (Thessaloniki), Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Komotini), Peloponnese (Tripoli), Western Greece (Patra), Thessaly (City of Larissa), Epirus (City of Ioannina), Crete (Heraklion), North Aegean (Mytilene), South Aegean (Rhodos).[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]
Once, they have been passed all examinations then are awarded Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET)[upper-roman 4] (Greek: Δίπλωμα Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης), also known as Vocational Training Diploma that denotes to a level of knowledge equivalent to a Level 5 of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) of Greece which is officially named Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF) (Greek: Ελληνικό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων),[21] to European Qualifications Framework (EQF) (Greek: Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων) Level 5, to ISCED Level 4.[22][23] Information for the existing professional accreditation updates of each programme of study can be accessed through the EOPPEP's website.[8] The Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET) is awarded by the examining body of EOPPEP.[24][25][26]

Certificate supplement
A Certificate Supplement[27] of Europass is available in Greek and English, awarded by the EOPPEP – National Europass Centre of Greece. It is a document that includes additional information and standardised description about the content and status of the qualification of studies ensuring that qualifications are easily understood, especially outside the country where they were awarded, but not guarantee recognition – it is not a CV nor a substitute qualification for the original and does not have any legal status in itself. Students can submit their applications at the EOPPEP, which also issues the Certificate Supplement.
The IEK system of study is grouped into fields of study (sectors) which are further divided into departments and each department is then further subdivided into several schools of study (specialties). When a field of study does not have departments, the field is by without departments containing only schools. All IEK programmes of study (specialties) run in terms of demand and vary according to different geographical locations depending on the decisions issued, while over time can be changed, updated, completely withdrawn, replaced or new can be launched.[28][29][30][31] The fields of study (academic disciplines) are:
- Agriculture, Food Technology, Nutrition
- Applied Arts and Art Studies
- Business Administration and Economics
- Communication and Mass Media
- Separate Programmes of Study
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Health and Welfare
- Maritime Professions
- Technology Applications
- Under Law 4250/2014 certificates and documents of all Greek public entities submitted to other Greek public entities are not required to be originals or certified copies.
- A practicum term is a student-in-practice in an employment where the student is a trainee (intern) employee has a contract CDD of employment linked to the employer.
- IEK curricular practicum term by government-funded fixed contract CCD: Join Ministerial Decision 139931, 08.09.2015, Government Gazette 1953 Issue Β, 10.09.2015.
Ministerial Decision 5954/2014, Article 3, Government Gazette 1807 Issue Β, 02.07.2014. And the Law 4186/2013, Article 23, Government Gazette 193 Issue Α, 17.09.2013. - NQF, EQF, and ISCED level systems are learning-outcomes-based qualification frameworks[20] have reference levels used for the purpose of measuring educational attainment cover formal education and non-formal education recognized programmes which are designed within a national context. It is both a reflection of study load and an indication of a qualification holder’s knowledge, skills and learning outcomes describing what a learner knows, understands and is able to do. This will enable an easier comparison between national qualifications.
- "Ministerial Decision 5954 Government Gazette 1807/2-6-2014" (PDF).(in Greek)
- "Law 4186/2013, Government Gazette 193A'/17.09.2013" (PDF). Ministry of Education. "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". Provisions for the transformation of Upper Secondary Schools of General (GEL) and Vocational (EPAL), Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) and Special Education structures.(in Greek)
- "Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe – Greece. Cedefop ReferNet VET in Europe reports" (PDF). Cedefop.(in English) Athanasouli, A., Georgiadis, N., Karnemidou, A., Mavris, D. (2016)
- "Greece Education System Legislation and Official Policy Documents". Eurydice Network.(in English)
- "General secretariat for vocational education and training (VET) and life-long learning (EEKDBM)". National Printing House of Greece. Cite journal requires
(help)(in Greek) - "Law 3879/2010, Government Gazette 163A' / 21.9.2010" (PDF). Hellenic Parliament. Cite journal requires
(help) Non-typical education providers. Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions (in Greek) - "Law 4547/2018, Article 89, Government Gazette 102 A' / 12.06.2018" (PDF). Hellenic Parliament. Cite journal requires
(help) Amendments for non-typical education providers (in Greek) - "National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance". EOPPEP - Organization for VET and NQF.(in Greek and English)
- "Institute of Vocational Training (IEK) of Ministry of Tourism".(in Greek)
- "EKAB Institute of Vocational Training (IEK) of Ministry of Health".(in Greek)
- "Listing - Institute of Vocational Training (IEK) of Ministry of Health".(in Greek)
- "Law 4386/2016, Government Gazette 83Α'/11.05.2016". Hellenic Parliament. "Regulations for Research and other provisions"(in Greek)
- "Greece Open Data Government". Greece Data Government. Cite journal requires
(help) Central directory of public data that provides access to databases of Greek government authorities in according to the European Union guide of 2013/37/ΕU. (in Greek) - "Greece Geodata Government". Cite journal requires
(help) Open geospatial data and services. National open data catalogue. Developed in the context of the EU-funded project PublicaMundi, as well as the international Open Source community. (in English and Greek) - "Greece Geodata Government Maps". Cite journal requires
(help) Map Quest – Open Street Maps, Map Quest Satellite, Google Maps Satellite, Bing Map Aerial, Bing Map Aerial with Labels, Bing Map Road, Stamen Toner, Stamen Watercolor. (in English and Greek) - "Greece Open Government". Cite journal requires
(help) Minister of Interior (in English and Greek) - "Open Government Partnership Member of Greece". Cite journal requires
(help)(in English) - "Help and advice for EU nationals and their family". European Commission. Cite journal requires
(help) Travel, Work retirement, Vehicles, Resident formalities, Education, Health, Consumer (in English and Greek) - "JoinUp by European Commission". Cite journal requires
(help)(in English) - "Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)". European Commission. Cite journal requires
(help)(in English) - "Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF)". EOPPEP.(in Greek and English)
- "International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011" (PDF). Unesco Organization.(in English)
- "ISCED-F 2013 Fields of education and training – Detailed field descriptions" (PDF). Unesco Organization.(in English)
- "Greece NQF Referencing Report" (PDF). Ministry of Education. Cite journal requires
(help)(in English) - "CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Vocational education and training in Greece". CEDEFOP.(in Greek and English)
- "VET2 Business – Report on Collection of VET Curricula 30-07-2018" (PDF).
- "Europass Certificate Supplement (CS)". EOPPEP.(in Greek and English)
- "HQF ‒ IEKs Specialties". EOPPEP. Page 9 to 24 (in Greek and English)
- "IEK Specialties, Law 4186/2013, Article 23, Government Gazette 193Α' / 13.09.2013" (PDF). Hellenic Parliament. (in Greek)
- "IEK Specialties of Study". EEKDBM General Secretariat. (in Greek)
- "List of Public IEKs Subjects of Specialties of Study". (in Greek)
- Territory List of IEKs Specialties of Study in 2013 (in Greek)
- IEKs Syllabus of Specialties of Study in 2013 (in Greek)
- IEK Specialties of Study Guides (in Greek)
External links
- Official Website (in Greek)