Agreements on the Enforcement of Sentences with the International Criminal Court

An Agreement on the Enforcement of Sentences with the International Criminal Court is a formal agreement whereby a state agrees to carry out a sentence imposed by the Court. Article 103 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that a "sentence of imprisonment shall be served in a State designated by the Court from a list of States which have indicated to the Court their willingness to accept sentenced persons."[1] To this end, the Court has concluded Agreements with a number of states that have declared their willingness to accept sentenced persons.

States with an agreement with the Court

Several states have entered into general agreements to enforce sentences imposed by the Court.

State Adoption Entry into force Persons
 Argentina 18 April 2017 18 April 2017 [2]
 Austria 27 October 2005 26 November 2005 [3]
 Belgium 1 June 2010 1 June 2010 [4]
 Colombia 17 May 2011 [5]
 Denmark 1 June 2010 5 July 2012 [6]
 Finland 1 June 2010 24 April 2011 [7]
 Mali 13 January 2012 [8]
 Norway 7 July 2016 6 August 2016 [9]
 Serbia 20 January 2011 28 May 2011 [10]
 Sweden 26 April 2017 26 April 2017 [11]
 United Kingdom 8 December 2007 8 December 2007 1 [12]
 Georgia 24 January 2019 24 January 2019 [13]

Ad hoc agreements

An agreement on the enforcement of sentences can also be ad hoc in nature. Such agreements can be concluded between the Court and a state to enforce the sentence of one convicted individual.

State Adoption Entry into force Person
 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24 November 2015 24 November 2015 Germain Katanga [14]
 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24 November 2015 24 November 2015 Thomas Lubanga Dyilo [15]

States accepting sentenced persons by declaration and under certain circumstances

Some states have declared their willingness to accept their own nationals or, in some cases, their residents to serve a sentence imposed by the Court within their territory. Sometimes a state has the additional condition of the sentence not exceeding the maximum time allowed for a sentence under national law. The following states have declared their intentions in declarations made when they ratified the Rome Statute.[16]

State Date Conditions on persons Conditions on sentences Persons
 Andorra 20 April 2001 Nationals only Cannot exceed national maximum
 Czech Republic 21 July 2009 Nationals and residents only
 Honduras 13 July 2004 Nationals only Cannot exceed national maximum
 Liechtenstein 2 October 2001 Nationals and residents only
 Lithuania 12 May 2003 Nationals only
 Slovakia 11 April 2002 Nationals and residents only
 Spain 24 October 2000 Cannot exceed national maximum
  Switzerland 12 October 2001 Nationals and residents only


  1. Article 103 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
  2. "Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the International Criminal Court on the enforcement of sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2017-04-18. Retrieved 2019-05-04.
  3. "Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the Federal Government of Austria on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2005-10-27. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  4. "Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2010-06-01. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  5. "ICC President to sign enforcement of sentences agreement during his visit to Colombia". ICC. 2011-05-16. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  6. "Agreement between the Kingdom of Denmark and the International Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). 2010-06-01. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  7. "Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the Government of the Republic of Finland on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2011-04-24. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  8. "ICC Weekly Update" (PDF). ICC. 2012-01-23. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  9. "ICC‐PRES/18-02-16: Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the International Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2017-07-20. Retrieved 2017-04-23.
  10. "ICC‐PRES/09‐03‐11: Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the International Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2011-05-28. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  11. "Agreement between the Government of Sweden and the International Criminal Court on the enforcement of sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2017-04-24. Retrieved 2019-05-04.
  12. "Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the International Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2011-11-08. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  13. "Agreement between the Government of Georgia and the International Criminal Court on the enforcement of sentences of the International Criminal Court" (PDF). ICC. 2019-01-24. Retrieved 2019-05-04.
  14. "Ad Hoc Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the International Criminal Court on Enforcement of the Sentence of the International Criminal Court Imposed on Mr Germain Katanga" (PDF). ICC. 2015-11-24. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  15. "Ad Hoc Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the International Criminal Court on Enforcement of the Sentence of the International Criminal Court Imposed on Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo" (PDF). ICC. 2015-11-24. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
  16. "Chapter XVIII Penal Matters: 10. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court". United Nations Treaty Collection. 2016-07-10. Archived from the original on 2011-06-04. Retrieved 2016-07-10.
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