1924 USSR Chess Championship

The 1924 USSR Chess Championship was the third edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 23 August to 15 September in Moscow. The tournament was won by Efim Bogoljubow.[1]

1924 USSR Chess Championship
USSR Chess Champion Efim Bogoljubow
Efim Bogoljubow

Table and results

1924 USSR Chess Championship
1 Efim Bogoljubow -1111½½½½11111111115
2 Peter Romanovsky 0-1½½1110011½1111112½
3 Fedir Bohatyrchuk 00-½11½11½0½11½11111½
4 Grigory Levenfish 0½½-0½½½11½11½111111½
5 Ilya Rabinovich 0½01-0½½½01011111110
6 Vladimir Nenarokov ½00½1-1½11½1001½01
7 Yakov Vilner ½0½½½0-½111½½10½1½
8 Alexey Selezniev ½00½½½½-½10½1½1½11
9 Veniamin Sozin ½100½00½-101½011119
10 Boris Verlinsky 01½010000-1111½½01
11 Fedor Duz-Khotimirsky 001½0½0110-0½11110
12 Abram Rabinovich 00½010½½001-11101½8
13 Alexander Ilyin-Genevsky 0½0001½0½0½0-½½1117
14 Nikolai Grigoriev 000½010½1000½-½11½
15 Solomon Rosenthal 00½000100½00½½-½1½5
16 Aleksandr Sergeyev 00000½½½0½0100½-0½4
17 Sergey von Freymann 0000010001000001-14
18 Andrey Smorodsky 000000½0001½0½½½0-


  1. Cafferty, Bernard. (2016). The Soviet Championships. Londres: Everyman Chess.
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