1917 in film

1917 in film was a particularly fruitful year for the art form, and is often cited as one of the years in the decade which contributed to the medium the most, along with 1913. Secondarily the year saw a limited global embrace of narrative film-making and featured innovative techniques such as continuity cutting. Primarily, the year is an American landmark, as 1917 is the first year where the narrative and visual style is typified as "Classical Hollywood".

List of years in film (table)


Top-grossing films (U.S.)

Highest-grossing films of 1917
1 Cleopatra n/a
2 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm n/a
3 The Poor Little Rich Girl n/a
4 The Little American $446,237
5 A Romance of the Redwoods $424,719
6 The Woman God Forgot $340,505
7 The Devil-Stone $296,032
8 Mothers of Men n/a

Notable films released in 1917

United States unless stated

Advertisement, August 1917
Theda Bara as Cleopatra

Comedy film series



Film debuts


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