Viva la FAI

Viva la FAI is a Spanish Anarchist song from the Spanish Civil War.

The FAI is the anarchist federation of Iberia. The CNT is a trade union.


Spanish English

Viva la FAI y la CNT,
luchemos hermanos contra los tiranos y los requetés.
Rojo pendón, negro color, luchemos hermanos
aunque en la batalla debamos morir.

En los tiempos de Rivera y Torquemada,
los fascistas nos querían matar,
aliados con naciones extranjeras
como Italia, Alemania y Portugal.

Empezaremos con el trono
y acabaremos con el clero
que es el animal mas fiero
al servicio del poder.


Si los curas y Frailes supieran,
la paliza que van a llevar,
se irian al pueblo gritando,
libertad libertad libertad

Long live the FAI and the CNT,
comrades to arms against tyrants and Requetés
Red banner, black color, comrades to arms
even if in the upcoming battle we are to die!

In the times of Rivera and Torquemada
The fascists wanted to kill us,
Allied with foreign nations,
Such as Italy, Germany and Portugal,

We'll start with the nobility,
And we'll finish off the clergy,
Who is the most savage animal,
In service to power.


If only the priests and friars knew,
the beating they will be given,
they'd run to the people yelling,
freedom freedom freedom.

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