Tour du Lot

Tour du Lot: The Department of the Lot sits at the northern end of the Midi-Pyrénées region of France. The Tour du Lot is a circuit of over 500 km around the Department's periphery using a mixture of GR routes, footpaths, bridleways, and quiet country roads, which can be completed on foot, by off-road bike or on horseback. The official route was devised by the Comité Départmental de la Randonée Pédestre (CODERANDO 46), the Association Départmentale de Tourisme Equestre (ATE), and the Comité Départmental de Cyclotourisme VTT (CODEP 46 FFCT), supported financially and technically by the Counseil Général du Lot, the Départmentale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, and the Comité Départmental du Tourisme.

For walkers embarking on the Tour du Lot the circuit is broken down into 14 stages, starting and ending at Laval de Cère in the north east of the Department. With two exceptions, each stage is walked over two days, covering on average 19 km a day, with the possibility of an overnight stop at a chambre d'hote, hotel or campsite, depending on the walker's preference or availability of accommodation. The other two stages are one-day walks. The route is poorly signed but the official Tour du Lot symbol is shown below.

The 14 stages are as follows:

StageFromToDistance km
Stage 01Laval de CèreSousceyrac44.1
Stage 02SousceyracLatronquière45.1
Stage 03LatronquièreBagnac sur Célé36.0
Stage 04Bagnac sur CéléFaycelles36.2
Stage 05FaycellesLimogne en Quercy39.9
Stage 06Limogne en QuercySt Paul de Loubressac44.3
Stage 07St Paul de LoubressacMontcuq35.0
Stage 08MontcuqPuy l’Evêque24.7
Stage 09Puy l’EvêqueFrayssinet le Gélat39.7
Stage 10Frayssinet le GélatGourdon36.9
Stage 11GourdonRocamadour30.0
Stage 12RocamadourMartel34.9
Stage 13MartelTauriac33.0
Stage 14TauriacLaval de Cère27.4

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