Toon (TV series)

Toon is a 2016 Dutch-language comedy television series created by Dirk van Pelt, Beer ten Kate and Joep Vermolen, and starring Loulou Hameleers, Amy van der Weerden and Joep Vermolen. The plot revolves around Toon (Joep Vermolen), a jingle writer who becomes famous after performing an impromptu song with his friend Nina (Amy van der Weerden) that becomes a viral hit. Soon, Toon's sister becomes their manager and starts to promote the duo. Fame throws them into the unfamiliar world of show business.[1][2]

Created by
  • Dirk van Pelt
  • Beer ten Kate
  • Joep Vermolen
Directed byBeer ten Kate
  • Loulou Hameleers
  • Amy van der Weerden
  • Joep Vermolen
Country of originNetherlands
Original languageDutch
No. of seasons2
No. of episodes16
Running time25 minutes
Production companies
  • NewBeTV
Original network
Original releaseApril 22, 2016 (2016-04-22)


  • Joep Vermolen as Toon
  • Loulou Hameleers as Elise
  • Amy van der Weerden as Nina
  • Robbert Bleij as Robbie
  • Arend Brandligt as Dylan
  • Marijn Klaver as Ab
  • Bart Rijnink as Ricardo
  • Hanna van Vliet as Becky


Toon was released on April 22, 2016 on KPN, and was later released worldwide on Netflix.[3]


  1. "Nederlandse serie 'Toon' verdient een groter publiek". nrc (in Dutch). Retrieved August 16, 2019.
  2. "Het internationale succes van digitale tv-serie Toon". Het Parool (in Dutch). Retrieved August 16, 2019.
  3. "Toon | Netflix Official Site". Retrieved 2020-09-27.
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