The Doctor (1952 TV series)
The Doctor is a half-hour medical anthology series that aired Sunday evenings on the NBC television network from 1952–1953. Hosted by Warner Anderson, the program revolved around emotional problems. The show is notable for having Rod Serling as a writer and Charles Bronson as one of the anthology actors. Other actors who appeared included Anne Jackson, Ernest Truex, Mildred Natwick, and Lee Marvin.[1]
The program was produced by Marion Parsonnet. When it went into syndication, it was re-titled The Visitor.[2]
- The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946-Present. Ballantine Books. 2003. p. 317. ISBN 0-345-45542-8.
- Parisi, Nicholas (2018). Rod Serling: His Life, Work, and Imagination. Univ. Press of Mississippi. ISBN 9781496819437. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
External links
- The Doctor at IMDb
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