Tafazzi is an Italian comic character created by Carlo Turati and portrayed by Giacomo Poretti, member of the group "Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo". It originally appeared in Mai dire Gol, a comic-sports television show by the Gialappa's Band, but later appeared in other works of Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, including the theatre show I corti.
Tafazzi | |
Mai dire Gol character | |
Created by | Carlo Turati |
Portrayed by | Giacomo Poretti |
In-universe information | |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | Italy |
Tafazzi is a sort of mime wearing a black tracksuit and a jockstrap, who does nothing but beat his jockstrap with a plastic bottle.
The character is the source of the name of the protein Tafazzin.
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