Saint Petersburg Philharmonia
Saint Petersburg Philharmonia (Russian: Санкт-Петербургская филармония) is a music society located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and is the name of the building where it is housed. The Bolshoi Zal (Large Hall) of this building is one of the best known music halls in Russia. Also there is another one building of Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Society: Malii Zal (Small Hall). The location of the Small Hall is in the city centre on Nevskiy prospect 30. The nearest metro is Nevskiy prospect: Canal Griboedova.

The society now hosts two world-famous symphony orchestras: Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra and Saint Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra.
- St. Petersburg Philharmonia was established in 1802.
- The building currently housing the Philharmonia was completed 1839. Architect: P. Jacot; and Facade design: C. Rossi.[1]
- The society now hosts two world-famous symphony orchestras:
St. Petersburg Philharmonia is housed in a large building complex, as you enter from Nevsky Prospect to Mikhailovskaya Road. Its entrance is from the Culture Square side.
Bolshoi Zal
The Bolshoi Zal (Russian: Большой зал, meaning the Grand Hall) has a capacity of 1500 seats. It is one of the best known music halls in Russia. F.Liszt, H.Berlioz, R.Wagner, A.Dvořák, J.Sibelius, C.-A.Debussy, R.Strauss, S.Rachmaninoff, S.Prokofiev, D.Shostakovich, A.Scriabin, G.Mahler, A.Rubinstein, K.Schumann, P.Viardo, P.Sarasate, A.Schoenberg, I.Stravinsky, B.Bartok, P.Hindemith and others renowned musicians of the XIX-ХХ centuries performed here, and many works of such exponents of Russian classical tradition as A.Borodin, M.Mussorgsky, P.Tchaikovsky, N.Rimsky-Korsakov, A.Glazunov were premiered here. The hall's acoustics are excellent, but judged by some not to be the best in town.[2]
It is a well established custom in Bolshoi Zal and elsewhere in Saint Petersburg for a symphony orchestra to play "The Hymn to the Great City", composed by Reinhold Glière, praising the heroic defence in the Siege of Leningrad, as the last piece of encore music. At such a time the audience is supposed to stand up.