The SCR-610 was a Signal Corps Radio used by the U.S. Army during and after World War II, for short range ground communications, it was standardized 29 Sept. 1941,

Originally used by the Field Artillery for Liaison officers, forward observers, and intra battery, intra battalion communications, it was also used by the Army Air Forces to connect the mobile components of the SCS-51 Instrument landing system, and control towers. It is a battery operated low-powered FM voice transmitter-receiver equipment operating over the frequency range 27 to 38.9 Mc (27 to 38.9 MHz). it produces 20 Watts at 6.2 volts and 32 watts at 12.4 volts, range is 5 miles. it has two preset crystal controlled channels, and comes with 120 crystals, it can communicate with SCR-608, SCR-609, SCR-628 (as well as other SCR-610's).
- BC-659 Transmitter-Receiver
- PE-117 plate supply unit (vibrator)
- FT-250 vehicle mounting frame
- RM-29 remote control unit (telephone patch set)
- CS-79 case for batteries
- CS-137 crystal storage box (120 X-stals)
- AN-29-C Antenna
- Division level maintenance items
- ME-13 replaced by ME-73
- CH-71 chest (TM 11-306C-D)
- ME-34 Maintenance Equipment
- CH-72 (wooden chest) contains BX-32 crystal box, replaced by CH-96 metal chest and BX-40 crystal box
- ME-59 expendable items
- ME-73 Alignment equipment (TM 11-318)
- CH-204 chest
The SCR-609 is the same, except that the 609 comes with only a battery pack (CS-79).
See also
- TM 11-615-A operators manual
- TM 11-227 Signal Communication Directory. dated 10 April 1944
- TM 11-487 Electrical Communication systems Equipment. dated 2 Oct. 1944
- Graphic Survey of Radio and Radar Equipment Used by the Army Airforce. section 3 Radio Navigation Equipment Dated May 1945
External links
- scr and bc lists
- data sheet