Rémy Ourdan

Rémy Ourdan is a French journalist, war correspondent for the newspaper Le Monde, and documentary filmmaker.



Rémy Ourdan began as a reporter in 1992 in besieged Sarajevo. He covers for three decades the main conflicts in the world, as well as post-war, human rights and international justice issues. He also continues his long-term work on Sarajevo.


Rémy Ourdan is the director of the documentary film The Siege[1][2] (co-directed with Patrick Chauvel, Agat Films & Cie, 2016).[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

Various Publications

  • "Après-guerre(s)" (foreword & "Sarajevo, après le siège"), edited by Rémy Ourdan, Autrement, Paris, 2001[10]
  • "A War, and Ricochets" ("WAR", VII, "WAR", de.MO, New York, 2003)[11][12]
  • "America vs Al Qaeda : A Foe's Best Friend" (Dispatches, "Beyond Iraq", 2008)[13][14]
  • "Le Monde, les grands reportages 1944-2009" (Les Arènes, Paris, 2009)[15]
  • "Sarajevo, a love story"[16] (foreword & "Soldier's Words", "Bosnia 1992-1995", edited by Jon Jones, Sarajevo, 2012)[17]
  • "Le Monde, les grands reportages 1944-2012" (Pocket, Paris, 2012)[18]
  • "Première nuit à Sarajevo" ("Robert Capa - 100 photos pour la liberté de la presse", Reporters Sans Frontières, Paris, 2015)[19]
  • "Partez ou vous allez tous mourir" (introduction, Bruno Philip, "Aung San Suu Khi, l’icône fracassée", Les Equateurs, Paris, 2017)[20]


Rémy Ourdan organized on April 6, 2012, for the 20th anniversary of the war in Bosnia, a reunion called "Sarajevo 2012",[21][22] for which hundreds of war reporters came back to Sarajevo.[23] He published, with Jon Jones and Gary Knight, the photo book Bosnia 1992-1995 (edited by Jon Jones, 2012),[24] for which he wrote the foreword Sarajevo, a love story.[25]

Rémy Ourdan is a co-founder and was the first director of the WARM Foundation on contemporary conflicts[26] (2012-2019),[27] based in Sarajevo.[28][29][30]



  1. The Siege: http://www.remyourdan.com/the-siege/
  2. The Siege, Agat Films & Cie: http://www.agatfilmsetcie.com/fiche-film_en.php?id=682
  3. "Le Siège" (revue de presse) : http://www.remyourdan.com/the-siege/press/
  4. "Sarajevo à huis clos", Arte Magazine http://download.arte-magazine.arte.tv/webmag/magazine/12-2016.pdf?1457598286834
  5. Adrien Jaulmes, "Sous le feu, c'était la vie à Sarajevo", Le Figaro http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/article/television/91824/arte-la-vie-a-sarajevo-pendant-la-guerre.html
  6. Yves-Michel Riols, "Sarajevo, quatre ans de bombes et de résistance", Le Monde https://www.lemonde.fr/televisions-radio/article/2016/03/22/sarajevo-quatre-ans-de-bombes-et-de-resistance_4887493_1655027.html
  7. "Sarajevo, retour sur le siège le plus long de l'histoire moderne", Le Monde https://www.lemonde.fr/europe/video/2016/03/22/sarajevo-20-ans-apres-retour-sur-le-siege-le-plus-long-de-l-histoire-moderne_4887398_3214.html
  8. Aurélie Charon, "Sarajevo mon amour (ljubavi moja) avec Rémy Ourdan", France Culture, Backstage http://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/backstage/numero-34-sarajevo-mon-amour-ljubavi-moja-avec-remy-ourdan
  9. Pierre Hazan, "Sarajevo Documentary Shows Culture as an Act of Resistance", Justice Info http://www.justiceinfo.net/en/justice-reconciliation/27086-sarajevo-documentary-shows-culture-as-an-act-of-resistance.html
  10. "Après-guerre(s)", Autrement, 2001 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2001-01-remy-ourdan-apres-guerres/
  11. VII, "WAR", de.MO, 2003 : http://viiphoto.com/viistore/shop/war-vii
  12. "A War, and Ricochets", VII, "WAR", de.MO, 2003 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2003-vii-war/
  13. dispatches, "Beyond Iraq", 2008 : http://viiphoto.com/viistore/shop/dispatches-beyond-iraq
  14. "America vs Al Qaeda : A Foe's Best Friend", dispatches, "Beyond Iraq", 2008 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2008-02-dispatches-beyond-iraq/
  15. “Le Monde - Les grands reportages 1944-2009”, 2009 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2009-le-monde-les-grands-reportages-1944-2009/
  16. "Sarajevo, a love story", "Bosnia 1992-1995", 2012 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2012-jon-jones-remy-ourdan-gary-knight-bosnia-1992-1995/
  17. "Bosnia 1992-1995" : http://www.warmfoundation.org/project/2012-jon-jones-remy-ourdan-gary-knight-bosnia-1992-1995
  18. “Le Monde - Les grands reportages 1944-2012”, 2012 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2012-le-monde-les-grands-reportages-1944-2012/
  19. Reporters sans frontières, “Robert Capa”, 2015 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2015-reporters-sans-frontieres-robert-capa/
  20. Bruno Philip, “Aung San Suu Kyi, l’icône fracassée”, 2017 : http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2017-bruno-philip-aung-san-suu-kyi-l-icone-fracassee/
  21. Sarajevo 2012: http://www.warmfoundation.org/project/2012-04-06-sarajevo-2012
  22. Sarajevo 2012: http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2012-04-06-sarajevo-2012/
  23. Sarajevo was The Story Of Their Lives, The Cutting Edge: http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=72788
  24. Bosnia 1992-1995: http://www.warmfoundation.org/project/2012-jon-jones-remy-ourdan-gary-knight-bosnia-1992-1995
  25. Sarajevo, a love story, Bosnia 1992-1995, 2012: http://www.remyourdan.com/otherworks/2012-jon-jones-remy-ourdan-gary-knight-bosnia-1992-1995/
  26. WARM: http://www.warmfoundation.org
  27. Damir Šagolj new director of the WARM Foundation, WARM: http://www.warmfoundation.org/news/damir-sagolj-new-director-of-the-warm-foundation
  28. War Reporters Network Launches in Sarajevo, Balkan Insight: http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/network-of-war-reporters-opens-doors-in-sarajevo
  29. The WARM Foundation: Telling the Story of Modern War, The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kj-wetherholt/the-warm-foundation_b_3857148.html
  30. Telling their Story: Reflections on War, Balkan Diskurs: http://balkandiskurs.com/en/2015/05/12/telling-their-story-reflections-on-war/
  31. Bayeux Award for War Correspondents 2000: http://www.remyourdan.com/news/2000-10-21-la-guerre-oubliee-de-sierra-leone-prix-bayeux-des-correspondants-de-guerre-2000/
  32. Bayeux Award for War Correspondents 2012: http://www.remyourdan.com/news/2012-10-13-les-damnes-de-juarez-prix-bayeux-calvados-des-correspondants-de-guerre-2012/
  33. Mexique, Les damnés de Juarez, Le Monde, 2012: http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article_archive/2012/02/23/les-damnes-de-juarez_1778248_3222.html
  34. FIPA: http://www.fipa.tv/fipa/uploads/Fipa_palmares-2016_def_ENG_site.pdf
  35. The Siege Gold FIPA 2016: http://www.remyourdan.com/news/2016-01-23-le-siege-fipa-d-or-2016/
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