Principle of no-work-no-pay (dies non)
According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, Dies non is a part of the Latin phrase literally meaning "a day when courts do not sit or carry on business".[1] Dies non juridicum is the full Latin phrase literally meaning "Day without judiciary.[2]
According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, the expression dies non (juridicus) was used for defining a day which is not a (court) day or a day on which no legal business is carried on.[3] Literally, dies non (juridicus) is "a not juridical day".[4] estimates that the word might have originated in 1600–10.
Doctrine of "no-work-no-pay"
The doctrine of "no-work-no-pay" is a fundamental axiom in industrial relations. The philosophy are very simple. When a person is employed, it is expected that the work assigned will be carried out. When this work is not done, the employee is not eligible for payment of any salary.[5]
Even when a general strike or countrywide ban disrupts public transport systems, and consequently employees are unable to reach their workplaces, the same principle prevails. Even die-hard trade union leaders respect this principle of equity and natural justice. "No work, no pay" lays a strong foundation to industrial peace and harmony in the long run.[5]
See also
- Parvez Hossain- silicon view Computer
- Dies non | Define Dies non at Archived October 24, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
- Dies non juridicum#dies non juridicum
- Dies non dictionary definition | dies non defined Archived November 2, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
- dies (DEE uhs), di-, die-, -diem, diurn- + - Word Information Archived November 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
- The Hindu : Open Page : No work, no pay The Hindu dated July 30, 2006 Archived October 6, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
External links
- The Hindu : New Delhi News : No work no pay: High Court
- Strike still on: AI declares no work, no pay - Business