Predrag Finci

Predrag Finci (born 5 August 1946) is a philosopher, author, and essayist. His work is best known for its combination of erudition, philosophical and aesthetical insights, and personal experience.[1] Finci writes extensively in his native language and also in English. A great number of articles and reviews[2][3][4][5][6][7] of Finci’s books have been published in Bosnia and Croatia.

Predrag Finci
Born5 August 1946 (1946-08-05) (age 74)
Era20th-/21st-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
SchoolContinental philosophy, existentialism, neo-Marxism, phenomenology
Main interests
Aesthetics, ontology


Predrag Finci started his career as an actor.[8] In 1968 Finci played the role of Gavrilo Princip in the film Sarajevski atentat [9] directed by Fadil Hadžić. He went on to complete his studies of philosophy and aesthetics. He studied philosophy at the University of Sarajevo and at the University of Paris X: Nanterre (under Mikel Dufrenne). He was a visiting researcher at the Freiburg University (under Werner Marx). He completed his MA in 1977 and PhD in philosophy in 1981. He was a professor of aesthetics at the University of Sarajevo until 1993 when, during the Bosnian war, he left Sarajevo for London. He has lived there since, and worked as a freelance interpreter and writer until his retirement in 2011.

He was an honorary visiting fellow at University College London from 1999 to 2013. Predrag Finci is a member of Exiled Writers Ink! [10] in London. He is a founder-member of Bosnian P.E.N.[11] He is a member of the Croatian Philosophical Society.[12] He received the Svjetlost Publisher Award in 1980 and the Veselin Maslesa Publisher Award in 1986.[13] In 2011 he received the Science Award for his book Imaginacija (Imagination) at the 23rd International Book Fair, Sarajevo.[14]


Published in English:

  • Applause, and then Silence, with an Introduction by Moris Farhi, Style Writers Now, 2012, ISBN 9781476487908
  • Why I Killed Franz Ferdinand and Other Essays, with an Introduction by Cathi Unsworth, Style Writers Now, 2014, ISBN 9781310175367

Published in Bosnia:

  • Govor prepiski (Discourse of Correspondence), Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1980,
  • Umjetnost i iskustvo egzistencije (Art and Experience of Existence), Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1986,
  • Ishodište pitanja (The Source of Question), Glas, Banja Luka, 1987, OCLC 23869495
  • O nekim sporednim stvarima (On Some Secondary Matters), Veselin Maslesa, Sarajevo,1990,ISBN 9788621004249
  • Sarajevski zapisi (Sarajevo’s Notes), Buybook, Sarajevo 2004, ISBN 9789958630323
  • Poetozofski eseji (Poetosophic Essays), Medjunarodni centar za mir, Sarajevo, 2004, ISBN 9789958480430
  • O kolodvoru i putniku (About Stations and Travellers), Motrišta, Mostar, 2013, ISSN 1512-5475; IK Rabic, Sarajevo 2015, ISBN 978-9958-33-101-5
  • Kratka, a tužna povijest uma (A Short But Sad History of Mind), IKB Rabic, Sarajevo, 2016. ISBN 9789926428037 COBIS: BH-ID 22956550
  • Elektronička špilja (The Electronic Cave), Art Rabic, Sarajevo, 2017. ISBN 9789926428211 COBISS.BH.ID 23983110
  • O književnosti i piscima (Of Literature and Writers), Art Rabic, Sarajevo, 2018. ISBN 978-9926-428-50-1
  • Zapisi veselog filozofa. Slikovni zapisi u knjizi: Amela Hadžimejlić, (Notes of the Merry Philosopher. Visual comments by Amela Hadžimejlić), Art Rabic, Sarajevo 2019. ISBN 97899264228648

Published in Croatia:

  • Umjetnost uništenog: estetika, rat i Holokaust (The Arts of the Destroyed. The Arts, the War and the Holocaust), Izdanja Antibarbarus, Zagreb, 2005, ISBN 9532490000
  • Priroda umjetnosti (The Nature of the Arts), Izdanja Antibarbarus, Zagreb, 2006, ISBN 9789532490121
  • Tekst o tuđini (The Text on Exile) illustrated by Mersad Berber, Demetra, Zagreb, 2007 Translated into Italian and published in Italy Il popolo del diluvio, Bottega Errante Edizioni, 2018 ISBN 9788899368272
  • Djelo i nedjelo: umjetnost, etika i politika (On the Arts, Ethics and Politics), Demetra, Zagreb, 2008, ISBN 9789532250916
  • Imaginacija (Imagination), Zagreb, Izdanja Antibarbarus, 2009, ISBN 9789532490916
  • Osobno kao tekst, (Personal as Text), Izdanja Antibarbarus, Zagreb, 2011, ISBN 9789532491081
  • Čitatelj Hegelove estetike (A Reader of Hegel's Aesthetics), Naklada Breza, Zagreb, 2014, ISBN 9789537036867
  • Estetska terminologija (Terminology of Aesthetics), Izdanja Antibarbarus, Zagreb, 2014, ISBN 9789532491418
  • Korist filozofije (Usefulness of Philosophy), Izdanja Antibarbarus, Zagreb, 2017, ISBN 9789532491760
  • Što se sviđa svima. Komentari uz Kantovo shvaćanje umjetnosti. (What is Pleasing to All. Comments on Kant's Conception of the Arts) Biblioteka Filozofska istraživanja, knjiga 152, Zagreb 2019. ISBN 978-953-164-204-0

Published in Serbia:

  • Ukratko (In Short), Factum Izdavastvo, Belgrade, 2018, ISBN 9788680254128
  • “Misterij, iza svega” (“Mystery Beyond Everything”), Factum Izdavastvo, Belgrade, 2019 ISBN 9788680254197



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