Munson Shorthand
The Munson Shorthand system was a form of shorthand devised by James Eugene Munson, who was an official court stenographer in New York State. It is a slightly revised version of Pitman shorthand designed to make it more systematic.
Munson Shorthand | |
Type | heavy-line geometric abjad shorthand
Creator | James Eugene Munson |
Many of the symbols are identical to Pitman's. The idea of distinguishing voiced from unvoiced consonants by writing the former more darkly is taken directly from Pitman.
- Munson, James Eugene (1867), A new and simplified classification and arrangement of the consonant-signs of phonography, with a new and comprehensive rule for vocalization, affording increased facility in learning the art, New York, cop, OCLC 45029709
- Munson, James Eugene (1880), Munson’s system of phonography. The phrase-book of practical phonography, containing a list of useful phrases, printed in phonographic outlines; a complete and thorough treatise on the art of phraseography ... etc, New York, J.E. Munson, OCLC 51625624
- Munson, James Eugene (1897), Art of phonography, New York, Munson Phonographic Pub. Co, OCLC 38315423
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