Midagahara (弥陀ヶ原, Midaga-hara) is a wetlands located near Tateyama in Toyama Prefecture, in Japan. the remaining 80,000 ha of wetlands have been designated a Ramsar Site in 2012.[1]

Midagahara seen from Mount Okdainichi

Midagahara Geology
Midagahara is a one of mainly highlights of Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route.

Midagahara in winter
Midagahara is 2km of Horizontal length and 4km of vertical length,
Midagahara is a lava plateau formed by Tateyama volcano.[2]
There are Dactylorhiza aristata, Paris japonica, Lysichiton camtschatcensis, Daylily.
There are some Hotels.
- TATEYAMA SOU of National youth hostels
- Midagahara Hotel
- Midagahara bus stop
There are Midagahara bus stop between Bijodaira Station and Murodō Station on Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route.
Private cars aren't allowed to pass in Midagahara to protect Environmental.
- ラムサール条約湿地の新規登録について 富山県
- 野崎保、菊川茂:立山カルデラの形成と深層崩壊の歴史 -鳶泥と国見泥- 日本地すべり学会誌 Vol.49(2012) No.4 p.196-203
External links
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