Marian Oprișan
Marian Oprișan (born September 14, 1965) is a Romanian politician. A member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), he has been President of the Vrancea County Council twice: in 1995-1996, and from 2000 to 2020.
While in 9th grade in 1980, together with his entire class, Oprișan signed an agreement to collaborate with the Communist regime's Securitate secret police under the code name "Renato". However, according to the CNSAS, an institution charged with investigating Securitate affiliations, he did not provide any information of a political nature.[1] From 1984 to 1990, he worked as a computer operator at a Focșani confectionery factory. From 1990 to 1995 Oprişan headed a company in Focșani.[2] In 2003, he obtained a degree from the Political Science Faculty of the University of Iași.[2][3]
Oprişan entered politics in 1990, when he became vice president of the National Salvation Front's youth wing, holding the position until 1992. That year, he was a founding member of what would become the PSD, and he also became vice president of the Vrancea County Council. He advanced to its presidency in 1995-1996, was again vice president in 1996-2000, and has again been president since 2000. From 2000 to 2002, he was president of the National Union of County Councils in Romania, and has been vice president since 2004. Within the PSD, he has been head of the Vrancea County chapter (June 1992-February 2003; July 2003-); member of the central executive bureau (1993-); vice president of the national council of PSD mayors and councillors (1999-); member of the national council (2001-); and a vice president (2010-).[2]
At the 2020 local elections, Oprişan lost his bid for a new term as Vrancea County Council president. He was defeated by a National Liberal Party candidate by a margin of 44.4% to 40.5%.[4]
Due to the influence he wields within his party and county, Oprișan has been dubbed the quintessential "local baron" by the press. He has fought against the media, leading to mention of him in reports by the European Commission, the United States Department of State and a number of non-governmental organisations, and he has filed libel suits against several journalists, seeking significant damages.[3] Two days prior to the 2004 election, copies of the local Ziarul de Vrancea were purchased from kiosks in bulk; the newspaper included an advertisement from the opposition Justice and Truth Alliance warning of possible electoral fraud, and Oprişan was suspected of but denied involvement in the copies' disappearance from shelves. Several days prior, copies of Academia Cațavencu, România Liberă and Evenimentul Zilei, all strongly against the then-governing PSD, did not even reach distribution.[5]
In 2006, according to two reporters, his car was illegally parked on the sidewalk and they decided to photograph it; a furious Oprişan is said to have grabbed and smashed the camera as well as shout insults at the reporters.[6] That year, the National Anticorruption Directorate filed charges against him, with the documents used in evidence having to be brought to the courthouse by truck. The allegations included abuse of power, using credits for purposes other than those intended; forgery and use of forgery; and embezzlement of 8 million lei (some $2.5 million at the time).[3]
- (in Romanian) Cristian Șuțu, "Marian Oprişan, alias Renato: 'Am fost racolat cu toată clasa'" ("Marian Oprișan, alias Renato: 'I Was Recruited with My Whole Class'") Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine, Cotidianul, 27 May 2008; accessed August 24, 2010
- (in Romanian) Profile at the Vrancea County Council site; accessed August 24, 2010
- (in Romanian) Silvia Vrînceanu, "Şefii de partide vor să-i ia lui Oprişan titlul de 'baron'" ("Party Heads Want to Take Away Oprişan's Title of 'Baron'"), Evenimentul Zilei, 29 April 2008; accessed August 24, 2010
- (in Romanian) "Marian Oprișan a pierdut funcția de președinte al CJ Vrancea, după 20 de ani" ("Marian Oprişan Loses Vrancea County Council Presidency after 20 Years"), B1, 28 September 2020; accessed September 28, 2020
- (in Romanian) "Ziarul de Vrancea a dispărut, ieri, din chioșcuri!" ("Yesterday, Ziarul de Vrancea Disappears from Kiosks!"), Ziarul de Iași, 27 November 2004; accessed August 24, 2010
- (in Romanian) "Furios că i se fotografiază maşina, Marian Oprişan a agresat doi ziarişti" ("Furious at His Car Being Photographed, Marian Oprişan Attacks Two Journalists"), Gardianul, 20 July 2006; accessed August 24, 2010