List of protected buildings in Sint Eustatius

Sint Eustatius has 119 protected buildings.

Object numberObject nameLocationAddressCadastreCoordinatesImage
C01 Old Church cemetery on the Eastern edge of Upper Town Merkmanweg / corner Lodi Road
C02 Jewish cemetery On the eastern edge of Upper Town southeast of the intersection of Merkman Weg and Prinses Weg
Jewish cemetery
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C04 Anglican cemetery In Upper Town, on the corner of Binckesweg/Black Harry Lane, opposite the Methodist Church Binckesweg 17°28′51″N 62°59′04″W
C08 Roman Catholic Cemetery On the west side of Van Tonningenweg, between Salem cemetery and Kings Well Resort Van Tonningenweg
F01 Fort Oranje (at times also known as Old Fort, Fort George, Fort Hollandia) Beginning of Fort Oranje Straat on the cliff edge in Upper Town, Oranjestad RB 8 / 1954 17°28′56″N 62°59′11″W
Fort Oranje (at times also known as Old Fort, Fort George, Fort Hollandia)
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F02 Four Gun Battery (built as Bourbon Battery, also known as Battery Vaughan) On the cliff edge behind the East end of Salem cemetery
F03 Waterfort (also: Nieuwe Fort (?), Hollandia (?), Fort/Battery Amsterdam, St. Anna Batterij, Fort Waterloo At the North end of Lower Town, beyond Smoke Alley, near Godet Plantation
F04 Rotterdam Battery, Nieuwe Fort Area called Van Zanten's Land
F05 Battery Royal (also Fort Nassau) On top of the southwestern extremity of the Horseshoe mountains
F06 Fort Panga (also: Signal Hill, Seinpost, La Vigie) On top of the eastern extremity of the Horseshoe mountains
F08 Tumble Down Dick Battery (also: Tommelendijk, Battery Charlotte ) In the middle of the Oil Terminal port and pipe facilities
F10 St. Louis Battery (also: Lucie) On the cliff above Compagnie Bay
F11 Corre Corre Battery (also: Couroucourou) On the cliff at the southeastern end of Corre Corre Bay 17°28′49″N 62°56′48″W
F12 De Windt Battery (also: Fort De Windt, Back-off Battery, Lisburne Battery) On the cliff at the end of the Road to White Wall 17°27′57″N 62°57′45″W
De Windt Battery (also: Fort De Windt, Back-off Battery, Lisburne Battery)
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F14 Nassau Battery (also: Fort Nassau) On the cliff edge at the northern corner of Kay Bay
F15 Dolijn Battery (also: Batterie La Haye) On the cliff edge, halfway between the batteries Nassau and Bouille
F17 Bouillé Battery (also: Battery Citern) On the cliff edge, on the southern end of the gut leading to Crooks
L01 Lower Town, on either side of the northern end of the Bay Road between Smoke Alley and Sampson's Well Bay Road
L02 Lower Town, on the sea side of Bay Road between Sampson's Well and warehouse
L03 Lower Town, on the cliff side of Bay Road between Sampson's Well and the Bay Path Bay Road
L04 Lower Town, on the cliff side of Bay Road between Bay Path and the Old Gin House Hotel Bay Road
L05 Lower Town, on either side of the Bay Road between the Old Gin House Hotel/Golden Era Hotel and the drainage gutter just north of the Blue Bead Restaurant Bay Road
L06 Lower Town, on the sea side of the Bay Road between the drainage gutter just north of the Blue Bead Restaurant and the small pier Bay Road
L07 Old Gin House Lower Town, on the northern 'bank' of Claes Gut. Bay Road 17°28′55″N 62°59′14″W
Old Gin House
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L08 Customs House, Guard House In the historic core of Lower Town Bay Road (in front of the old pier)
L09 Lower Town, on the Bay Road between the double warehouse (L12) and the seaside terrace of the Old Gin House Hotel Bay Road
L10 Lower Town, on the cliff side of the Bay Road, to the immediate right of the Johnson Warehouse
L11 In the historic core of Lower Town Bay Road
L12 Double warehouse Lower Town, on the sea side of the Bay Road, to the south of the former Customs House.
L14 Lower Town, on the sea side of the Bay Road between the small pier and the Charles A. Woodley Pier Bay Road
L15 Lower Town, from Smoke Alley to the Waterfort (Fort Amsterdam)
L16 Smoke Alley Lower Town, at the very northern end of the Bay Road where it starts to curve upwards Bay Road
L17 Crooks Castle Gallows Bay, about one-and-a-half mile south of the large pier
L18 Old Pier Lower Town, stretching from the Customs House into the sea Bay Road
M12 Wilhelmina Monument In the historic core of Oranjestad, on the former "Old Market' Paramiraweg/Damsteeg
P01 Plantation Zeelandia Country side, area called Zeelandia
P02 Princess At the top of Oranjestad, little more than 50 meters from the end of Prinsesweg.
P04 Calabash Tree Plantation/Concordia Plantation At the northern end of Concordia Road Concordia Road
P06 Little Round Hill Hill House Area called Upper Round Hill
P07 Sisal Factory On the cliff side of the beginning of the Road to White Wall Road to White Wall
P08 Bouillé Plantation Area called Bouillé Road to White Wall
P09 Schotsenhoek plantation Area called Schotsenhoek RB 8 / 1954
P10 Godet Plantation The area called Van Zanten's Land or Godet Plantation Godet
P12 The Mansion At the top of Oranjestad, in the corner formed by Mansionweg and Lodi Road Mansionweg
P13 Glass Bottle Plantation The area called Glass Bottle Glass Bottle
P14 Pleasures Plantation The area called Pleasures Pleasures
P15 Fair Play plantation and sugar mill The area called Fair Play Fair Play
P16 Tumble Down Dick Plantation/Anna's Lust Inside Tumble Down Dick Plantation
P17 English Quarter Plantation Area called English Quarter
R01 Bay Path (also Old Path, Hill Head) On the cliff connecting Lower Town with Upper Town Bay Path
R02 New Path, Nieuwe Pad, Tompy Hill Head At the end of Kerkweg, leading from the end of Upper Town opposite Rosemarylaan to Lower Town behind Blue Bead Restaurant New Path
U01 Doncker House, Donckers Nieuwe Tempel In the historic core of Oranjestad Wilhelminastraat RB 8/1951 (RB 7/1951?)
Doncker House, Donckers Nieuwe Tempel
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U02 Madam's In the historic core of Oranjestad Wilhelminaweg - Fort Oranjestraat CA 10 / 1978
U03 Deep Yard In the historic core of Oranjestad Paramiraweg (3?) RB 8/1950
U04 Het Tuinhuisje In the historic core of Oranjestad Rost van Tonningenweg 11 RB7/1949
U05 Monuments Office In the historic core of Oranjestad Rost van Tonningenweg 13 CA 9/1978
U06 Paper Corner In the historic core of Oranjestad Rost van Tonningenweg 15 CA 9/1978
U07 Berkel's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 1 C4 /74, C9 /110
U08 Government Guesthouse compound In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat
Government Guesthouse compound
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U09 The Cottage In historic Oranjestad Cottageweg
U10 Hill Compound, Three Widows Corner, Old Library) In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 2-4 MB 3 / 1964
Hill Compound, Three Widows Corner, Old Library)
U11 In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 6 MB K2 / 1961, E3 150
U12 In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 8 RB 8/1949
U13 Gezaghebber's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg 1 RB 7/1954
U14 Volk's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg 4 C 14/75
U15 Van Putten's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg 6 C 19/8
U16 Dutch Reformed Church and Graveyard In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg
Dutch Reformed Church and Graveyard
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U17 (Timmer's House) In Upper Town, Oranjestad Kerkweg
U18 (Pompier's House) In the southern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Kerkweg 25
U21 Wilhelmina Park In the southern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Wilhelmina Park 17°28′51″N 62°59′07″W
U22 Duinkerk's House In the historic core of Oranjestad corner Synagogepad/Evertsweg MB 9/1964
U23 Mozes' House In the historic core of Oranjestad corner Kerkweg/Evertsweg E2/285
U24 Johnson Compound in the heart of the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat (12?), Bredeweg (2?), Synagogepad (5?) E3 / 30
U25 Synagogue Honen Dalim In the historic core of Oranjestad Synagogepad 17°28′57″N 62°58′53″W
Synagogue Honen Dalim
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U26 Evening Rest In the historic core of Oranjestad with the front façade on Synagoegpad and the back façade on Bredeweg Synagogepad 9 E3/30
U27 (Miss Olive Woods' House) In the historic core of Oranjestad Bredeweg 4 E3/52
U28 Mussenden House, also Miss Consie's House or Voges House In the historic core of Oranjestad Bredeweg
U29 Zeezicht, Catholic club house In the historic core of Oranjestad, right on the cliff above the Bay Path, on the grounds of the Roman Catholic Church Van Tonningenweg RB 10/1950 (C5/15, C6/44, C6/81, C6/86, C6/87, C9/86, C9/87, C9/88, C9/90, C11/88, C11/154)
U30 (Ellis' House) In Upper Town, Oranjestad Corner Logeweg/Prinsesweg 17°28′55″N 62°59′02″W
U32 Schmidt's House Upper Town, in the town extension of 1739-1740 Fort Oranjestraat (East corner Faeschweg) 17°28′58″N 62°59′00″W
U33 Original Fruit Tree Restaurant In Upper Town, Oranjestad Prinsesweg 5 17°28′54″N 62°59′02″W
U34 Doctor's House (also Old Museum) At the far East end of Upper Town Prinsesweg 23
U35 Barber shop In Upper Town, Oranjestad Corner Kruisweg/Prinsesweg (nr. 17?)
U37 (Stella Hassel's house) In Upper Town, Oranjestad Kapelweg (on the lower end of the south side)
U38 Old Public School In southern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Bredeweg between Binckesweg and Vannesweg
U39 China House In southern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Northeast corner Vannesweg/E.C. Flander Road
U40 Old Allruns In the southern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Flander Road (21?)
U41 Pandt's House In historic Upper Town, Oranjestad Prinsesweg, south side, between Black Harry Lane and Kruisweg
U42 (Miss Busby's storage house, also Miss Louise's house) In the historic core of Oranjestad Prinsesweg (1?) RB 4/1948; E3/27
U43 Miss Busby's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Prinsesweg 3 E4/94
U44 Cassidor's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg 2 RB 3/1947
U45 In the historic core of Oranjestad corner Bredeweg/Evertsweg
U46 In the historic core of Oranjestad Synagogepad 11
U47 Van Zanten's grocery In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg RB9/1950; E3/97
U48 Hillman's House In the center of Upper Town, Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat/corner Logeweg 17°28′57″N 62°59′03″W
U50 Lutheran church ruins In the southern extension of historic Upper Town, Oranjestad Vannesweg, on the plot of land between E.C. Flander Road and Black Harry Lane
U52 Roman Catholic Church of St. Eustatius In the historic core of Oranjestad, on the "Old Market,' at the top of the Bay Path Paramiraweg RB 10/1950 (C5/15, C6/44, C6/81, C6/86, C6/87, C9/85, C9/86, C9/87, C9/88, C9/90, C11/88, C11/154) 17°28′59″N 62°59′12″W
Roman Catholic Church of St. Eustatius
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U53 Glover's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Paramiraweg 1 CA 9/1978
U54 Cliff edge of Upper Town Oranjestad, between extension of Sandy Road, the cliff, the Kingswell Resort and Salem Public Cemetery Van Tonningenweg?
U55 Cool Corner In the historic core of Oranjestad Emmaweg RB 7/1947
U56 In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 3 C19/8
U57 (The nursery) In the center of historic Upper Town Breedeweg/ south corner Prinsesweg 17°28′54″N 62°59′06″W
U58 (Park Place) In the historic core of Oranjestad MB K3/1961; C15/14 C 8/97
U59 Sprott's House In the historic core of Oranjestad Wilhelminaweg 1 C 8/97
U60 Old Market In the center of Upper Town, Oranjestad, at the end of the Bay Path Paramiraweg/Damsteeg
U63 Bethel Methodist Church In Upper Town, Oranjestad Corner Black Harry Lane and Kapelweg 17°28′52″N 62°59′02″W
U67 In historic Oranjestad Paramiraweg (5?) E2/298
U68 Old Catholic School + Hole in the Wall In the historic core of Oranjestad, right on the cliff above the Bay Path Van Tonningenweg RB 10/1950 (C5/15, C6/44, C6/81, C6/86, C6/87, C9/85, C9/86, C9/87, C9/88, C9/90, C11/88, C11/154)
U69 In the historic core of Oranjestad Emmaweg, at the back of Cool Corner C6/1
U70 (Green and White Cove) In the historic core of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat 10 RB 4/1956; E2/272
U71 In the historic core of Oranjestad Wilhelminaweg 3
U72 In the historic core of Oranjestad Kerkweg, behind the Sand Box Bakery on the left, on the same plot RB 11/1949
U73 In the beginning of the eastern Upper Town extension of 1739/1740, adjacent to the Methodist church yard on Kapelweg Kapelweg
U74 DP building In the center of Upper Town, Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat
U75 In eastern part of Upper Town, Oranjestad Fort Oranjestraat
U76 Madam Theatre In historic centre of Oranjestad Fort Oranjestad 11 E-7/124
W01 Taylor's Well in the 1739-1740 extension of Upper Town On the West side of Black Harry Lane, near the junction with Binkesweg
W02 Samson's Well (also Sampson's Well) On the cliff side of the Bay Road, towards its northern end Bay Road
W04 King's Well Within the curve of the northern end of Bay Road Bay Road 17°29′09″N 62°59′28″W
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