List of non-marine molluscs of Uganda
The non-marine molluscs of Uganda are the molluscan fauna of Uganda (wildlife of Uganda). Since Uganda is a land-locked country, there are no marine species present. A number of species of freshwater and land molluscs are found in the wild in Uganda.

Location of Uganda
66 native molluscs of Uganda were listed in 2010 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.[1]
There are 297 species of land snails in Uganda.[2]
Freshwater gastropods
- Africanogyrus coretus (de Blainville, 1826)[3]
- Bulinus mutandensis Preston, 1913 - endemic[4]
- Radix natalensis (Krauss, 1848)[5]
Land gastropods

Unidentified land gastropod from Uganda
Land gastropods in Uganda include (there is listed 168 species according to Wronski & Hausdorf B. (2010)[2] and some additional records in this list meantime):
- Elgonocyclus koptaweliensis (Germain, 1934)[2]
- Laevicaulis striatus (Simroth, 1896)[2]
- Laevicaulis stuhlmanni (Simroth, 1895)[2]
- Pseudoveronicella liberiana (Gould, 1850)[2]
- Acanthinula straeleni Adam, 1954[2]
- Pupisoma (Ptychopatula) dioscoricola (C. B. Adams, 1845)[2]
- "Pupisoma (Ptychopatula) species A"[2]
- "Pupisoma (Ptychopatula) species B"[2]
- "Pupisoma (Ptychopatula) species C"[2]
- "Pupisoma (Pupisoma) species A"[2]
- Negulus ruwenzoriensis Adam, 1957[2]
- Nesopupa (Afripupa) bisulcata (Jickeli, 1873)[2]
- Truncatellina ninagongensis (Pilsbry, 1935)[2]
- Truncatellina pygmaeorum (Pilsbry & Cockerell, 1933)[2]
- Truncatellina ruwenzoriensis Adam, 1957[2]
- Cerastus trapezoideus rapezoideus (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Conulinus rutshuruensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- "Conulinus species A"[2]
- Edouardia metula (Martens, 1895)[2]
- "Edouardia species A"[2]
- Rhachidina braunsi (Martens, 1869)[2]
- Archachatina (Tholachatina) osborni (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Limicolaria elegans Thiele, 1911[2]
- Limicolaria martensiana (E. A. Smith, 1880)[2]
- Limicolaria saturata E. A. Smith, 1895[2]
- Cecilioides (Cecilioides) kalawangaensis Dartevelle & Venmans, 1951[2]
- Cecilioides (Cecilioides) tribulationis (Preston, 1911)[2]
- Cecilioides (Geostilbia) callipeplum (Connolly, 1923)[2]
- Micractaeon koptawelilensis (Germain, 1934)[2]
- "Bocageia (Liobocageia) species A"[2]
- Curvella babaulti Germain, 1923[2]
- Curvella bathyraphe Pilsbry & Cockerell, 1933[2]
- Curvella conoidea (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Curvella entebbensis Preston, 1912[2]
- Curvella ovata (Putzey, 1899)[2]
- "Curvella species A"[2]
- "Curvella species B"[2]
- Ischnoglessula cruda (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Ischnoglessula echinophora (Verdcourt, 2006)[2]
- Ischnoglessula elegans (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Ischnoglessula famelica (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Ischnoglessula gracillima (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Kempioconcha terrulenta (Morelet, 1883)[2]
- Nothapalus adelus Connolly, 1923[2]
- Nothapalus paucispira (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Nothapalus stuhlmanni (Martens, 1897)[2]
- Nothapalus ugandanus Connolly, 1923[2]
- Opeas toroense Connolly, 1923[2]
- "Opeas species A"[2]
- "Opeas species B"[2]
- "Opeas species C"[2]
- Oreohomorus apio Wronski & Hausdorf, 2009[6]
- Oreohomorus nitidus (Martens, 1897)[2]
- Pseudoglessula intermedia Thiele, 1911[2]
- Pseudopeas burunganum Connolly, 1923[2]
- Pseudopeas curvelliforme Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Pseudopeas elgonense Connolly, 1923[2]
- Pseudopeas iredalei Connolly, 1923[2]
- "Pseudopeas species A"[2]
- Subulina entebbana Pollonera, 1907[2]
- Subulina subcrenata Martens, 1895[2]
- Subulina viridula Connolly, 1923[2]
- Subuliniscus lucasi Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- "Subuliniscus species A"[2]
- Subulona clara (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Subulona ischna (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Subulona pinguis (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Gonaxis latula (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Gonaxis translucida (Dupuis & Putzeys, 1901)[2]
- Gulella (Avakubia) avakubiensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Conogulella) conospira (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Gulella (Gulella) laevigata (Dohrn, 1865)[2]
- Gulella (Gulella) mikenoensis (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Gulella (Molarella) malasangiensis (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Gulella (Molarella) ugandensis (E. A. Smith, 1901)[2]
- Gulella (Paucidentina) brevis (Thiele, 1911)[2]
- Gulella (Paucidentina) masisiensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Plicigulella) vicina adelpha (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Gulella (Primigulella) linguifera (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Gulella (Pupigulella) pupa (Thiele, 1911)[2]
- Gulella (Silvigulella) osborni Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Tortigulella) cara Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Tortigulella) heteromphala Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Tortigulella) lessensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Gulella (Wilmattina) disseminata (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Gulella decussatula (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Gulella ruwenzoriensis van Bruggen & van Goethem, 1999[2]
- Gulella selene van Bruggen & van Goethem, 1999[2]
- Gulella virungae van Bruggen & van Goethem, 1999[2]
- Pseudogonaxis pusillus (Martens, 1897)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Ennea) bequaerti (Dautzenberg & Germain, 1914)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Ennea) fraterculus Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Ptychotrema (Ennea) paradoxulum (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Ennea) pollonerae Preston, 1913[2]
- Ptychotrema (Ennea) silvaticum Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Ptychotrema (Haplonepion) geminatum (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Haplonepion) runsoranum (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) aequatoriale Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) cossyphae van Bruggen, 1989[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) goossensi (Adam & van Goethem, 1978)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) kerereense (Adam & van Goethem, 1978)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) kigeziense (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Ptychotrema (Parennea) pelengeense (Adam & van Goethem, 1978)[2]
- Streptostele (Graptostele) teres Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Streptostele (Raffraya) horei E. A. Smith, 1890[2]
- Streptostele (Streptostele) bacillum Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Streptostele (Streptostele) coloba Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- "Streptostele (Streptostele) species A"[2]
- "Streptostele (Streptostele) species B"[2]
- Varicostele lessensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Paralaoma servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852)[2]
- Punctum pallidum Connolly, 1922[2]
- Punctum ugandanum (E. A. Smith, 1903)[2]
- Afrodonta kempi (Connolly, 1925)[2]
- Prositala butumbiana (Martens, 1895)[2]
- Trachycystis iredalei Preston, 1912[2]
- Trachycystis lamellifera (E. A. Smith, 1903)[2]
family ?
- "Punctoidea species A"[2]
- Afroconulus iredalei (Preston, 1912)[2]
- "Afroconulus species A"[2]
- "Afroconulus species B"[2]
- Afroguppya rumrutiensis (Preston, 1911)[2]
- Afroguppya solemi de Winter & van Bruggen, 1992[2]
- "Afroguppya species A"[2]
- Afropunctum seminium (Morelet, 1873)[2]
- Atoxon pallens Simroth, 1895[2]
- Chlamydarion spatiosus (Preston, 1914)[2]
- Gymnarion aloysiisabaudiae (Pollonera, 1906)[2]
- Thapsia cf. hanningtoni (E. A. Smith, 1890)[2]
- Thapsia cf. inclinans (Preston, 1914)[2]
- Thapsia kigeziensis (Preston, 1913)[2]
- Thapsia rufescens Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Thapsia rutshuruensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- "Thapsia species A"[2]
- Trichotoxon heynemanni Simroth, 1888[2]
- Trochonanina (Trochonanina) lessensis (Pilsbry, 1919)[2]
- Trochozonites (Teleozonites) adansoniae (Morelet, 1848)[2]
- Trochozonites (Trochozonites) bellula (Martens, 1892)[2]
- Trochozonites (Trochozonites) plumaticostata Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Trochozonites (Trochozonites) trifilaris ituriensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Trochozonites (Zonitotrochus) aillyi Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- Trochozonites (Zonitotrochus) medjensis Pilsbry, 1919[2]
- "Trochozonites (Zonitotrochus) species A"[2]
- "Verrucarion species A"[2]
- "Verrucarion species B"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species A"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species B"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species C"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species D"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species E"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species F"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species G"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species H"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species I"[2]
- "Sheldoniinae species J"[2]
See also
Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:
- List of non-marine molluscs of Kenya
- List of non-marine molluscs of Sudan, Wildlife of Sudan
- List of non-marine molluscs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- List of non-marine molluscs of Rwanda, Wildlife of Rwanda
- List of non-marine molluscs of Tanzania
- IUCN (2010). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <>. Downloaded on 13 December 2010.
- Wronski T. & Hausdorf B. (2010). "Diversity and body-size patterns of land snails in rain forests in Uganda". Journal of Molluscan Studies 76(1): 87–100. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyp048.
- Appleton C., Curtis B., Ghamizi M., Jørgensen A., Kristensen T. K., Lange C. N., Stensgaard A.-S. & Van Damme D. (2009). Africanogyrus coretus. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <>. Downloaded on 13 December 2010.
- Kyambadde R. (2004). Bulinus mutandensis. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 6 August 2007.
- Appleton C., Ghamizi M., Jørgensen A., Kristensen T. K., Stensgaard A-S. & Van Damme D. (2009). Lymnaea natalensis. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <>. Downloaded on 4 December 2010.
- Wronski T. & Hausdorf B. (2009). "Oreohomorus apio new species from Uganda (Gastropoda: Subulinidae)". Journal of Conchology 40(1): 55–60. abstract Archived 29 December 2010 at
External links
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