List of Canadian tribunals
This is a list of tribunals in Canada. A tribunal, generally, is any person or institution with authority to judge, adjudicate on, or determine claims or disputes—whether or not it is called a tribunal in its title.[1]
Federal tribunals
- Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal
- Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
- Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
- Canadian International Trade Tribunal
- Commissioner of Patents
- Competition Tribunal
- Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
- Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
- Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association
- Occupational Health and Safety Tribunal Canada
- Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal
- Public Service Labour Relations Board
- Public Service Staffing Tribunal
- Social Security Tribunal of Canada
- Specific Claims Tribunal Canada
- Trademarks Opposition Board
- Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
- Veterans Review and Appeal Board
Provincial tribunals
The provinces administer tribunals in areas with provincial jurisdiction.
Alberta tribunals
- Alberta Employment Standards Umpire
- Alberta Human Rights Commission
- Alberta Labour Relations Board
- Alberta Land Compensation Board
- Alberta Law Enforcement Review Board
- Alberta Public Lands Appeal Board
- Alberta Securities Commission
- Alberta Surface Rights Board
- Alberta Transportation Safety Board
- Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation
- Calgary Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
- College of Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Committee
- Law Society of Alberta
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Physiotherapy Alberta College Association
- Real Estate Council of Alberta
British Columbia tribunals
- British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal
- British Columbia Securities Commission
- British Columbia Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal
- Civil Resolution Tribunal
- College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia
- College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
- Health Professions Review Board of British Columbia
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Labour Relations Board
- Law Society of British Columbia
- Real Estate Council of British Columbia
Manitoba tribunals
- College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba Discipline Committee
- Law Society of Manitoba
- Manitoba Health Appeal Board
- Manitoba Human Rights Commission
- Manitoba Labour Board
- Manitoba Securities Commission
New Brunswick tribunals
- Financial and Consumer Services Tribunal
- Law Society of New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Assessment and Planning Appeal Board
- New Brunswick Labour and Employment Board
- New Brunswick Office of the Ombudsman
- Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal
Newfoundland and Labrador tribunals
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission
- Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Relations Board
Nova Scotia tribunals
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Nova Scotia Barristers' Society Hearing Panel
- Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission
- Nova Scotia Labour Board
- Nova Scotia Labour Relations Board
- Nova Scotia Labour Standards Tribunal
- Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Appeal Panel
- Nova Scotia Police Review Board
- Nova Scotia Securities Commission
- Nova Scotia Serious Incident Response Team
- Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
- Nova Scotia Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia
Ontario tribunals
- Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
- Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
- Assessment Review Board
- Child and Family Services Review Board
- College of Chiropodists of Ontario
- College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
- College of Nurses of Ontario Discipline Committee
- College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
- College of Optometrists of Ontario
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
- College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
- College of Psychologists of Ontario
- College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario
- Condominium Authority Tribunal
- Consent and Capacity Board
- Conservation Review Board
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
- Environmental Review Tribunal
- Financial Services Tribunal
- Grievance Settlement Board
- Health Professions Appeal and Review Board
- Health Services Appeal and Review Board
- Horse Racing Appeal Panel
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Information and Privacy Commissioner Ontario
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Law Society Tribunal
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Mining and Lands Tribunal
- Municipal Integrity Commissioners of Ontario
- Normal Farm Practices Protection Board
- Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario
- Ontario Animal Care Review Board
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission
- Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators
- Ontario College of Pharmacists Discipline Committee
- Ontario College of Teachers
- Ontario Condominium Authority
- Ontario Court of the Drainage Referee
- Ontario Custody Review Board
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ontario Fire Safety Commission
- Ontario Labour Relations Board
- Ontario Licence Appeal Tribunal
- Ontario Municipal Board
- Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
- Ontario Physician Payment Review Board
- Ontario Public Service Grievance Board
- Ontario Racing Commission
- Ontario Securities Commission
- Ontario Social Benefits Tribunal
- Ontario Special Education (English) Tribunal
- Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Public Service Grievance Board
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
Prince Edward Island tribunals
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission
- Prince Edward Island Labour Relations Board
Quebec tribunals
- Administrative Tribunal of Québec
- Arbitration - The Guarantee Plan For New Residential Buildings
- Barreau du Québec Disciplinary Council
- Collège des médecins du Québec Disciplinary Council
- Comité de déontologie policière
- Comité de discipline de l'organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec
- Comité de discipline de la Chambre de l'assurance de dommages
- Comité de discipline de la Chambre de la sécurité financière
- Commission d'accès à l'information
- Commission d'appel en matière de lésions professionnelles du Québec
- Commission de l'équité salariale
- Commission de la fonction publique
- Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
- Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Quebec
- Commission de reconnaissance des associations d'artistes et des associations de producteurs
- Commission des lésions professionnelles du Québec
- Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
- Commission des relations du travail
- Commission des services juridiques
- Commission des transports du Québec
- Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec
- Commission municipale du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des administrateurs agréés du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des agronomes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des architectes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des audioprothésistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des criminologues du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des dentistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des opticiens d'ordonnances du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des optométristes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des podiatres du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des sexologues du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale et en radio-oncologie du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des urbanistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des chimistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agrées du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des denturologistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des évaluateurs agréés du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de la Chambre des huissiers de justice du Québec
- Conseil de discipline de la Chambre des notaires du Québec
- Conseil de discipline des Conseillers et conseillères d'orientation du Québec
- Conseil de discipline des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec
- Conseil de la justice administrative
- Conseil de la magistrature
- Conseil des services essentiels
- Corporation of Master Pipe-Mechanics of Québec
- Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec
- Labour Arbitration Awards (including Conférence des arbitres)
- Labour Commissioner
- Labour Court
- Ordre des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec
- Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec
- Ordre professionnel des géologues du Québec
- Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec
- Professions Tribunal
- Quebec Autorité des marchés financiers
- Régie de l'énergie
- Régie des alcools des courses et des jeux
- Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec
- Régie du Bâtiment - licences d'entrepreneur de construction
- Régie du logement
- Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers
- Tribunal administratif du travail
- Tribunal d'arbitrage (performing, recording and film artists)
- Tribunal d'arbitrage (RQ and CARRA)
Saskatchewan tribunals
- Appeal Tribunal under the Medical Profession Act
- Automobile Injury Appeal Commission
- Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Law Society of Saskatchewan
- Saskatchewan Assessment Commission
- Saskatchewan Board of Review under the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act, 1934
- Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal
- Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board
- Saskatchewan Local Government Board
- Saskatchewan Master of Titles
- Saskatchewan Municipal Boards of Revision
- Saskatchewan Office of Residential Tenancies
- Saskatchewan Provincial Mediation Board
- Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission
Territorial tribunals
Northwest Territories
- Employment Standards Appeals Office
- Human Rights Adjudication Panel
- Labour Arbitration Awards
- Law Society of the Northwest Territories
- Northwest Territories Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Northwest Territories Liquor Licensing Board
- Rental Officer
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal
- Nunavut Registrar of Securities
- Education Appeal Tribunal
- Forest Commission
- Surface Rights Board
- Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal
- Yukon Human Rights Panel of Adjudicators
- Walker, David M. (1980), Oxford Companion to Law, Oxford University Press, p. 1239, ISBN 0-19-866110-X
External links
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