List of Canadian plants by genus D

Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada's biodiversity, this page is divided.

This is a (partial) list of the plant species considered native to Canada. Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. For these plants, see List of introduced species to Canada.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z


  • Dalea — prairie clovers
  • Dalibarda — dewdrops
    • Dalibarda repensdewdrop, false violet, robin-run-away, star violet
  • Danthonia — oatgrasses


  • Decodon — willowherbs
    • Decodon verticillatusswamp willowherb, water oleander, water willow, hairy swamp loosestrife
  • Dennstaedtia — hay-scented ferns
  • Deparia — glade ferns
  • Deschampsia — hairgrasses
    • Deschampsia atropurpureamountain hairgrass
    • Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. cespitosatufted hairgrass, tussock grass
    • Deschampsia flexuosawavy hairgrass, crinkled hairgrass
  • Descurainia — tansy-mustards
    • Descurainia pinnatawestern tansy-mustard, green tansy-mustard, shortfruit tansy-mustard
    • Descurainia richardsoniiRichardson's tansy-mustard
  • Desmodium — tick-trefoils
    • Desmodium canadenseCanadian tick-trefoil, showy tick-trefoil
    • Desmodium canescens
    • Desmodium cuspidatumtoothed tick-trefoil
    • Desmodium glutinosumpointy-leaved tick-trefoil, large tick-trefoil
    • Desmodium illinoenseIllinois tick-trefoil Extirpated
    • Desmodium nudiflorumbare-stemmed tick-trefoil, naked-flowered tick-trefoil
    • Desmodium paniculatum var. dillenii
    • Desmodium paniculatum var. paniculatum
    • Desmodium rotundifoliumroundleaf tick-trefoil, prostrate tick-trefoil, dollar leaf


  • Diarrhena — beak grasses
    • Diarrhena obovatabeak grass
  • Dicentra — dicentras
  • Diervilla — bush honeysuckles
  • Digitaria — witchgrasses
  • Dioscorea
    • Dioscorea quaternatafourleaf wild-yam
  • Diphasiastrum — clubmosses
    • Diphasiastrum complanatumtrailing clubmoss, northern ground-cedar, northern running-pine, flat-branched clubmoss, trailing evergreen, Christmas green, ground-pine
    • Diphasiastrum digitatumfan clubmoss, southern running-pine, southern ground-cedar, fan ground-pine, crowfoot clubmoss, trailing ground-pine
    • Diphasiastrum sabinifolium — ground-fir, savinleaf clubmoss, heath-cypress
    • Diphasiastrum sitchenseSitka clubmoss, tufted ground-cedar, Alaskan clubmoss
    • Diphasiastrum tristachyumthree-spiked clubmoss, blue ground-cedar, northern ground-pine
  • Diplazium — glade ferns
  • Dirca — leatherwoods
    • Dirca palustrisleatherwoods, ropebark, moosewood, wicopy





  • Dyssodia — dogweeds
    • Dyssodia papposafœtid dogweed


See: Flora of Canada#References

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