
Lipschitz, Lipshitz, or Lipchitz is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname, which may be derived from the Polish city of Głubczyce (German: Leobschütz).

The surname has many variants, including: Lifshitz (Lifschitz), Lifshits, Lifshuts, Lefschetz; Lipschitz, Lipshitz, Lipshits, Lopshits, Lipschutz (Lipschütz), Lipshutz, Lüpschütz; Libschitz; Livshits; Lifszyc, Lipszyc. It is commonly Anglicized as Lipton, and less commonly as Lipington.

In mathematics, the name can be used to describe a function that satisfies the Lipschitz condition, a strong form of continuity, named after Rudolf Lipschitz.

The surname may refer to:


Fictional characters

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