Legacy of the Silver Shadow
Legacy of the Silver Shadow is an Australian children's television series that first aired on the Ten Network in 2002. The thirteen part series follows the story of four ordinary kids and a long-forgotten, dead superhero.
Even though he was defeated by his arch enemy, the Crab in the 1950s, the Silver Shadow lives on as a digital recording in an old computer. After he has been reactivated, he convinces the team of Campbell, Gretel, Alex and Josh to take up his battle against evil and injustice. Meanwhile, the elderly Crab is in a retirement home across town and begins training his granddaughter Fiona, to take over the family business. [1]
Legacy of the Silver Shadow was created by Chris Anastassiades and Ray Boseley, produced by Patricia Edgar, directed by Ray Boseley, Pino Amenta, Stephen Johnson and Julian McSwiney, The series was written by Ray Boseley, Philip Dalkin, Robert Greenberg, Susan Macgillicuddy, David Devries, Stephen Bates, Christine Madafferi, Chris Anastassiades and Cameron Clarke.
- Aljin Abella as Campbell
- Sage Butler as Gretel
- Hannah Greenwood as Alex
- Alex Hopkins as Josh
- Eloise Mignon as Fiona
- Tayler Kane as Silver Shadow
- Ronald Faulk as The Crab
- Brendan Carroll as Feral
- Stephanie McIntosh as Samantha
- Melanie Dunn as Trudy
- Talia Zucker as Dina
See also
External links
- Legacy of the Silver Shadow at IMDb
- Legacy of the Silver Shadow at the Australian Television Information Archive
- Legacy of the Silver Shadow at Screen Australia
- Legacy of the Silver Shadow at Australian Children's Television Foundation