International Conference on Somali Oil and Gas

A conference was held on 7 February 2019 at Claridge's Hotel, London which was hosted by Spectrum Geo Ltd on behalf of the Federal Government of Somalia. Following a co-operation agreement with the Somali Government in 2015, Spectrum had acquired over 20,000 km of seismic data which it claims was of the maritime territory of the Somalia.[1]

Opposition to the Conference

Protesters gathered outside the conference to oppose what they saw as the auction of offshore oil blocks by the Somali Government.[2]

Disputed Maritime Territory with Kenya

Following the conference Kenya recalled its ambassador to Somalia and asked the Somali ambassador in Kenya to “depart for consultations.” [3] Kenya's Foreign Affairs Secretary, Monica Juma demanded the withdrawal of the Somali maps presented at the conference and an “appropriate” apology from Mogadishu, saying "countries have gone to war over less than this".[4]

In a letter to the Somali government Spectrum claimed that “no exploration blocks were auctioned” and went on to say “All of this seismic data was acquired wholly within the maritime territory of the Federal Government of Somalia and no data were acquired within the area currently the subject of maritime delimitation case with Kenya” [5]


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