Harrow football
Harrow football is a code of football played between two teams of eleven players, each attempting to win by scoring more bases (goals) than their opponent. Harrow Football is played predominantly with the feet, but players may use any part of their body including, in certain circumstances, their hands and arms to propel the ball. The leather ball is shaped like a giant pork pie, about 18 inches in diameter and 12 inches (300 mm) deep. It tends to soak up mud and water and become extremely heavy.

Harrow football is ancestral to association football and played exclusively at Harrow School, both between teams of boys currently at the school and between boys at the school and old boys. The school now also play a small number of exhibition games against non-Harrow or Old Harrovian opposition. This includes games against Eton, Sunningdale Prep School Masters, Mossbourne Academy, Hatch End High School and The John Lyon School.