Ganja-Qazakh Economic Region
The Ganja-Qazakh Economic Region in Azerbaijan consists of Agstafa, Dashkesen, Gadabay, Goranboy, Goygol, Qazakh, Samukh, Shamkir, Tovuz administrative districts and cities such as Ganja and Naftalan. The most developed and important city of Ganja-Qazakh economic region is Ganja city. The total population is 1,265,200 as of January 1, 2017, representing about 13.6% of the country's population. In the economic region, 47 percent of the population lives in urban areas, and 53 percent live in rural areas. Population density 103 people per km2 of land area.[1]

2010 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Total area of sown agricultural crops (ha) | ||||||
Cereals and cereal legumes | 90265 | 95035 | 101972 | 94654 | 86111 | 91063 |
Including wheat | 58865 | 59986 | 63695 | 61018 | 48887 | 53738 |
Cotton | 889 | 1380 | 960 | 622 | 566 | 2354 |
Tobacco | - | - | - | - | - | 38 |
Sugar beet | 18 | 85 | 356 | 398 | 458 | 2054 |
Sunflower for seed production | 3576 | 4953 | 4893 | 6260 | 5647 | 4816 |
Potato | 31712 | 31022 | 31906 | 29828 | 29819 | 31163 |
Vegatables | 12816 | 12321 | 12150 | 11906 | 11864 | 11852 |
Viticulture | 1751 | 1039 | 1196 | 1084 | 968 | 1120 |
Fruit and berry | 14405 | 14620 | 14774 | 14927 | 15399 | 15943 |
Grape | 4071 | 4459 | 4081 | 4079 | 4263 | 4220 |
Productivity (in all categories of farming), ton | ||||||
Cereals and cereal legumes | 237706 | 297482 | 322418 | 264765 | 281760 | 277945 |
Including wheat | 149053 | 184665 | 201316 | 166801 | 154236 | 163596 |
Cotton | 1677 | 2568 | 1472 | 1093 | 419 | 4334 |
Tobacco | - | - | - | - | - | 24 |
Sugar beet | 57 | 1765 | 7803 | 11346 | 17241 | 76564 |
Sunflower for seed production | 6977 | 10264 | 9811 | 10730 | 9738 | 9752 |
Potato | 574834 | 564551 | 587014 | 453697 | 426535 | 454219 |
Vegetables | 203179 | 201757 | 204067 | 199158 | 203119 | 218435 |
Viticulture | 28020 | 16984 | 19985 | 18636 | 16973 | 20732 |
Fruit and berry | 129204 | 138403 | 140972 | 134135 | 135917 | 138830 |
Grape | 45458 | 52435 | 53704 | 55653 | 57257 | 56048 |
Productivity (in all categories of farming), centner / ha | ||||||
Cereals and cereal legumes | 26,3 | 31,3 | 31,6 | 28,1 | 32,7 | 30,3 |
Including wheat | 25,3 | 30,8 | 31,6 | 27,5 | 31,6 | 30,4 |
Cotton | 18,9 | 18,6 | 15,3 | 17,6 | 7,4 | 18,6 |
Tobacco | - | - | - | - | - | 6,8 |
Sugar beet | 32 | 211 | 224 | 301 | 396 | 417 |
Sunflower for seed production | 20,0 | 21,1 | 20,7 | 17,6 | 17,8 | 21,1 |
Potato | 181 | 182 | 184 | 152 | 143 | 146 |
Vegetables | 152 | 157 | 159 | 158 | 163 | 171 |
Viticulture | 160 | 164 | 167 | 172 | 175 | 186 |
Fruit and berry | 101,8 | 106,0 | 106,1 | 100,4 | 100,6 | 97,9 |
Grape | 103,6 | 121,2 | 120,7 | 126,9 | 129,3 | 125,5 |
Number of Livestock (in total) | ||||||
cattle | 322841 | 328581 | 330994 | 329301 | 329172 | 326581 |
including cow and buffalo | 154303 | 156913 | 158176 | 156934 | 156281 | 156412 |
Sheep and goats | 1736622 | 1740207 | 1745925 | 1741316 | 1736467 | 1714926 |
Pigs | 76 | 185 | 643 | 207 | 147 | 123 |
Birds | 2399809 | 2483108 | 2997419 | 3119063 | 2566803 | 2584876 |
Bee families | 33434 | 34316 | 35431 | 36276 | 37107 | 39000 |
Production of animal products, ton | ||||||
Meat | 22536 | 24461 | 26154 | 27564 | 28287 | 29141 |
Milk | 222702 | 248197 | 259982 | 266862 | 276848 | 293988 |
Eggs, thousand | 110680 | 113036 | 175470 | 210888 | 152913 | 123213 |
Wool | 3603 | 3725 | 3788 | 3841 | 3891 | 3446 |
The demographics of the economic region includes the demographic features of the population of the region including population growth, population density, economic status and other aspects. According to the population census data in 2017, urban population accounted for 47% and rural was 53%.[2]
2010 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Population | ||||||
Population (by the end of the year, thousand people) | 1191,7 | 1216,1 | 1227,5 | 1240,8 | 1253,4 | 1265,2 |
Natural increase | 12474 | 11932 | 12015 | 13516 | 12630 | 11521 |
Birth | 20649 | 20205 | 20366 | 21934 | 20971 | 20176 |
Death | 8175 | 8273 | 8351 | 8418 | 8341 | 8655 |
Including: | ||||||
Children under the age of 1 | 213 | 186 | 182 | 162 | 159 | 129 |
Marriages | 9732 | 9488 | 10717 | 11552 | 8754 | 8400 |
Divorces | 954 | 1281 | 1343 | 1685 | 1877 | 1815 |
Per 1000 people | ||||||
Natural increase | 10,5 | 9,9 | 9,9 | 11,0 | 10,1 | 9,1 |
Birth | 17,4 | 16,7 | 16,7 | 17,8 | 16,8 | 16,0 |
Death | 6,9 | 6,8 | 6,8 | 6,8 | 6,7 | 6,9 |
Including; | ||||||
Children under the age of 1 | 10,2 | 9,3 | 9,1 | 8,1 | 7,5 | 7,0 |
Marriages | 8,2 | 7,8 | 8,8 | 9,4 | 7,0 | 6,7 |
Divorces | 0,8 | 1,1 | 1,1 | 1,4 | 1,5 | 1,4 |
State programs
The State Program on socio-economic development of regions of Azerbaijan Republic (was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 11, 2004) covered also Ganja-Qazakh region and was aimed to ensure efficient use of internal resources, development of sectors that bearing particular importance for the economic region, further expansion of production activity of enterprises, stimulation of export-oriented production of goods, increase of employment levels through development of local entrepreneurship, expand reforms in agrarian sector and further improvements in the living standards of population of the economic region. The program covered Aghstafa, Dashkesen, Gedebey, Goranboy, Goygol, Qazakh, Samukh, Shamkir, Tovuz districts and cities of Ganja and Naftalan. “The state program for the development of tourism in the Republic of Azerbaijan between 2010 and 2014” tended to prepare recreational plans for recreational tourism resorts and sanatoriums (recreation-placement objects) in the economic region. In addition, the third state program on regional development (2014-2018) contributed to the improvement of the agriculture, tourism, housing and public utilities, transport and other sectors.[3][4][5]
- "A.Alekperov. December, 2012 Ganja-Gazakh Economic Region. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHER".
- "Gəncə - Qazax iqtisadi rayonu. Demographic indicators. Agriculture".
- "Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approving "State Program on socio-economic development of regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2018 years. Ganja-Qazakh economic region".