Gangu (ruler)

Gangu or Gangadhar Shastri Wabale was a Brahmin ruler of the Deccan. Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman Shah, the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate, was a servant and general in his service.


Gangu was a Brahmin ruler of the Deccan.There is a popular legend regarding him narrated by the 17th century poet Ferishta, which says that Hasan Gangu (Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah) was a servant of a brahmin ruler named Gangu (hence the name Hasan Gangu), who educated Hasan in Hinduism and made him a general in his army.[1][2][3] Historians have not found any corroboration for the legend.[4][5][6]


  1. Bhattacharya, Sachchidananada. A Dictionary of Indian History (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1972) p. 100
  2. Cathal J. Nolan (2006). The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000-1650: An Encyclopedia of Global ..., Volym 1. pp. 437.
  3. The Discovery of India, J.L.Nehru
  4. Chandra 2004, p. 177.
  5. Majumdar 1967, p. 248.
  6. Bhattacharya 1972, p. 100.
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