Evil Robot Monkey

"Evil Robot Monkey" is a science fiction short story by American writer Mary Robinette Kowal, published in 2008. It was nominated for the 2009 Hugo Award for Best Short Story.[1]

"Evil Robot Monkey"
AuthorMary Robinette Kowal
Genre(s)Science fiction
Published inThe Solaris Book of New Science Fiction: Volume 2
Publication typeBook
Publication date2008

Plot summary

The story is about Sly, a chimp who loves to shape clay on a potter's wheel and has an implant which makes him much smarter than other chimps. When a group of school kids make Sly act out in anger, the sympathetic human Vern is asked to take away Sly's clay.

The original title was "Hairy Potter and the Evil Robot Monkey", but the editor requested that she change it, as the idea was to create a real story for the joke title.[2]


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