De Keetmolen, Ede

De Keetmolen (The Shack Mill) is a windmill in Ede, Netherlands. According to the inscription under the sails and the sign at the entrance, the mill was built in 1750. This is incorrect; according to municipal records, the building permit issued in 1856 stated that the mill should be built within two years. The mill was opened in 1858.[1]

Exterior of the mill, with the "shack" to the right. July 1994.

The current name of the mill comes from a shack that stood alongside the mill from 1845 to 1878, used in the construction of the Arnhem-Utrecht-Barneveld railway to Ede. The shack later served as a temporary station building.

The mill as it existed in 1977.

The windmill is listed as a protected structure under rijksmonument number 14468.[2]


  1. "De Keetmolen, Ede". Nederlandse Molendatabase. Retrieved April 1, 2013.
  2. "De Keetmolen, Ede". Nederlandse Molendatabase. Retrieved April 1, 2013.
This article has been translated in part from the Dutch Wikipedia equivalent.

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