David Thomas (geographer)

David S. G. Thomas is a British scientist and geographer. He was born in Buckland Hospital, Dover, Kent, UK, in 1958. He is professor of geography at the University of Oxford, and a professorial fellow of Hertford College, Oxford.


His research deals with desertification, dryland environments, climate change and other environmental phenomena. He received his D.Phil. from the University of Oxford. Between 1984 and 2004 he taught and researched at the University of Sheffield, where he rose from lecturer to senior lecturer then full professor by 1994, and was head of department. he has authored many scientific papers (over 150 by 2010). In 2011 he received the Farouk El-Baz Award from the Geological Society of America for his contributions to desert science. he has been vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society and president of the British Geomorphological Research Group (now British Society for Geomorphology. His research interests have seen significant activity in Africa, especially in the Kalahari Desert and surrounding areas.


  • Thomas, David S. G. Desertification: exploding the myth / David S. G. Thomas and Nicholas J. Middleton. Chichester; New York: Wiley, c1994. xii, 194 p.: ill., maps; 24 cm. ISBN 0-471-94815-2
  • Sustainable livelihoods in Kalahari environments: a contribution to global debates / edited by Deborah Sporton and David S.G. Thomas. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. xix, 231 p.: ill., maps; 24 cm. ISBN 0-19-823419-8 (alk. paper)
  • Arid zone geomorphology / edited by David S.G. Thomas. London: Belhaven Press; New York: Halsted Press, 1989. vi, 372 p.: ill.; 26 cm. ISBN 0-470-21341-8 (Halsted Press. 2nd edition (published by John wiley and Sons 1998. 3rd edition as 'Arid Zone Geomorphology: process, Form and Change in Drylands 2011.ISBN 978-0-470-51909-7
  • United Nations Environment Programme. World atlas of desertification / UNEP; co-ordinating editors, Nick Middleton and David Thomas. 2nd ed. London; New York: Arnold; New York: Copublished in the US, Central and South America by John Wiley, c1997. 1 atlas (x, 182 p.): ill. (some col.), maps (some col.); 37 cm. ISBN 0-340-69166-2 (UNEP), ISBN 0-470-24972-2 (Wiley)
  • The Kalahari Environment David S.G. Thomas and Paul A. Shaw Cambridge University Press, 1991. xiii, 275 p.: ill., maps. ISBN 0-521-37080-9
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