Cui Weiping

Cui Weiping (崔卫平) is a Beijing Film Academy professor and social critic. She was born in Jiangsu province. She is a famous scholar, professional translator and cultural critic.

On March 11, 2009 Michael Wines of The New York Times mentioned professor Cui Weiping as saying: "Its underlying tone is: I know you do not allow me to say certain things. See, I am completely cooperative, right?... I am singing a cute children’s song — I am a grass-mud horse! Even though it is heard by the entire world, you can’t say I’ve broken the law."

Ms. Cui compared the Anti-smut campaign to China's 1983 Anti-spiritual pollution campaign, another crusade against pornography whose broader (and hidden) aim was to crush Western-influenced critics of the ruling party.[1]

On Grass mud horse

Cui Weiping wrote:

As for Grass Mud Horse, I applaud the one who invented such a pun. Its underlining tone is: I know you do not allow me to say certain things. See, I am completely cooperative, right? Of course I think it inappropriate to utter these obscene words. I need not to demean myself below some level because of you. Even if you force me to say those words, I won’t comply. I want to keep my decency and dignity. Even if you retreat to a barbarian level, I am not going to.[2]


  1. WINES, MICHAEL (March 11, 2009). "A Dirty Pun Tweaks China's Online Censors". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-03-12.
  2. "Cui Weiping (崔卫平): I Am a Grass-Mud Horse". China Digital Times. Retrieved 2009-03-13.

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