Christopher Barner-Kowollik

Christopher Barner-Kowollik FAA, FRSC, FRACI (born 1973) is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellow,[1] the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice-President of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and professor within the School of Chemistry and Physics at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journal Polymer Chemistry,[2] a principal investigator within the Soft Matter Materials Laboratory at QUT[3] and associate research group leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).[4]

Education and career

After his undergraduate studies of chemistry at the Universities of Constance and Goettingen (Germany), Christopher Barner-Kowollik received a PhD in Physical Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Goettingen in 1999. Following postdoctoral research with Prof. Tom Davis at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, he held academic positions at the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD) and was appointed Full Professor of Polymer Chemistry in 2006 at the same institution. In 2008 he moved back to Germany, where he became the chair for Macromolecular Chemistry at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). At the KIT he was the founding director of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1176 'Molecular Structuring of Soft Matter' established by the German Research Council (DFG).[5] While he relocated in 2017 to the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where he was awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship and appointed Director of QUT's Soft Matter Materials Laboratory, Christopher Barner-Kowollik continues to be an associate group leader at the KIT's Institute of Nanotechnology and the Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Chemical Technology, after heading a full research group at the KIT until 2020.[6] In December 2019, Christopher Barner-Kowollik was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice-President of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).[7]


Initially the research of Christopher Barner-Kowollik was situated in the field of polymer chemistry and polymer reaction kinetics.[8] His research has expanded towards the fusion of polymer chemistry with organic and photochemistry. Ongoing research includes the photochemical synthesis of highly defined macromolecular architectures,[9][10] the development of 2D[11] and 3D photolithographic processes[12][13] as well as their applications in biosystems including single cell scaffolds.[14] Barner-Kowollik has published over 640 peer-reviewed research papers which have been cited over 31,000 times.[15]

Awards and recognition

  • 2020 United Kingdom Macro Group Medal for outstanding achievements in polymer science
  • 2019 QUT Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Award for Leadership Excellence[16]
  • 2019 Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science[17]
  • 2017 Australian Laureate Fellowship, Australian Research Council (ARC)[1]
  • 2016 Erwin Schrödinger Award of the Helmholtz Association in recognition of the body of work on “3D Laser Printing of Functionalized Microstructures”, jointly with M. Wegener and M. Bastmeyer[18]
  • 2012 Erskine Fellowship (University of Canterbury), Christchurch, New Zealand, Distinguished Fellow
  • 2012 International Biannual Belgian Polymer Award for outstanding contributions to polymer science and numerous interactions with Belgian polymer groups[19]
  • 2008 Citation of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (Polymer Division) for outstanding achievements in controlled polymer synthesis and service to the Australian polymer community
  • 2007 UNSW Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Award[20]
  • 2007 COSMOS Bright Sparks Award[21]
  • 2007 - 2011 Australian Professorial Fellowship, Australian Research Council (ARC)[22]
  • 2006 Finalist of the Australian Museum Eureka UNSW Prize for Scientific Research: Macromolecular Engineering: Designing the Nano-Materials of the Future[20]
  • 2006 Finalist of the Australian Museum Eureka Prize People's Choice Award: Macromolecular Engineering: Designing the Nano-Materials of the Future[20]
  • 2005 Edgeworth David Medal for outstanding contributions to science in Australia awarded by the Royal Society of New South Wales
  • 2004 Rennie Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute for outstanding contributions to chemistry in Australia
  • 2002 UNSW John Yu Fellowship to the Royal Technical Institute in Stockholm, Sweden
  • 1998 Copolymerization Prize for outstanding contributions to copolymerization reaction kinetics, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Department of Macromolecular and Technical Chemistry, University of Göttingen

Elected Fellowships


  1. ARC (2017-06-05). "2017 Laureate Profile: Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik". Retrieved 2018-06-29.
  2. Chemistry, Royal Society of (2016-02-23). "Polymer Chemistry editorial board members". Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  3. Christopher, Barner-Kowollik. "QUT | Staff Profiles | Christopher Barner-Kowollik". Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  4. Dingenouts, Nico (2017-12-16). "KIT - ITCP - Abteilung Polymerchemie". (in German). Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  5. Barner, Leonie (2018-06-25). "KIT - SFB 1176 - Startpage". Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  6. Christopher, Barner-Kowollik. "QUT | Staff Profiles | Christopher Barner-Kowollik". Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  7. Technology (QUT), Queensland University of. "QUT appoints new DVCs for research and education". QUT. Retrieved 2019-12-18.
  8. Kowollik, Christopher. (1999). Free radical bulk copolymerization kinetics of acrylate and methacrylate monomers studied by pulsed laser techniques. Göttingen: Cuvillier. ISBN 3-89712-705-9. OCLC 45539621.
  9. Frisch, Hendrik; Menzel, Jan P.; Blößer, Fabian R.; Marschner, David; Mundsinger, Kai; Barner-Kowollik, Christopher (2018-07-02). "Photochemistry in Confined Environments for Single Chain Nanoparticle Design". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140 (30): 9551–9557. doi:10.1021/jacs.8b04531. ISSN 0002-7863. PMID 29965750.
  10. Hiltebrandt, Kai; Pauloehrl, Thomas; Blinco, James P.; Linkert, Katharina; Börner, Hans G.; Barner-Kowollik, Christopher (2015-01-23). "λ-Orthogonal Pericyclic Macromolecular Photoligation". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 54 (9): 2838–2843. doi:10.1002/anie.201410789. ISSN 1433-7851. PMID 25620295.
  11. Mueller, Patrick; Zieger, Markus M.; Richter, Benjamin; Quick, Alexander S.; Fischer, Joachim; Mueller, Jonathan B.; Zhou, Lu; Nienhaus, Gerd Ulrich; Bastmeyer, Martin (2017-06-08). "Molecular Switch for Sub-Diffraction Laser Lithography by Photoenol Intermediate-State Cis–Trans Isomerization". ACS Nano. 11 (6): 6396–6403. doi:10.1021/acsnano.7b02820. ISSN 1936-0851. PMID 28582617.
  12. Zieger, Markus M.; Mueller, Patrick; Quick, Alexander S.; Wegener, Martin; Barner-Kowollik, Christopher (2017-04-13). "Cleaving Direct-Laser-Written Microstructures on Demand". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56 (20): 5625–5629. doi:10.1002/anie.201701593. ISSN 1433-7851. PMID 28407401.
  13. Barner-Kowollik, Christopher; Bastmeyer, Martin; Blasco, Eva; Delaittre, Guillaume; Müller, Patrick; Richter, Benjamin; Wegener, Martin (2017-11-15). "3D Laser Micro- and Nanoprinting: Challenges for Chemistry". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56 (50): 15828–15845. doi:10.1002/anie.201704695. ISSN 1433-7851. PMID 28580704.
  14. Richter, Benjamin; Hahn, Vincent; Bertels, Sarah; Claus, Tanja K.; Wegener, Martin; Delaittre, Guillaume; Barner‐Kowollik, Christopher; Bastmeyer, Martin (2017). "Guiding Cell Attachment in 3D Microscaffolds Selectively Functionalized with Two Distinct Adhesion Proteins". Advanced Materials. 29 (5): 1604342. doi:10.1002/adma.201604342. ISSN 1521-4095. PMID 27882610.
  15. "Christopher Barner-Kowollik - Google Scholar Citations". Retrieved 2019-12-18.
  16. Technology (QUT), Queensland University of. "Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence". QUT. Retrieved 2019-12-18.
  17. "Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik | Australian Academy of Science". Retrieved 2019-05-27.
  18. (SEK), Scheuerle, Simon (2017-05-23). "KIT - PI 2016". Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  19. "International Biannual Belgian Polymer Group Award: C. Barner-Kowollik / Election to the Bavarian Academy of Science and Humanities: H.-U. Reissig / Civic Medal First Class and Honorary Doctorate: G. Bringmann". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 (43): 10700. 2012-10-04. doi:10.1002/anie.201207367. ISSN 1433-7851.
  20. "Awards to CAMD Researchers | Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD)". Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  21. Anonymous (2007-10-02). "UNSW's Bright Sparks". UNSW Newsroom. Retrieved 2018-07-01.
  22. "Funded Research | Archive of the Australian Research Council website". Archived from the original on 2018-07-05. Retrieved 2018-07-02.
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