California Color Guard Circuit

The California Color Guard Circuit (CCGC) is one of the many winter guard circuits that are part of Winter Guard International (WGI). Established in 1964, the CCGC was started by six (6) charter members: Sacramento Capitolaires, Stockton Police Cadets, Raleys Raiders, Richmond Hawks, Praetorians, and the Rhythmettes. CCGC membership represents many scholastic programs and independent programs throughout Northern California and Nevada. In 2016, the circuit had just over sixty guard units and around sixteen percussion units. Evaluations are typically held in January; guard units are evaluated in the beginning of January, whereas percussion groups are evaluated towards the end of January. The typical season goes from January to the end of March or beginning of April. Shows are generally held in the San Francisco Bay area and the Sacramento area, though the circuit is based out of Santa Clara County. Each year CCGC holds its own championships and sends many groups to the world championships at WGI. CCGC is the proud home of many WGI medalists including:

This long list shows that CCGC is, indeed, the Circuit of Champions.

2016 CCGC Color Guard Members

Middle School Class Scholastic National "A" Independent "A"
Britton Middle American Canyon Blue Devils
Carquinez Arroyo In Motion
Dartmouth Dublin Oak Grove Too
Fallon Fremont
IVC Homestead A Scholastic Open
Junction IVC Fairfield
Valley Christian B Live Oak Homestead Open
Wells Mountain View Independence
San Benito Logan Open
Scholastic Regional "A" Santa Teresa Oak Grove
Amador Valley B South San Francisco
Clayton Valley Independent Open
Del Mar Scholastic National "AA" Dynasty
Ida Price Amador Valley A Spreckels
Los Altos Armijo
Rancho Cotate Braham Scholastic World
Santa Clara California Logan
Templeton Granada
Valley Christian A Granite Bay Independent World
Westmont Jesse Bethel Infinitus
Wilcox Laguna Creek
Scholastic Regional "AA" Los Gatos
Arroyo Lynbrook
Cesar Chavez Saratoga
John Swett
West Campus

Past Class Champions - Color Guard

2015 - March 28, 2015

  • Scholastic Regional Middle School - Ida Price Middle School (74.38)
  • Scholastic Regional "A" - Gonzales High School (81.15)
  • Independent Regional "A" - Irvington (61.77)
  • Scholastic "A" - Independence High School (79.78)
  • Scholastic "AA" - Amador Valley High School A (84.48)
  • Independent "A" - In Motion (80.72)
  • Scholastic Open - Oak Grove (82.30)
  • Independent Open - Dynasty (65.70)
  • Scholastic World - James Logan High School World (90.60)
  • Independent World - Infinitus (72.10)

WGI Gold Medalists from CCGC

  • James Logan High School (1998*tie, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010)
  • San Jose Raiders (1990*tie, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2003)
  • Blue Devils (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)
  • Johansen High School Percussion (1998 Scholastic A)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1988 scholastic "A")
  • Santa Clara Vanguard 2009, 2011

2014 Executive Board

  • President- Lee Carpenter
  • Contest Coordinator- Dee Ariza
  • Treasurer- Sandy Montana
  • Secretary- Mona Schlieper
  • Parliamentarian- Sharon Gordon

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