Borbala Biro
Borbala Biro married as Borbala Biro Pacsutan (born 13. February 1957 in Debrecen) is a Hungarian biologist and agricultural scientist with a doctorate and habilitation from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and a university lecturer in biological sciences at the Szent-István-University in Gödöllö. In the framework of numerous research programmes on scientific farming she is involved in the Biofector Projekt with the University of Hohenheim.[1][2][3][4]
Life and work
Biro was educated at primary school in Szabolcs Szatmar (Komitat Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg) from 1964–1972 and then at high school from 1972 to 1975, followed by studies at the vocational college in Kisvárda. From 1975 to 1980 she studied at the Natural Science Faculty of the University of Kossuth Lajos, finishing with a qualification in biology, specialising in terrestrial ecology (M.Sc, Debrecen; MSc. 221/1980). She then obtain a Dr. phil. in1983, a further qualification (C. Sc.) in biological science in 1989 and a PhD C.Sc. in 1997. Gödöllő University, habilitation with Venia Legendi for Plant Cultivation and Horticulture at the West Hungarian University in Mosonmagyaróvár (gem. Nr. 49/2003), followed by a Doctorate of the Hungarian Academy of Science (D.Sc.) - Budapest 2006.[5][6][7]
Borbala Biro is married to János Pacsuta and they have three children.
She made study trips to
- Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Research (Erevan);
- Tropical Research Institute (INIFAT, Havana, Cuba);
- Leuwen University (Hewerlee, Belgium);
- Agricultural Research Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia);
- Agricultural Research Station (Rothamsted, Great Britain);
- Wye College of the University of London (Postdoctoral Fellow, Royal Society, Great Britain);
- Institute of Oil Science of the University of Uppsala;
- Institute of Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, University of Genoa;
- CSIC Zaidini Experimental Station, Granada, Spain; several times up until 2005.
- Institute of Soil Microbiology of Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
- Institute of Microbial Interaction Research on Plants, Saratow, Russia
Scientific Publications (Selection)
- Fungicidal und antibiotic sensibility of Coronilla Rhizobium strains (OTDK 14. Prize); (1976)
- Xenobiotic susceptibility and antagonistic properties of potato rhizosphere bacteria (Dean's Award-KLTE, Debrecen) (1980).
- Pesticide susceptibility of Coronilla Rhizobium- and Pseudomonas rhizobacterium-Strains (KLTE, TTK, Debrecen, 1980).
- Assessment of the interaction between Coronilla Rhizobium and Pseudomonas Rhizobacteria (MTA TMB-Budapest, GATE-Gödöllő, 1988)
- Microbiological Tools for the preservation, indication and regeneration of the ecological status in the plant-soil system - Rhizobiology, Rhizoecology, Rhizotechnology (MTA, Budapest, 2006)
- COST-Aktion 8.21 – the role of AM-fungi in sustainable agriculture – member of the administrative board (M.C.)
- COST 8.30 Uhr – Microbial inocula in agriculture and environment - M.C. member
- COST 838- Management of AM-fungi for the improvement of soil quality and plant health in agriculture - M.C. Mitglied
- Member of the BIOFECTOR Project of the University of Hohenheim, supported by the EuropeanUnion
Memberships (selection)
- MOTESZ, Member of the Hungarian Society of Microbiology
- Hungarian Agricultural Society (MAE), Soil Science Society,
- Department of Biological Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Science, General Committee on Microbiology,
- Scientific advisor of the Komitats Szabolcs MTA Szatmár Bereg,
- Supporting member of the Oecumenical Advisory Committee of Hungarian Professors; member of the General Microbiology Working Committee of HAS; a member of the Symbiosis Society,
- Founding Member of the Szabolcs Szatmár Bereg County Friendship Society under the patronage of the MPV; chairman of the Soil Science Section of the MAE Soil Science Society
- Founding Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU); member of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB); member of the Hungarian Mycological Society
- Member of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and -chemistry (SETAC); Member of COST 859 - Phytotechnologies for Safe Food Production - MC
- Member of the Hungarian Plant Physiology Society, Acta Agronom. Scandinavica B: Plant und Soil, Eds. Biz. Member
Honours (selection)
- 1980: XV. OTDK - KLÉTE DÉKÁNY JONAL, Debrecen
- 1982: "GREAT EMPLOYEE" – Competition movement of the Socialist Business Brigade, Kisvárda
- 1987: MTA TMB - Award für "Outstanding Aspirant Work".
Publikationen (selection)
- Publications lists:[8][9]
- Major Journals:
- Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Acta Óváriensis, publication of Dunaújváros College, Ceral Research Communication,
- Applied Soil Ecology, Microbial Ecology, International J. Waste Management, Acta Agronomica Scandinavica, Sektion B: Plants and Soil, Environment, Environmental Pollution, Toxicology, Chemistry.
External links
- "P 05 CUB". Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Borbála Biró - ODT Personal data sheet". Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Borbala Biro | Szent István University -". Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Prof. Dr. Bíró Borbála | Nyírkarász Önkormányzatának weboldala" (in Hungarian). Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Borbala Biró | Prof. Dr. (DSc., HAS) | Szent István University, Godollo, Gödöllő | szie | Department of Soil Science and Water Management". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- A talajélet javítása - prof. dr. Bíró Borbála (SZIE), youtube, retrieved 2019-08-18
- "Dr. Biró Borbála". Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Borbála Biró - ODT Personal data sheet". Retrieved 2019-08-18.
- "Borbála Biró - Google Scholar Citations". Retrieved 2019-08-18.