Āgenskalns Market

Agenskalns Market is the oldest and most traditional marketplace in west coast of Riga. Agenskalns Market’s building is one of 20th century rational art nouveau example. To keep the market safe and to make reconstruction, it was closed in 2016 April 1 by Riga Centra Market.[1]

Āgensklns Market in September 2015

Āgenskalns Market
LocationRiga, Latvia
AddressNometņu iela 64, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1002
ArchitectReinhold Schmaeling
Goods soldGroceries, arts and crafts
Days normally openMonday-Thursday: 09:00-17:00

Friday: 08:00-19:00

Saturday/Sunday: 09:00-17:00

Since 2018 January 1 the rights to manage Agenskalns Market for next 30 years belong to brothers Martins and Karlis Dambergi.[2] The reconstruction of the building should be finished by 2021 November 30.

Since 2018 August 3 the outside territory of marketplace is open[3] for sale persons and customers.

Now Agenskalns Market[4] is not only a place where to sell and buy groceries and handmade crafts, but it is also a place where to enjoy cultural events, concerts and shows. Agenskalns Market is located in Riga, Nometņu street 64.

Now Agenskalns Market has turned also in a place where to enjoy music and other entertainment at night time. There are events happening with DJ's and restaurants at night time.[5]

Āgenskalns Market in 2015


The market was opened in 1898th. In that time it was very simple, there were no shelter for people or for the goods when the weather was bad or it was markets closing time. That’s why in 1914th the construction of the building started.

The designer of the building is Reinhold Schmaeling.[6] The construction started in 1911th but it was stopped when building was just half-completed in 1914th because of WWI. It was completely finished in 1923[7] when its front entrance was re-designed by A.Grinberg.

The main building[8] consists of 219 spaces for sellers on the outside and 2 pavilions: vegetable ( 116 spaces for sellers) and milk and meat ( 108 spaces for sellers).


  1. "Riga Central Market". rtc.lv. Rīgas centrāltirgus. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  2. "Tiesības saimniekot Āgenskalna tirgū iegūst Kalnciema kvartāla īpašnieki". www.diena.lv. 18 May 2018. Retrieved 2019-05-03.
  3. Gabre, Antra (6 August 2018). "Tirgus transformācija. Āgenskalnā tirgojas pa jaunam". nra.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2019-05-03.
  4. "Pārdaugavas radošā centra pasākumu kalendārs". Pārdaugavas radošais centrs (in Latvian). May 2019. Retrieved 2019-05-03.
  5. Kristapsons, Karlis (June 5, 2019). "Agenskalns market night life".
  6. Krastiņš, Jānis (2002). The Masters of Architecture of Riga. Riga,Latvia: Jumava. p. 104.
  7. Jērāns, Pēteris (1988). Encyclopedia Riga. Riga Latvia: Main Encyclopedia Editorial Office. pp. 146–147.
  8. Belkons, Valērijs (2002). Latvijas Enciklopēdija. Riga Latvia: Valērija Belkoņa izdevniecība. p. 57.
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